• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 11,422 Views, 167 Comments

...And Borrowing Dulls The Edge Of Husbandry - Softy8088

Applejack needs money. Twilight Sparkle has money. Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie.

  • ...


Dear Princess Celestia,

Ponies sure are complicated! Two friends can be very different – and I’m not just talking about their manes or coats! When two ponies see the world in completely different ways, it can put a real strain on their friendship.

And sometimes, what seems like the obvious solution to satisfy them both just plain doesn’t work, because it turns out that the way you see the world is even more different than either of theirs. Today I learned that resolving differences between friends can be very hard, especially when your attempt to help only makes things worse – whether it’s a badly-timed piano number, or an accidental case of profit-mongering. But as long as your heart is in the right place, and you’re willing to do what it takes, your friends will always forgive you and each other.

That’s why I’m happy to tell you the good news that Twilight, Applejack, and I are still Pony Friends Forever, and that I’m pledging to donate ฿48,000 over the next five years to the Equestrian Farmland Trust. The EFT is a super-terrific organization, which helps all kinds of farmers (rock and apple!) to protect their farmlands. They also offer easy, dirt-cheap loans (Get it? Because farms have dirt!) to farmers who are struggling with their businesses. Did you know about that last part? I sure didn’t, and neither did Twilight or Applejack! Pretty embarrassing, huh?

The world would be a very boring place if everypony were exactly the same, and it’s our differences that make us special. But when those differences threaten to tear a friendship apart, you need to take a step back, talk things over, have some cake, and the answer will always come.

Respectfully yours,
Pinkie Pie

P. S. Since my friends and I report to you about our lessons in friendship, that makes us all your students, right? Please pass on my banking information on the next page to the Royal Treasury. I think they might not have it, since I haven’t been receiving my stipend.

Author's Note:

Because happy endings are best endings. :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 51 )
Emtu #1 · May 25th, 2014 · · ·

Ahahaha, that PS.

Oh, you. :pinkiehappy:

Best P. S. ever.

I think that covering the post-story with an epilogue works out better than going into the screw-up from Pinkie's accidental profit-mongering in lengthy detail would have. You've already covered and well established everything that the story needed, and carrying it on from there would have felt like an artificial extension. But this makes an excellent closing note.

This was a great story.

This is really good. Both this and the main story. Even though Twilight is Celestia's Student being a member of the Elements of Harmony should have some perks (I mean being pulled into doing stuff for others is interesting and all but the collateral damage needs to be payed somehow not to mention you have to make a living somehow and what days you don't work you don't make money to survive with). That was just something that came to mind anyway I will be looking out for any other stories you make.

I'm a sucker for a Shakespeare reference.

Pinkie is a ridiculously clever pony.:pinkiehappy:

...and I'm willing to bet she gets some kind of compensation anyway because damn, where the hell else does she get fully-accurate disguises to look like her friends (poor Fluttershy) and all that nifty spy gear? Unless she's also ridiculously smart and made them all herself, which I could see.

(Don't mind me, just rambling here.)

Oh hey, I didn't read the analogue. Good solution there, Pinkie. And smooth moves on that stipend request.

Oh my god, this was the best Pinkie story ever. I admit I didn't quite see her plan coming (It's Pinkie, c'mon) because of that clever bit of misdirection with her family being pretty rich, (a canon which I can and do accept right off the bat for reasons which will become clear shortly) I figured Pinkie would get a corresponding loan from her parents rather than, well, becoming the perfect middlepony. See, I may have seen a startlingly similar scenario before. :pinkiehappy:

Seriously though, that was flawless, downright elegant Pinkie-logic. Naievely satisfying both her friends desires to have an honorable business arrangement and to help a friend in need without creating a financial obligation. Of course it was incredibly transparent and had the little side effect of making herself 45k richer in five years, but why not, right? Surely a suitable payment for deftly solving a prickly friendship problem! :facehoof:

… huh, well.

Thanks to this epilogue, this story is favorited, now.

That... was... Fantastic!

I think it was better without the epilogue, honestly.

But the end of the letter was amusing.

I'm not sure she even realized that she would profit from it.

4444052 4448873
And above, we see that it is empirically impossible to please everyone. :derpytongue2:

4452229 4448873
We are nevertheless happy to be your experimental group.

4439717 Thank you for that intriguing lesson delving into the magic of loans:heart::pinkiehappy:

Of course, the interest would come out to less than two bits a day even in the worst scenario, and probably closer to one on average, so it's hardly excessive - and Pinkie could probably find some worthy cause to donate it to, even if it wasn't used for EFT administrative costs. :)

Huh, just noticed the ฿ sign, clever :moustache:

Oh CELESTIADAMMIT you skipped over the interesting part.:facehoof: A quick letter like this is probably the best way to wrap things up, but some of us would have liked to see just how things unraveled.... But maybe that's just my taste.

And this is how Pinkie Pie began the financial conquest of Equestria...:pinkiecrazy:

This story is very nearly PPP (Pinkie Pie Perfect)! Upvoted and faved!

Bravo! Wonderful story. And kudos to the title name (very nice play on words) :twilightsmile: And thank you for proving once again that, beneath her bubbly exterior, Pinkie Pie is a mad wonderful genius.


In the first section I thought Pinkie was a tiny bit too much up until and including the part with the tutu, but the rest of that was just fine.

There's nothing wrong with any of the things she does but it was just a bit too much for the span of time for my taste. It isn't too crazy for canon Pinkie in some episodes but one can only handle so much Pinkie Pie before it becomes too much.

I think Pinkie was fine all the way through the section in Applejack's field. The party thing didn't work for me though, but I can't really figure out why, it was just off somehow.

Writing Pinkie is damn hard. I can never tell when it's too much randomness or not enough. Pinkie can be serious when she wants to be, but it's hard to not rely on that as a crutch sometimes, making her too "normal".

Oh, and sproing (sproinging/sproinged) is so a word. :derpytongue2:

Friendship is Money.... Good Fic

This was hilarius and very well writen thanks for sharin


... that P.S. on the letter...

:rainbowlaugh:Oh, Pinkie, never change...

Until the ending, I just kept thinking that 1.25% was way too low for her family to accept. Granted, I have no idea what their time value of money or Equestria's rate of inflation/deflation might be, but the story made it sound like a ludicrously good deal

That second part was amazing, by the way :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, I wrote a review for this story. Check it out here in case you are interested.

This was rather cute -- I think you succeeded in your attempt to give this a Season Two-type feel. Pinkie particularly was really enjoyable throughout. A little thesaurus abuse here and there ("crepitation") and some mild Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, but I rather liked it. :twilightsmile:

This is this month's Feature Story for Rated 'E' for Everyone

Wasn't the original ending already a happy one?

I reviewed this story!

My review can be found here.

Great voicing, especially Pinkie's. You managed to be funny without going overboard.
The premise was pretty good, too, but I don't like the ending - with or without epilogue. Both AJ and Twi were against lying about the nature of the loan/gift, and then Pinkie goes ahead and does it for them. Me no gusta.

Still a good story, though. :twilightsmile:

6500928 pinkie wasn't lying though? She accepted a gift, and offered a loan. She may have strongly implied the loan was from her parents, but technically correct to say she wasn't lying. P. brilliant if you ask me.

Oh...........they found out..................well, at least it worked out in the end. I don't think I wanna see what happened on-screen. Good story by the way.

She asks for 48k when the loan is only 45k.....:pinkiehappy:

I read this 3 years ago and only now just realised that I never added it to my faves.
I apologise for this most heinous crime and have since rectified it.

Oh that's good!

4th Re-read. This is a fun little fic ^_^.

No she's giving that money to charity. Since 48k would be what she owes + interest added from the 1.25 APR on the loan.

Sweet, silly, and all kinds of good!

This held up incredibly well to a modern re-read. It's gets all characters down so wonderfully, with such abundant early-show charm it could easily stand as an episode. Easily one of my top faves.

This made me feel really nostalgic for the early episodes of the show.
What I enjoyed the most was how you handled AJ, Pinkie and Twilight. It feels like you got them just right. It's so easy to fall into bad clichés with these three, even the official writers seemed to be able to avoid it more often than not as the show went on.
A shame this story isn't mentioned more often these days, I stumbled across it in an old EQD post and I'm really glad something compelled me to read it.

We doing necroposting? Sign me up. More specifically - under every word you said.

In particular I found Pank to be the character so very few people can get right, show writers included. She often ends up being a comic relief, over the top zanny chaos god, or just a screaming weirdo.

Softy, you got Ponk just right - a character, not a gag. Characterisation of others is on point, as well, but those seem to be done well a lot more commonly. Good show, and good read, still holding up all these years later.

Pony and economy, is there a better combination?

If ponies are all the same and smart, then somehow they would be able to overcome boredom

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