Last night, Twilight went to a party.
Today she woke up.
Now she wants to kill Pinkie.
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Oh my precious scales a bunny?
Could use a continuation. It felt rather incomplete by itself.
It was just meant to be a silly bit of fluff, that's all.
6265790 I upvoted in any case. Looking forward to seeing more from you.
This is so true. Which is why I only get plastered once in a great while. Saves me from going through the literal Tartarus every morning.
Also, this was a great fic. <3
How is this rated E? Hangovers are a teen and higher subject in my mind.
Funny stuff though.
Well, that happened.
It seems Spike "Hopped" right into that one!
oh come on, that wasn't very bunny.
i carrot (Care not) for your petty puns.
Twilight must immediately put up a mage shield. Lest she be turned into a rabbit. Every pony knows how spike feels about her.
After all you’re no bunny till some bunny loves you.
6265790 Spike's definitely a little bit of fluff now.
I see what you did there.
I was considering summoning the great spirit Koh'diin, but I thought that might be a bit too strong.
6267547 for that my good sir, a following for you!
I was enormously relieved to discover that this was not, as I half feared, some atrocious "friends with benefits" fic. Take a thumb for an amusing story about accidental excess and the folly therein! (Also, Spike bunny.)
Twilight had some hair of the dog that bit her and spike just ended up a hare.
*Snrk* Poor Spike...
Nope...can't hold it...
Yeah. Besides, that spell can get addicting when you cast it too often.
here comes spike the dragon
hopping down the library trail
What was that?
Doesn't need a continuation, it's complete enough.
A good one-shot!
Painkillers are magic. God, I wish that actually worked.
Note the spelling error that has been made bright green, bold, large, italicized, and underlined.
But that didn't interfere with my enjoyment of this story. Was short and enjoyable, which is all I can ask out of fanfiction. Add on that it was legitimately funny and well written and you get a "8/8 real g8, m8."
Well, i figure if it's going to be a pain-relief spell, it makes sense that the top three would be part of it...
It certainly does, and I got a good laugh out of it, too. I really enjoy it when people do that kind of pun, for some reason.
(That the middle one sounds a lot like ass-preen certainly didn't hurt, either. Yes, I'm immature.)
Well! I won't pretend like I understood everything that happened, but hey, it was a funny read!
I enjoyed this story, but it was a bit scatterbrained, jumping from point to point instead of flowing. 7/10
Nice and silly, and it's a refreshing change to check out a fic where things never get too dramatic despite threatening too, but... Well, a Random tag wouldn't have been out of place here.
That ending!
You think it needs that tag, too? Okay, then. Adding...
I can't even explain how awesome this is!
I'm kind of shocked it's so popular. It's my first story, and it's not as though it has a complex plot or anything.
Well, I think it's great! I like how much description you used, and how realistic it sounded. Great work!
6268303 It is so true.
6268303 it took your comment to make me get that
I bet Spike is hopping mad
I really enjoyed this silly, random little slice of life... Nicely done!
It's a cute slice of life with relatable aspects (if you're of legal drinking age, of course).
Also, bunny Spike.
“Ti’leenaal azzprien I’byooprofin…” REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY shouldn't mix those last two together...
Actually, violence is the question. The answer is yes.
6269489 why?
6269557 if I am correct it may not be good..
(Best explanation ever!)
Maybe to powerful or something?
But sometimes the doctor says to take both of them.
So I don't know.
(Edit) Or maybe that was ibuprofen and paracetamol
Let's all ignore me!
6268850 it's also obvious that in spite of the story being silly and not taking itself seriously, you put some effort into the writing of it. And that makes a big difference
Well, I had been working on it for a while, so you're not wrong here.
6269557 Mixing aspirin and ibuprofen significantly increases the risk of stomach ulcers and internal bleeding.
This story, while possessing a nice voice and well-written in and of itself, fails to really be a... Story. It feels like a missing filler chapter from a longer story, this chapter being a silly side-plot.
For one, Twilight's morning itself wasn't really a story. It felt like it needed a lot more. Perhaps trying to get through the day with a hangover? Perhaps somepony else tried to spike the punch and they try to find the perpetrator? Maybe Pinkie has disappeared to avoid Twilight's rage (or passed out in a weird place) and Twi has to go on a wild goose chase to find her? It just had no direction, I guess. Maybe someone else can better articulate my thoughts in this manner.
Secondly, Spike's part was random, had no relevance to the story and was completely cut off right in the middle of it. I read the last line and was like "...wait, that's it? The author introduces a whole new conflict and just... Stops on a completely random action?"
While I appreciate the clean writing style (though you seem to bold things randomly from time to time), your plot needs work- dare I say, it has no plot at all, in any sense of the word.
Well, that almost literally is a definition of the 'Random' tag.
Frankly, I'm surprised it took off like it did. I meant it to be nothing more than a harmless bit of fluff that might get a grin or two. I had no overarching purpose here, just a bit of fun for the sake of it. I appear to have accomplished that in spades.
Is Spikebunny going to turn into Harvey or the bunny thing from "Donnie Darko"?
6269714 the story is silly but relatable, the jokes are well played and the grammar, spelling, and punctuation are excellent. Regardless of how long you were working on it, that shows a level of care for the quality of your writing. Which is impressive to me considering that you say its your first fix. I'll be keeping my eyes open for more.
Not that you needed the boost or anything, but I added this to a few more groups.