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HIE, a Displaced story.
I dont get it. I didn't even wanna go to that stupid convention. I suck around big crowds. Didn't help, what with all the talk of people dressing up in cosplay going missing. I pick up an Escafil cube off some random table to take a look at it, and now I'm stuck in a world of vibrant pony-people?

Holy rusted metal, Batman! Featured on 4/24/15! And again on 8/5/15!...and... again? on 8/6/15?
Thank you guys so much!~

Chapters (26)

She was a unicorn on the run. Being hunted, her only option was to hide where they wouldn't think to look. Once over the border she'd hide in the most quiet, boring, unassuming town she could find in Equestria. Her information was out of date but how much could Ponyville have changed?

Once there all she'd have to do is keep her head down and not draw attention to herself. Certainly stay away from any adventure or authority figures, top of which being the Princesses. She'd shuddered to think what would happen if they found out who she really was. Still, what were the chances that she'd be dragged into an adventure or meeting any princesses while in Ponyville.

Thank you to 'Greynoise' and 'Starlight Nova' for editing and pre-reading respectively.

Having re-read the FAQ rules, now rated for Teenage-Gore.

100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

***WARNING*** Spoilers in comments

No idea who did cover art, let me know and I'll credit you.

Chapters (50)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)

I always wanted to feel like I was a powerful warrior that could use magic. But I never expected anything like this.

My Name is Nicko and for me, life sucks. I live at an orphanage with my egotistical twin brother, have a best friend who is a Reckless daredevil, and everyone who comes to adopt us always turns a blind eye on us. Maybe it's because I have autism? Maybe it's because anyone who refers to my height leads me to going off like a fireworks show on fourth of July? Honestly, I don't know.

Then came the day before our birthday. My brother suggested (since the party was going to be a costume party) that we go as something nobody else but us would recognize. He considered it as a "personal touch" since it was our 18th birthday. He heard of a new anime/comic store opening up at downtown that he wanted to go to. So, taking his suggestion, I decide to go there first.

That store was where I found a Rune Slayer costume from Elsword. My favorite character class from the game. Without even thinking twice, I bought the outfit and the sword prop. That though, was when things took a turn for the worse. After going to my room, putting it on, adjusting the pants and put the fake tattoo's on my shoulders, I end up falling asleep in my room. When I wake up, I find myself inside a warehouse filled with film props and was found by a Unicorn whose name sounds like a record label company.

Now, to sum things up, I'm in another world that has magic, mayhem, and talking ponies. A little girls dream come true for some people. But for me? I honestly don't really know what to make of it (Especially with all the corny names of the towns and cities). Not only that, but it seems like three other girls have already arrived here under similar circumstances. Something tells me that my journey through this place is going to get crazier the longer I'm here. Especially since now that a ticked off bug queen is wanting to kill me, a spirit of chaos is playing around with my head and everywhere I go, I somehow always attract something that might want to kill me, ask me questions or have the guts to call me short. I don't think all my time in Social Therapy is going to help me get through this.

Fortunately, I have the powers of a Rune Slayer now and have some idea of the powers I am capable of. That can't be too bad right?

A story I came up with based on an old fic called The Burning Crusader By ElementBrigade (Note, their will be some aged up characters and rule 63'd characters as well.)
Also a Displaced Story
Not my first time writing, but actually my first time putting up any of my written stories... Well, anywhere.

I do not own MLP or Elsword. MLP belongs to Hasbro while Elsword belongs to KOG and KOG games. Character tags will be updated over the course of the story.

Chapters (17)

Dragons. Beasts of Fire and Fury. Of course, two things obviously come to mind when you think of these creatures. First, They're completely fantasy. Second, if they were real, then you would have to end up running away from them if you don't want to become their next meal. However, that's not quite the case for me, and I have a big friend who could say the same thing.

My name is Ken. You may see me as just an ordinary guy, but I'm not quite exactly what you may consider as "normal". I'm a Scalebound and I now made a pact with Revaan, the last dragon of his kind. From he knows of course. Now, we stick together and try to survive against huge monsters, manage my new life with a few friends from other dimensions and get along with the local population in a new world that I just happened to wake up in.

Oh, and another thing. That "population" I was talking about happens to be a massive group of ponies and various other species. Some who aren't as warm or receptive to seeing us as others are. Let's just hope we don't get on there bad side.

No promises.

Oh come on, Revaan! Seriously!?

What? It isn't my fault that I'm the size of a small building. I'm just glad that I didn't squish anything... or anyone for that matter

You and me both, my friend.

Displaced story based on the concept behind the Xbox One Exclusive; Scalebound by Platinum Games. With some added elements to it. The first few chapters might be... well, hard to understand everything going on, but once you get past that, things begin to clear up. Trust me...

Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Scalebound belongs to Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya
Takes place midway through Season 5 around the time episode 14 takes place. The narrative is first person and mostly takes place from Ken's Point of View. I want to thank Gale and a couple of other authors in the Displaced community who helped me come up with this. You guys are awesome.

This story will update when I have the motivation and time to get to work on it. I want to clear my to-do list of things to work on before we get there.

Chapters (48)

[Breath of Fire III x MLP]

He was supposed to be going at a costume party, dragged away from his house by his closest friends. Being the typical anti-social teen who did not want to socialize, he came begrudgingly after he heard that the theme was supposed to be about your favorite video game character.

It was only after he bought a replica of a perfectly completed boxed set of his favorite character's Dragon Genes-- marble-like objects that hold spirits of slain dragons which the character can then use their power after finding them-- that everything went wrong.

On the night of the party, when the authentic looking diary that came along with the box opened suddenly without anyone touching it, he made the mistake of coming close to it as the pages began to rapidly turn on their own.

Now here he was, in an different land where his anti-social lifestyle was finally biting him in the rear, his body turned into that of the character that he was planning to dress up as, and no idea of how to get home. What left is there to do other than brood?

Chapters (30)

My name is Lance. I was a young student who wanted to become a Graphic artist and also create characters for video games and comic books. One thing that I did not realize though is that I would soon become one of the favorite characters I would like to draw.

I went to a small anime convention in Los Angeles dressed up as the main character from Azure Striker Gunvolt. A 14 year old Adept that had control over lightning based powers. However, everything was going just fine until I ran into a merchant that resembled Xur from Destiny that was offering me something I couldn't refuse. Like the unknowing idiot I was then, I purchased what he offered me.

Next thing I knew, I wake up in a city called Maretropolis, where I was found by my breezie friend Lumen and another pony that fills me in on where I am. Now I'm in a world filled with ponies, magic, powers, and heroes. However, if they see me as one is another story

A Displaced story that is set in the universe of the Power Ponies. Also considered as an Azure Striker Gunvolt Crossover since the main character is dressed as GV.

Credits to everything shown.
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Azure Striker Gunvolt belongs to Inti Creates

Edit: Hit popular stories list on day of release. Thanks for your support everypony!
Gore tag added for content in chapter 3, Sex tag for sexual humor in chapter 16
Featured (Mature Filter off): 9/23/2020. A first for this story! Thanks for all your support everypony!

Chapters (70)

Shortly after becoming a teenager, Scootaloo undergoes a startling transformation. Her life spirals out of control as unanswered questions about her past resurface. Her journey to self discovery will create conflicts from those she thought was close, changes that scare her. With the odds stacking against her, she's afraid of what she'll find out about herself.

Thanks to this wonderful people for their help: Manaphy , DemonBrightSpirit, Blazing Light, Lord Of Dorkness, Prak and Word Worthy.

Made by the talented The Exotic Natasha.

Chapters (7)

Huh? Oh hey! Didn't see you there! Considering my eyes cant exactly move at the moment.... Anyways! Nice to have an audience! What? You cant hear me? Thats alright, my mouth cant move anyway. So! Your probably wondering how I got here eh? Well, it involves a convention, a costume, and a very stupid decision. Got some cool gloves out of it though! Eh, ok they're not that cool, well to me anyways. Back to what I was saying...
What was I saying?
Eh, it doesnt matter! Because I can feel my prison breaking and my freedom is at hand!
Let freedom ring!!!

Chapters (12)

He sat there waiting, in the cold darkness of his mind slowly breaking, but always remembering one thing, Forgiveness, Forgiveness, that is all he wants, and maybe just maybe, things will work out for him this time.

I have had this idea in my head for a long time, but I was kind of shy to see the feedback so I never put up, UNTIL NOW!!!

Also first story so please don't hate me too much.

If anyone wants to do cover art I want a pic of what Tech would look like with the necklace, send me a PM with the link.
Feature Box 2/20/2014 Thank you Everybody
Feature Box again 6:23 5/23/2015

Chapters (7)