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Monster of the River Ván, Fame-wolf, Bringer of Hlín’s Second Sorrow, Devourer of the Allfather…

After killing Odin, Fenrir himself is slain by the Allfather's son Víðarr, his jaws torn apart and his heart impaled by the silent god's blade. Despite this, he dies content in the knowledge that he ate old One-Eye.

Death, however, is not final.

Awakening in an unfamiliar forest, Fenrir discovers that he has been reincarnated, appearing once more as a wolf pup and now living in a strange world filled with...sentient ponies? Between navigating his way through a brand new realm and reclaiming his independence, Fenrir embarks on a journey of redemption and self-discovery as he comes to terms with his dark past and confronts his greatest fear: a bright new future.

*Inspired by Norse Mythology (hence the "crossover" tag)

Cover art by Throwmeafreakingbone (aka, "Me")


Chapters (29)

After losing his last relative, Will is stuck in despair and sadness, only wishing to have a new family. And he's getting one, one that will never leave him.
His wish granted and ready for a new start, Will is purged from the sadness of his old life by accepting to lose some of his memories and is no longer human, in a strange new land with two brothers that will never leave him alone. Literally.

Death Tag for the prologue.

Chapters (10)

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods from a very long nap and has some issues. These involve some less than stable quadrupeds called ponies and one very specific one which we shall refer to as Luna.

Cover art from:

Featured basically whenever there's an update. Not sure as to why.

Chapters (38)

I may not have been the best student, but to be fair I never put in any more effort than necessary. I barely passed my classes not because I was a bad student, but I just didn't care, even when challenged to a duel I didn't even try to win. This time was the last time as I was caught in a bad mood and actually fought back for once, the loser didn't take too kindly to getting curb stomped by a low level mage who's just short of failing all his classes. You can see where that's going.

Some may recognize the cover art from Lord Despair's story, "A Wizard's Tale". I honestly just typed dark mage in google images and it was one of the first that popped up. How could I not?

Featured 10/7/20
Featured 11/14/20, not even up for a minute, damn!
Featured 12/8/21
Featured 8/9/22

Chapters (11)

A tool. That is all he is to them. They changed him, improved him, while taking what makes him human.
Just a long cycle of tests and experiments. Now, they need him for an important test. Teleportation. For better or worse, he ends up a bit farther than expected, like a lot farther. Now, he needs to learn to coexist with this bizarre world. However, those that sent him away aren't very willing to let him go...

Chapters (20)

Luna, Mistress of the Night.
Cadance, Princess of Love.
Celestia, the Lightbringer.
Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.

Of the Four Princesses, Twilight is the one that ponies know has it easy. Chosen by Celestia, hero several times over, surrounded by friends that would accompany her to the the bitter end. Being a princess was just the cherry on top, right?

Twilight doesn't see it that way.

The third story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series, following up Cadance the Unbroken and Celestia the Indomitable.

Reading the other stories is encouraged, but not required.

Featured from 2-12-2021 to 2-14-2021, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

So, you think you know Equestria just because you watch My Little Pony? Well, I can tell you, the show barely scratched the surface. The name's Shirotora, and I'm one of many humans that call Equestria home.

Of course, where most humans find themselves in the form of a pony, griffin, minotaur or some other regular race, I happen to have the form of the servants of an ancient tyrant god that were sealed away along with their master thousands of years ago.

Yeah, that didn't go over very well with Celestia.

This is the story of my adventures in this crazy world of not-so-cartoonish ponies, along side a colorful cast of friends, including a crystal pegasus from Seattle, an eight hundred year old dragon-pony, a demon blacksmith looking to get contracts with mortals, and the worlds luckiest/unluckiest mare... Oh, and the Mane 6 are in there, too.

Together, we'll figure out why the hell predators are getting more violent, and why more and more monsters are suddenly popping up everywhere.

I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with some ancient, long-banished evil coming back...

It does, doesn't it...


This is a complete reimagining of my first successful story, Chaotic Harmony. While it will share some characters and events with the original, this is going to be an entirely different experience.

To those of you who loved the original, I hope you love this just as much. To those who didn't, I hope you find this an improvement.

Also, to those who have been following Children of Chaos, that story will also be reworked a little as a sequel to this, not the original.

Note: While this is not a true AU, there will be some pretty major deviations from canon. There is no AU tag because all major plot points in canon still happened in this fic, though the details of how they played out may have changed, and most changes could be wedged into the show's canon. There's also a little bit of 'dark', but not too much.

Basically, this was made as if the show was the kid friendly version of what happened.

Chapters (57)

My name is Luke. Once upon a time, I was just a 32 year old guy on regular old Earth. That all changed one night during a blizzard with a strange light from my neighbors’ house.

Suddenly, I found myself in a world I don’t know, in a body I only know from Super Smash Brothers and bits of a movie my neighbor Leo was watching when I was helping them with a ceiling fan.

If that wasn’t enough, I also found myself taking care of a dragon lady named Ember after she went and got herself injured.

Also, why the hell does she look familiar?

This story takes place in the same universe as Symphonicdysonince's story Equestrian Eeveelution. While you don't need to have read that to be able to follow this, I would still recommend reading the first two chapters at least, as there's a lot of information in those that won't be in this. Plus, it's just a really good story.

Chapters (57)

This story is a sequel to I am Living Lava?

Rose has finally gotten permission to leave her gilded cage and travel freely around this new world, what wonders will she encounter, will she make a new friend? or will she become the threat Celestia saw her as?

Find out in her own Travel Journal!

Chapters (2)

Alien biology is a fickle thing. Humans, of course, fit under this category. Turns out some parts of them are cause for concern.

Chapters (1)