• Member Since 10th Jun, 2014


Like a phoenix, I burn and I rise

Favourites 88 stories



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Sunset Shimmer was the Spirit of Harmony, preserver of a newly magic-infused universe, unwilling object of worship, and girlfriend of the most brilliant person this side of Equestria.

Until, one day, she wasn't.

Part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Escalation


In Which Pinkie Pie Meets Her Crush's Strange Family Before Telling Her Crush She's Crushing On Her.


Let's See How Much We Can Make A Manifestation Of Laughter Squirm.

Cover art amalgamated from bases by SelenaEde and a vector by MLPRocker123. Part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy asks Twilight what happens after death. Or if there is anything that occurs before life. The answer, it turns out, is complicated.

Inspired by a rather silly miscommunication between Krickis and I one morning.

Chapters (1)

For as long as Equestria Online existed, Ashton has been involved with 'the Scene' tearing it apart. Selling 'spells' for the game to do things that most ponies in Equestria couldn't, using faint exploits in its API to erode the barrier between the game and the rest of the internet. He had no illusions about the superiority of his work--but so long as he respected CelestAI's boundaries, his spells kept working.

But then his best friend's sister got cancer.

Now there's no spell in the world that can keep him from emigrating to be with her, leaving Ashton alone. All around him, civilization's thin veneer crumbles as homes empty into Equestria. But Ashton isn't going to emigrate, not if he has any say about it.

The problem for Ashton is that humans are systems, and aren't immune to exploits either.

Part of the Optimalverse universe of stories. If you've never seen a story in this universe before, you might want to try out the original first, or at least my first. None of my previous work is required to understand this one, however.

This story was commissioned by Two Bit, who requested a more serious exploration of identity, transformation, and the fae nature of CelestAI.

As usual, particular thanks go to my editors Two Bit and Sparktail. And gratitude to Zutcha as well for the cover.

Chapters (28)

More than a thousand years ago, a small filly flipped a coin, trying to decide which princess to give a precious flower to. Because the coin came up heads, the flower went to Celestia, starting the division that ultimately led to Nightmare Moon. But... what if the coin had come up tails instead? Read on, and learn the answer, my friends...

Chapters (2)

Diamond Tiara has a difficult relationship with her mother. She gets an idea for a Hearth's Warming wish from Ruby Pinch that may help, but it's something money alone can't buy.

For material goods, bits will do nicely. For everything else, there's friendship.

Written for the 2018 Secret Santa compilation as a gift for Meridian Prime.

Chapters (1)

After more than a few missteps, Sunset Shimmer's cousin Sunrunner has arrived in Ponyville to reunite with her old friend Quiver Quill. But events are transpiring that will lead to her having quite a few meetings and reunions before her visit is over, as well as the two facing their mutual past.

Featured on 5/1/2019!

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Where No Pony Has Gone Before

The Enterprise's mission to Equestria may be complete but perhaps it's not the whole story...

(This story and the preceding 'Where No Pony Has Gone Before have been bundled together on Space Battles Forum: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/where-no-pony-has-gone-before-star-trek-tos-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic.620290/)

Chapters (13)

No one is without scars. Some are on the surface, and fade with time, but others run deep, and may never fully heal. And any number of things can cause those scars to reopen.

Sunrunner's scars run deep, thanks to the strong emotions tied to them, but she manages them well enough. She has to, given she's an officer in the Royal Guard. But when circumstances lead her towards having to face the roots of some of her deepest scars, she might just find herself on the way to healing one of her oldest and deepest ones. Along the way, however, she'll be reminded that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (4)

Omnifaria – the Nation of Love. Synonymous with progress in bio-engineering, environment-friendly technologies, and industrialized love-production.

Omnifaria represents the promise that no changeling must ever go hungry, that every nymph will be allowed to reach their full potential. It is a utopia – and the most powerful nation on the planet.

All built on the ruins of the magical land of Equestria.

A Chrysalis-timeline story, 200 years later.

...You know, ponies have actually been romanticized as of late.”

A slice of life story making light of a darker setting. Effectively a continuation of FanOfMostEverything's "A Crazed Gleam", though reading it is not strictly required.

Dark tag for the juxtaposition of telling a story about friendly changelings in a setting predicated on the end of pony civilization and occasional "dark" world building elements, yet aiming for a "happy end".

Story is also available as a text-to-speech generated audio book. Cover art (c) myself.

Chapters (5)