• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


Sunset Shimmer was the Spirit of Harmony, preserver of a newly magic-infused universe, unwilling object of worship, and girlfriend of the most brilliant person this side of Equestria.

Until, one day, she wasn't.

Part of the Oversaturated World.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 206 )

love it

Comment posted by garfan deleted Jan 16th, 2020
Comment posted by garfan deleted Jan 16th, 2020

Mkay, my starting guess is extrusion of Oversaturated Sunset into the canon-verse overlaying Canon Sunset that might have got cut off from Oversaturated Sunset and doesn't realize she's not the 'original' thing or at least not wholly.
I will continue speculation as evidence presents itself. Please note I don't actually know if the events mentioned to Sunset here are all canon as I'm not caught up on the shorts or comics.

oh, I did think of something additional to say, one shouldn't Sunset recognize the geodes cause she did visit Camp Everfree and claim them from Gloriosa

And I hope we flip over to the other side occasionally.

Given how long I’ve been reading Oversaturated stuff, this is low-key horrifying

This is a very effective comedy/drama so far, some of your best work. What a great idea, sending Oversaturated Sunset to the canon timeline. Hopefully canon Sunset didn't also end up in her place, because she'd be freaking out even worse, with potentially disastrous results.

Oh no! Not-so-Divine Bacon Horse Girl in distress! :raritydespair:

Poor Sunset; all the other changes and stresses would be enough, but kissing who you remember as your girlfriend, and finding zero connection, must be a real kick in the heart.


This likely has something to do with what Twilight and AJ were doing at the farm. Poor Sunset. At least everyone's willing to believe her this time around. I'm not gonna rant I'm not gonna rant I'm not gonna - I'm interested in seeing what you have in store for everyone :3

Sorry to tell you, Sunny, your consensus reality is arbitrarily convergent, not bifurcated quantal.

You didn't honestly think that a Pedestrian world full of people harmonically aligned with their Equestrian opposite numbers despite not sharing any conceivable common history was in any sense the result of a rationalizable process?

Harmony doesn't play dice, she throws pick up sticks.

Everything the others have brought up is a thing that has happened in EqG canon... except Pinkie blowing up a post office. And the unmarked vans.
Looking forward to seeing further speculation on your part!

Sunset's only seen the geodes as the raw crystals, never as the cutie mark pendants they became in Legend of Everfree.

Imagine how Sunset feels!

After everything they've been through (and without any mind wipes involved) the others are ready to believe whatever Sunset tells them... once they get her out of the bathroom.

"It's like poetry. They rhyme."
—The Tree of Harmony, probably

Oh, will Sunset mention touching other worlds in the past? Or could this be a setup for explaining how that worked, with this story taking place further in the past. I mean in the Group Precipitation stories we have had that. Like when looking for a summer job, and the time she tapped into another Sunset's dream?

"Low key?" I am freaked out.

Poor Sunny, getting the love of your life to look at you like almost a stranger must hurt as fuck.




Ooh! Is this the culmination of the Anti-Magic Squad's plan??



Un-Aspectification feels like un-Eldrazification... Something a Starlight did, can be run the other way by another Starlight??

Sunset's first impulse was to make her body vanish through sheer force of will. When that didn't work, she said, "Oh. That's different too. Good to know. I'm going to go cry now."

And she spun around, pivoting on the pit in her stomach, and walked into the bathroom to do just that.

Atch, there's a shot to the gut. Poor girl.

Oh man, not only made mortal with no clue but in another reality on top of it?

And yes, of course her love isn’t here.

But I think Sunset is operating from false premises here. I think she’s impinging her consciousness on neighboring realities. Whether she’s another instance of Shimmer Goddess or her mind has been displaced while her home version has become an impersonal force of Harmony... good question.

Now let’s think seriously. From what I understand of probability space, world lines don’t just get erased. Starlight dug seven low probability alternate realities out of the mud, she didn’t overwrite her original reality. Then again... wobbly wobbly times whimey.

But! If time has actually been rewritten, I’m expecting ETSAB to show up any minute. That’s what they’re for. And we’ll need to check the local Sweetie Drops. Does Sunset know ETSAB code phrases for confirmation? She didn’t exactly need them before.

Of course there’s another recourse. Ditzy Do(or local name)! She’s probably still got her Planeswalker talent, so either dragging Best Human though the portal or getting in touch with the Pony version might at least let her see if her universe is shining off in the distance somewhere.

Possible culprits if she was dethroned are the Anti-Harmonists and the Demon Queen Of Dust. Also Discord, if he wanted to smack her with some mortality as a reminder. Or Harmony (which, yes, is also her) might have done the same thing. I’m reminded of the deal Death made with the universe in Sandman. Once a century she lives as a mortal, falls in love, and dies.


I don't think an impersonal force of Harmony is enough for her current worldline to survive. The title Radio might be a clue, if she's transmitting to other realities, but I don't think that's likely. I feel like this is the wrong perspective for that, like we should be seeing more from the others for that

Oh dear.

I wonder if ETSAB will get involved here, or if this is even near their turf...

I really hope this story is the one where that Rapier and Dagger come in to play. I’ve been waiting to see when then would and now that she’s mortal, it’s the perfect opportunity!

Ouch, poor Sunset!

The Starswirl tag makes me curious. I figure that either this whole thing is his fault, or he comes to Pedestria and helps solve the problem. Or possibly both.

It really is amazing how you're so close, yet so far.

Oh, that’s not good at all. You have my undivided attention. Give Bacon Horse some hugs for me.

Heh, now that's ominous. I look forward to seeing how I'm wrong.

It does occur to me, another benefit of recruiting twinners over and over? Aside from that you know they've got similar potential I mean. It also means that lost travelers and agents can have an easier time finding your representatives, if they know who to look for.

Also now I'm seriously thinking on how you'd run a formal recruiting process for this kind of agency. It must run similar to franchises, with supervision to make sure they don't go off the rails... and the supervision also run by franchise to keep them from being swamped. Each office founds at least two descendants, and so they expand and provide coverage for more territory. And then some higher level (but still modular) central structure to provide reinforcements if the local agencies are overwhelmed. Because you've got enormous territory to cover, even if you stick to a few planets across the multiverse, and so your local forces and pickets will be in serious danger of being overwhelmed. Which is part of why ETSAB is a covert organization.

I'm almost kind of disappointed hearing that. I like the character work more than anything, so I hope we get plenty of Sunset meeting these new versions of her friends as having to confront whatever sent her here

.....This chapter gave me an idea for your story.

Nice to see you using the revelation that Sunset's geode can read the memories of objects in a story. I still think that scene was a last-minute bombshell on the part of the EQG staff.

oh wow. I never really thought about how Sunset would feel about Celestia retiring.

Woo! Microwaves!

And modding Canon!

So, Discord isn't the Principal Celestia's Uncle here? *shrugs*


Lotta cool thoughts, mysterious messages...



remaning > remaining [?]

Certainly none that had "Cover material donated by Daisy Jo of Ponyville, 1076-1108" debossed on the back.

I had to read that line twice before it sank in, then I ended up laughing.

Exploring the multiverse. Too bad about the local Lyra. And yet she missed asking Sweetie Drops! XD Ah well, SMILE isn’t exactly on topic and she isn’t an agent either.

And yeah, she hit all my easy answers. So now we see what REALLY happens.

Negotiating with the powers of Harmony, and letting her sincerity speak for itself. Good call. Also this is why you make your macguffins sentient: both so they can avoid unauthorized use AND make judgement calls like this when needed.

So what DID Sunset do? Thank Harmony for psychometry.

And she’s precipitating Rarity and Applejack, and Sunset/Twilight for that matter, and no one can stop her. Hope she gets this done before she has to have an awkward conversation with Flash.

As always, love the idea of cows donating themselves for leather on death and it being incredibly expensive as a result, reserved for the most important things.

Sunset only thinks she needs a drink now, she'll realize her foolishness once this is all (nearly) over. Then, and only then, will the bar appear :rainbowwild:

Pinkie gasped. "Or evil zombie usses!"

Evil Zombies isn't redundant? Pinkie is very accepting.

I'm pretty sure she can ask the actual Discord in this Equestria.

John Q. Discord


That's cool.

Of course she distinguishes between Evil Zombies and Non-Evil Zombies! The trick is that Non-Evil Zombies can laugh.

But yeah, I can think of a few non-evil zombie worlds. Not MANY, but they exist.


I had to read your comment before I got it! :rainbowlaugh:

I wonder if Daisy Jo knew it'd be for a magic book. Likely not. There's more than enough for multiple books, after all?


Hmm... We haven't checked the portal yet... Did Canon!Sunset break it or something?

She's guilty for something "today", it seems...



I could tell myself he just a tool,

I could tell myself he was just a tool,

Do tell! Or better yet, write.

Would you believe I'd forgotten about the Snowmind? The intent was to use the scratch paper as a psychometric focus for seeing what the local Sunset had been up to, but it's nice to remember that I have more canon justification to work with.

Indeed. Based on what we saw in Forgotten Friendship, Celestia took a more unapproachable approach with Sunset. Between that and years of stewing in resentment and regret, Celestia's more an idea than a pony to Sunset. The abdication's going to hit her hard.

This Mr. Discord probably isn't the principals' uncle, but you can never be sure with him. Also, the mysterious messages are decodable, though you may need to go a step further than with other stories on the site.

At first, I liked the idea that leather was an unspeakable substance in Equestria, but In the Company of Night noted that the stuff's too darn useful in a pre-plastic society to dismiss entirely. Hence ultra-generous cattle.


Ah well, SMILE isn’t exactly on topic and she isn’t an agent either.

Indeed not. After all, she's actually known as Sweetie Drops in this world. No alias implies no agency.

Negotiating with the powers of Harmony, and letting her sincerity speak for itself. Good call.

Given how Sunset normally is a power of Harmony, she knows how they tick. Especially one specifically attuned to her. And yeah, always best to give the world-shaking artifacts the ability to think for themselves.

And she’s precipitating Rarity and Applejack, and Sunset/Twilight for that matter, and no one can stop her.

Like her geode, she exists to bridge gaps and foster understanding. The Cadences of the multiverse no doubt approve.

And yeah, leather is a delicate subject despite being a tough material.

Precisely! Time may not flow normally in the Isekai, but that's no excuse to get wasted halfway through the adventure. Not that it would let this Sunset see the alcoholic menu right now. She has too much that she needs to do sober.

For a prime example of non-evil zombies, see Undead Robot Bug Crusaders. As for the Equestrian Discord, he may be able to offer some insight, but remember that he's not exactly the best when it comes to precise multiversal navigation. Chaos can certainly get you somewhere in the vastness of probability space, but good luck ending up where you actually want to be.

My standard name for human Discords. Glad you like it. :twilightsmile:

Ah, I see Sunset's moving down through the wavelengths!

(I think there are not enough alternate-universe crossover shenanigans with Sunset, so this is extra fun.)

I'm almost literally foaming at the mouth in excitement for whatever will happen next: the secret code, the rising stakes, the shipping drama, everything in-between! I'm still in shock that there's no Lyra Agent yet. I wanna know more and more, I'm a sponge in that sense :raritystarry:

The secret code and the spectrum theme are connected, aren't they?


I'm betting the code is some substitution cipher based on their order in Unicode or something.

"What about Ragamuffin?" said Applejack.

Rarity put her hands on her hips. "What about Dirk Thistleweed? 'Slather away' indeed."

I wish I could give this story a second upvote for that part alone.

When she gets her powers back maybe we can have the girls from this world visit hers?

I like that you have Luna still fulfilling her dream-realm tasks. It didn't make much sense to me for Luna to want to give up her role in the Equestrian government so soon after returning from her banishment, unless she never really wanted it anyway.

"Sup Twiggles. Look, I'm not you Sunset, but she done fucked up. Do you have any way to undo planar exchanges? I have a universe to keep existing."

As for Star Swirl leaving the recovering villain (as any addiction, there's no such a thing as a
recovered villain)

You do realize this includes The Most Holy Bacon Horse, don't you? :rainbowwild:

So, there's 2 petals left. WOW. Even that wish only took 6 of them.

Use a wish to fix a wish?

If it's part of their reproductive process, where's the new sprout?

But, if she just wanted to ascend, there's also the Demon Sunset Ashlands route, or something.

Presuming it's just a basic swap instead of a triangle swap or something, is easier though.


Interesting look on how Celestia's mentoring styles worked. With Sunset, she got someone who really focused on that "Being the Newest Princess" thing, but with Twilight, she got someone to be the hero she actually wanted / needed, but can't deal with the results of it...

Oof. I really feel for Sunset here. Both of them. I wonder if this universe's Sunset is finding out whether she ought to be careful what she wishes for...

So, Starswirl hears Sunset Shimmer ranting and raving in a rather livid tone about the fact that Twilight Sparkle was now ruling princess of Equestria, and decides: "Yes, this mare is a wonderful choice to watch a wish-granting flower. I see nothing possibly going wrong with this in any way."

I thought he was supposed to be brilliant.

Can't even say it feels out of character, either.

Fragging photosynthetic djinn-in-a-box, why would Starswirl carry something like that around unsecured? The thing needs a sound-dampening spell on it at the very least, and ideally something to restrict psychic influences as well.

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