• Member Since 10th Jun, 2014


Like a phoenix, I burn and I rise

Completed fics 505 stories



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Ravnica. City of guilds. Sprawling ecumenopolis. The lovechild of Ankh-Morpork and Coruscant. If Dominaria is the heart of the Multiverse, then Ravnica is its liver, a place with a thousand purposes, none of them particularly appetizing.

The plane is already home to humans, goblins, vedalken, elves, merfolk, and more besides. Who's to say ponies weren't there the whole time? The ponies certainly aren't. Versatile as humans, colorful as rainbows, and innocent as any other Ravnican, they've found their way into each and every guild. But even when the guilds would separate them into distinct factions, the magic of friendship connects them. This is the story of those connections and how they encircle Ravnica as much as any magical path across the plane.

(Confused? Curious? Check out the Planeswalker's Guide to Ravnica and Ravnican Race Relations for further details.)

Chapters (13)

Featured from November 22, 2020-November 25, 2020.

(Now with a tropes page!)

After Chrysalis' defeat, Celestia discovers Twilight's plans to exile herself after her "shameful actions" at the wedding rehearsal.

Celestia decides to sit her student down and tell her how she's worried over nothing.

Once she can stop laughing, of course.

In case you haven't guessed it, this is a Canterlot Wedding Accusation Fic.

With a TWIST!

And now....with an audio play by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (2)

Shining Armor has lived a long and happy life alongside his wife Cadance. Though they never managed to have another child, they've held the Crystal Empire strong against many enemies, helping to spread friendship all across the world.

But merely being married to an Alicorn Princess has not protected him from the ravages of time. Where many others would have to say farewell to their immortal children and relatives, something else is waiting for Shining Armor.

His younger sister, ruler of Equestria, is unwilling to say goodbye, and has perfected a spell that will allow him to stay with his family. He has little time to decide: accept the spell, or say goodbye to his family forever. It isn't really much of a choice.

Cover by Zutcha, editing by da star bois Two Bit and Sparktail.

A warning for potentially sensitive readers: this is a story about cute role-reversals. Though it includes Gleaming Shield and physical transformation, it has neither the scope nor the wordcount to deal with the more sensitive topics of personal identity and dysphoria. Things I could not treat with the respect they deserved were left out of the story completely.

If you're looking for a more substantial take on transition and transgender subjects, I suggest one of my other stories, Homebrew.

Chapters (4)

Having known Rainbow Dash for as long as she has, Fluttershy would be naturally inclined to think she has her childhood companion pretty well figured out. But, let it never be said we can't find things about our friends that take us aback from time to time.

Chapters (1)

Twilight chats about Sunset, ice cream, music, Sunset, mathematics, and Sunset.

You know exactly who i blame for this story.

Chapters (1)

The law exists to protect Equestrian citizens, and must be enacted in a fair and even manner. Prince Blueblood knows this; he's accepted punishment for his numerous minor disturbances of the Equestrian legal system, without ever trying to slip out of it.

Fluttershy is in violation the law. Ergo, she must be brought to justice. That's just logic.

Now if only he can get the captain of the guard and his annoyingly lackidasial aunt to cooperate...

Made for the eighth FTP competition. Cover art by hwaho.

Chapters (1)

For Sunset Shimmer, letting a group of impressionable high school students in the know about another dimension where magic reigns and talking ponies are the norm is not the easiest thing to handle. It does not help that the portal to this dimension is right in front of the school.

Sooner or later, though, she has to deal with more than mere questions about Equestria. Twilight becomes curious enough that words won't cut it for her anymore. She wants to see this dimension for herself.

So, Sunset begins by offering to bring her camera through the portal to take pictures and videos of her next trip there in Equestria.

Chapters (34)

Chrysalis hedged her bet. She supposed that should she lose, she could still have some fun. Infecting Shining Armor with a poison that would turn him into a changeling was a simple task, but one that would have the poor stallion in a panic as to what his wife would do about it.

Now with 20% more art! Somepony mentioned that there was a severe lack of Shining-turning-into-a-changeling art on the net, so I commissioned the amazing Arcadian Phoenix to run one out quickly.

Woo, featured! Thank you everypony!

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (10)

During a sleepover with the girls, Sunset Shimmer does lots of thinking about how much her life has changed since she met Twilight Sparkle. She gets out her journal and opens up to Twilight about her first trip to the human world, and how much it changed her life.

Thanks to my friend kidknux for beta reading

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Guilt: An Applejack Story

Fluttershy loves animals. When she's not hanging out with her friends, she hangs out with animals. This is her story.

Book Six of "Not Just Any Old Day".

Part of "Not Just Any Old Continuity", which includes
The Crystal Prep Chronicles
The Anon-A-Miss Saga
TimberTwi Tales

Check out all of my stories here!

Chapters (5)