I’m Alive! + Updates! · 4:43pm Feb 6th, 2021
Hello all, I’m sorry it’s been so long. My excuse is that I’m not good at writing. If my brain doesn’t want to write something, I can’t, which makes it hard to regularly update something. (something something adhd sucks yada yada)
I mostly write Sander Sides fics now and post them on my Tumblr (I also post mlp and warrior cats stuff there, but it’s mostly ss)
Anytime, friend. You deserve it!
Hope that made your day 😇
Oh thanks !!
Hi! I'm doing alright, sorry I haven't been on lately. I kind of took a break from ponies and then a break from writing in general but I'm back now! I'm gonna post a blog with updates soon
How've you been?
Hey, chilly how are you? You have been silent for quite some time. Just want to know how you been?