• Member Since 18th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen July 10th


pony pony pony pony

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Blog Posts

  • 180 weeks
    I’m Alive! + Updates!

    Hello all, I’m sorry it’s been so long. My excuse is that I’m not good at writing. If my brain doesn’t want to write something, I can’t, which makes it hard to regularly update something. (something something adhd sucks yada yada)

    I mostly write Sander Sides fics now and post them on my Tumblr (I also post mlp and warrior cats stuff there, but it’s mostly ss)

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    0 comments · 183 views
  • 235 weeks
    I made a Lonely x Twilight Animation~!

    Here it is! tbh the animation is ver limited but eh, i hope y'all enjoy anyway ^w^

    4 comments · 245 views
  • 241 weeks
    i keep drawing things

    oofy i havent updated any story in a while, tbh ive been spending most of my time drawing ponies instead of writing them
    i post pony stuff on my yt ((ill go work on some fanfics now))

    0 comments · 182 views
  • 256 weeks
    i have no self control

    *makes a new story when i should be making a chap for another story*

    1 comments · 240 views
  • 265 weeks
    I made a MBFD animation!!!

    check it out on my yt~~~
    minor spoilers for MBFD for chapters that havent been written yet;;

    0 comments · 257 views

I'm not dead I only dress that way

Hello everypony!
You can call me Chilly or Krow (any pronouns)
Let it be known that I don't write many pony fics anymore, and when I do they get posted to my Tumblr and Ao3 first, but they do eventually get here (unless they're too short.)

If you want pony content from me, I draw them! Like All The Time.

I make multifandom animations and (sometimes) speedpaints (including lots of pony stuff) on my Youtube!
See my art on my Tumblr art tag and my Instagram
And I write multifandom stuff (Sander Sides, MLP and Warrior Cats) on my Tumblr! and on my AO3!
You can pay me to draw a pony (or something else) Here! You can see a bunch of examples and prices on my carrd
I participate in Art Fight every year, check out my page :3
Here's my ponysona's ref!

Lonely Love's Story


I’m Alive! + Updates! · 4:43pm Feb 6th, 2021

Hello all, I’m sorry it’s been so long. My excuse is that I’m not good at writing. If my brain doesn’t want to write something, I can’t, which makes it hard to regularly update something. (something something adhd sucks yada yada)

I mostly write Sander Sides fics now and post them on my Tumblr (I also post mlp and warrior cats stuff there, but it’s mostly ss)

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Report ChillyKitty · 183 views ·
Comments ( 24 )
  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24

Anytime, friend. You deserve it! :twilightsmile:

Hope that made your day 😇

Hi! I'm doing alright, sorry I haven't been on lately. I kind of took a break from ponies and then a break from writing in general but I'm back now! I'm gonna post a blog with updates soon
How've you been?

Hey, chilly how are you? You have been silent for quite some time. Just want to know how you been?

  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24
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