Call me Bonnie! Sunset x Twilight truther, Rarijack enjoyer. All arts drawn here are made by me! Follow me on tumblr or whatever!
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I am totally alive and not dead, totally...
The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P
Your average Anon, reporting on duty. He shall write horse stories, because he has nothing else going on. Seriously.. guys..
Voice actor, hobbyist writer, and goofball extraordinaire!
I have been known to write smol horse words on occasion.
Greetings, I am comrade Stalin, a man with swag and a giant spoon who smokes weed, here to make fan-fictions like dumb shitposts, random crossovers, and references. Enjoy the show, and stay swaggy.
You're not doing it wrong, if no one knows what you're doing.
Open for Art Commissions. I write horror. I write gay. I write gay horror. GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY
"Friendship is an island that you retreat to. And you fall on the floor and laugh at all the ninnies who don't have enough brains to have your good taste." --Ray Bradbury
Many years ago, on my very first day on Earth, I was born. Two decades later I celebrated my twentieth birthday, and then I had a glass of water.
The Force is the Force, of course, of course, and no one can horse with the Force of course--that is of course unless the horse is the Jedi Master, Ed ("Stay away from the Dark Side, Willlburrrr...")!
I'm Kama and this is my MLP fangirl friend, Hallie. I only created this account for her.
I'm a crossover fanatic with a special taste for video games and auto racing. I can turn any video game into a MLP crossover if I have played it. Lightning Dust is my character of choice for writing.
i love reading, and i have many stories i wish to tell... i just get in over my head or impatient at times. that and my worst enemy is capitalization.
I'm like a god in cervine clothing. Lightning bolts shoot from my antler tips.
Started writing stories as a way to escape from reality for a few moments, will mainly focus on crossovers and alt. Universe stories with Adventure, Drama and Romance.
I'm just a average guy who just wants to live a happy life, will you share this dream with me?
A guy who loves movies, comic books, video games, as well as stories with colorful talking ponies in them.
Take a minute to be kind to someone today, even if that someone is you. We all need a little more kindness, giving and receiving.
Another guy working his butt off for not enough pay, but still loves to spoil his wife whenever he can, and spending time with his little girl.
I'm a 6 foot softie, huggable looking, and gamer. Plus, I like good fanfics with good plots! (and little bit of a brony)