• Member Since 14th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"Friendship is an island that you retreat to. And you fall on the floor and laugh at all the ninnies who don't have enough brains to have your good taste." --Ray Bradbury


Millie and Moxxie are top-rated killers in their world. They don't know much about what it takes to be parents, though. Since Applejack's family has seen plenty of rough patches, maybe they can give the Imps the advice they need.
But first they have to defeat the Timber Wolf that wants them dead.

This is the third Helluva Boss/MLP story I have done that's ended up in the featured box 3/9-3/10!
Thanks for all the support, folks!

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is asked by Loona the Hellhound to help her remember why she became an orphan. Once the awful truth is discovered, Luna offers hard-won advice to the young wolf-girl.

Rated Teen for Loona's filthy mouth. (Tsk. Teenagers!)
Loona is from Helluva Boss

Chapters (1)

Blitzo the Imp never intended to show up in a world of ponies. He still has to find a birthday present for his lover, Stolas the Prince of Hell. How will he do this? Who will help him? Can an Imp blend in with a city as diverse as Ponyville?
Hopefully Pinkie Pie can help her new demonic friend.
Blitzo and Stolas are from the Youtube cartoon series "Helluva Boss".

Rated Teen due to mentioning of alternate lifestyles and gay male shipping.
This got into the Featured box on 1/6/22! Thanks, guys and gals!

Chapters (1)

Skellinor is the newest resident of Ponyville. Even though she's one of Discord's creations, she's making friends, keeping a roof over her head and even chasing down a dream job. What nopony can figure out is why on Nightmare Night, she's wearing Grogar's bewitching bell with her Princess costume. They'll find out soon enough, however.

Chapters (1)

So many changes to get used to. Twilight can now raise the sun and moon, but all that power comes with some strange consequences. Everypony is getting used to the new order, but one pony seems to be terrified of the new ruler. Why is he like this? Perhaps a letter to Celestia might bring answers.

This story made it into the Featured box! (10/22/19)

Now in Chinese, thanks to Flint44!

Chapters (1)

Dreams are supposed to be quiet, comforting islands of rest. Unfortunately for Moondancer, her island is looking more like a huckster's den. Who is behind this insidious intrusion into her slumber?

Chapters (1)

Quietus is a secretive town, hidden away to protect it's spectral clientele. When Trixie dicovers the town, she tries to help the unhappy residents unbind their contract. But what can a low-powered conjurer of cheap tricks do against wealthy ghosts?

Read Doof Ex Machina's Russian translation at this link HERE!

Chapters (1)

When the Storm King's head popped off his shattered body, everypony thought that was his end. But the deposed ruler now finds himself sans body in Discord's chaos dimension. What does the Dean of Dementia have in store for him? Whatever it is, he'll have to be care to not slide off his Princess collector plate.

This is a sequel to Discord's Reformation Clinic.

Chapters (1)

Rarity's pearls are the loveliest Sweetie Belle and her friends had ever seen. They leave a big impression on Sweetie's date, but the grown ups have a puzzling reaction to Sweetie's taste in jewelry. Whatever is the problem?
Enjoy the excellent reading at this link!

Chapters (1)