• Member Since 28th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen July 3rd


I have been known to write smol horse words on occasion.


This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Makes a Wish Come True

Fluttershy helped me out earlier when I was sick, so in swoops the awesome Rainbow Dash to take care of her when she is. Can’t be too hard to do what she does, right?

...Why is everypony laughing?

Chapters (1)

I don't know what I am, but I know where I am. Equestria, magical cartoon utopia. A place that's basically a dream come true.

So why is the only thing I care about finding another drink?

Art by ExoticEon

Featured June 4, 2021. Thanks y'all!
Again on June 17!
Also August 17
And August 26
And October 17
And so on and so forth.

Chapters (23)

A young Twilight finds out that Shining is enlisting. She tries her best to stop him.

Featured December 6th, 2020! Thank you all!

StraightToThePoint studio did a reading here!

Chapters (1)

The Elements of Harmony have become heroes in the eyes of the general populace of Equestria.

So when Twilight gets a letter from the Make-A-Wish foundation, asking her and her friends to come visit a dying colt before he passes on, it should be no issue...


Featured October 25th, 2020!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anamnesis

It's funny how, in a split second, a time of fun and excitement can become one of horror and loss. A lesson learned, perhaps harshly, by Apple Bloom.

Now crippled and in a world of emotional hurt, will she be able to accept herself for who she is?


This is set before Crusaders of the Lost Mark.


Cover art drawn by Pabbley


Featured October 4th, 2020! Thank you all!

Chapters (12)

For all the triumphs and tribulations the Crusaders have faced through the years, it's commonly known they consider themselves sisters between each other.

When a certain day arrives for Applebloom though, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are asked if they'd like to meet their sister's parents, unknowing of the forever lasting impact on their bond in friendship.

Featured August 18, 2020.

Chapters (1)

A story in which Twilight Sparkle proceeds to die.

Several times.

For science.

Featured July 1st, 2020!

StraightToThePointStudio did a reading. Check it out here!

Chinese translation here.
Russian translation here.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo was born with a rare pegasus developmental disorder that left her wings small and weak. She's been working to get over it with the love and support of her friends and family.

Tempest Shadow lost half of her horn when trying to face down an Ursa Minor. She was ostracized and eventually ran from home.

Can these two find some common ground to bond over?

Cover art drawn by Ch0c0butt

Featured on the top slot on June 15, 2020! Thanks everyone!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is a flat-earther. Twilight doesn't like that.

Featured on the top slot on June 14, 2020. Thanks a ton everybody!

StraightToThePointStudio did a reading. Check it out here!

Fire Rain did a reading. Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Off-Color

The last few months have been a journey for Rainbow Dash. She took an abused filly off the streets, got hospitalized after trying to defend her, and ended up adopting Scootaloo with Twilight.

But while they aren't together at this time, will the trials and tribulations of raising a foal together make them closer?

Only tagged sex for sexual humor. No sexual acts occur.

Cover art drawn by RayneTheSkunk

Give my pre-reader some love!

Chapters (32)