• Member Since 19th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Stalin with Da Spoon

Greetings, I am comrade Stalin, a man with swag and a giant spoon who smokes weed, here to make fan-fictions like dumb shitposts, random crossovers, and references. Enjoy the show, and stay swaggy.


It's My Birthday Lads! · 1:04am June 2nd

I have officially lived yet another year and entered the ripe old age of 17... God I'm aging way too fast HELP-

Still, that's another year beaten lads, onto the next one. Soon, I shall unlock the Driving skill.

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Imma keep it real with you · 4:31am May 25th

I may be losing the spark to write at all. You see, the majority of the stories I write is from discovering something new, then hyper fixating on that thing, and eventually dreaming up the perfect idea for the perfect fic and start writing. I do so well writing all the starting chapters and stuff... And then burnout and motivation loss hits me like a freight train. It sucks too, because I love writing for you guys, and I'm thankful for all the support you gave me, but I feel like if I just up

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Me right now: · 10:58pm April 15th

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 115 views ·

I am In Pain · 10:44pm March 25th

Not physically mind you, I am in quite great shape, and life is pretty good, but I am in pain from the war of motivation and my fucking burnout is still clinging to me like a tumor. I have a good part of the next chapter written, my dumbass dunno how to finish it though. But do not fear, I promise I have not abandoned this story.

Anyways, how have you all been, I just got off spring break and it was pretty good, I ate a calzone.

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 124 views ·

Dawn of the New Year · 5:15am January 1st

Lads, it has begun. 2024. God help us all if it's a repeat of 2020. Pray for better times, stay swaggy, and let's enjoy ourselves. YOOOOOOOOOOOLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 98 views ·

Merry Christmas! · 7:23am Dec 25th, 2023

Well lads, the day has cometh. Look under thine trees, check thy stockings, and prepare for grand festivities, for it tis the season to be jolly.

And steel yourselves, cause it is going to be FUCKING COLD HOLY SHIT.

Merry Christmas lads. Also, I promise that at the very least one new chapter will be out next year.

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 64 views ·

FUCK I MISSED HALLOWEEN · 5:45am Nov 3rd, 2023

Damn, I was so busy I didn't even make a post for Halloween. Well that sucks. Anyways, hope you guys had a good october, and here's to having a good christmas.

Now if you'll excuse me, Mariah Carrey has breached containment, and MTF Iota-97 "Carollers" has been deployed. Wish me luck boys.

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 74 views ·

Armored Core 6 SLAPS · 1:15am Oct 11th, 2023

So recently, I got the new armored core game, and HOT DAMN does it kick my ass, but I still fuckin love it. 10/10, just got past Balteus and I can already tell this is gonna be a great game.

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 109 views ·

Halo Wars 2 · 4:35pm Aug 20th, 2023


Bit of a Delay · 12:58am Jul 25th, 2023

Good evening mates, you may notice that my recent new droid chapter was short. Well, that's because I've been busy focusing on other projects, mainly a fanfic completely separate from MLP. I may not be able to release chapters for a while, as I will be going on vacation with my big man dad bro next week. I thank you once again for always reading my stories and following me, as well as being paitent. Stay swaggy folks, will post when I can.

Report Stalin with Da Spoon · 120 views ·