• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,804 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Lock - HapHazred

Rainbow's Log, Day 1:

I'm just keeping a record of all this because I am bored out of my skull. Also if I starve make sure everypony knows it's Applejack's fault. Like, really rub it in. When my funeral happens (btw make sure that's awesome, I left instructions in my fridge) just be sure to say a bit at the end like 'Applejack did it'. You know what, put that on my tombstone. Yeah. I think that'd look awesome. Also a picture of Daring Do.

Anyway, I write what I think, so sorry if this rambles.

I was staying over at AJ's place for mush-related purposes. That was cool. AJ didn't tell her family about me. That is also cool. I think she thinks I think it'd be awkward and stuff, and since I think I don't care, I didn't tell her otherwise. So far, we are one-hundred percent chill. AJ left this morning (whilst I slept, left me a cute note with a drawing on it) to go see some of her family living in a swamp for a week. We are still chill. Just to be super-duper clear, all of this is cool. I am down for this.

What I am not down for is her family locking all the doors, windows, and AJ forgetting to leave me a key.

There is plenty of food and lots of space, and Tank has food for days, so that's fine, but I am kinda furious.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day 2:

My diet is now apples. Apples used to be great before they were all I could eat. I tried frying them with some paprika I found but it didn't work very well. Ate it anyway. You know what? I might eat all the food here. See how Applejack likes them apples (or no apples, as, like I said, I'll have eaten them).

I re-checked the windows and doors. They're super locked. Like, beyond locked. I think they're afraid of thieves, this far away from Ponyville. Which is ironic, because I mostly always came in through the window. Then again, that was mostly because AJ let me in.

Really wish she'd let me out.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day 3:

I drew little faces on the apples here so I had something to talk to. I named this one Sir Fruitface. He is a noble knight and my only friend. The other apples are kinda jerks. My diet is no longer apples. Moved onto pears. Pears are evil.

I tried biting through the wall but it just hurt my teeth. I also started wearing Applejack's hats because she can't stop me.

Rainbow's Log, Day 4:

Still no sign of Applejack. For real, I do not think I have ever missed her quite as much as right now. It's weird what being an accidental prisoner will do for a relationship.

The apples have banded together against the pears, but they're lacking strong leadership. I'm considering running for mayor. Sir Fruitface supports me. Sir Fruitface would run himself, but he is a military fruit and too busy trying to do battle against the pear invasion. Fear and distrust is rampant.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day 5:

Found lots of pictures of me and AJ in her drawer. Also some seriously weird stuff. Must remember to bring them up next time I visit. Which will be never, because this is never going to happen again. Next time, she can come over to my place. I don't care if she needs a stupid rope ladder to get up. I drew moustaches on the pictures. Am considering trying to grow facial hair. I think it'd really make a statement.

In other news, I got elected as mayor. Democracy prevails, and I am super duper proud of Apple Town. I am brokering a peace agreement with the bananas. Though they are few in number, they might make the difference in the battle against the tyrannical pears, who are jerks. We will fight them and we will win and it will be awesome. Applejack will be so happy when she sees what I've done to the place.

Also I'm running out of pears. Due to my relationship with the apples it feels wrong to eat them.

This may be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day Six:

Commissioned a portrait to commemorate the golden days of Apple Town:

On a sadder note, was forced to consume our banana allies. Constructed a monument to their sacrifice out of pillows. In honour of them, it is called Fort Bananarama. I added the 'rama' bit because nopony can stop me. Least of all Applejack.

I really miss her.

This might be my final entry.

Rainbow's Log, Day Seven:

Sir Fruitface fell in battle. The golden days of Apple Town are long behind us.

On a happier note, finally found out how the shower works. Weird Earth pony plumbing.

Applejack slowly put down the jumbled mess of papers.


Granny Smith pursed her lips. "Didn't ya tell 'er there's a spare key under the doormat?"


"Rope ladders, AJ!" Rainbow exclaimed, still wearing her Mayoral Crown. "We could use rope ladders, and never ever be in this house again!"


Rainbow's lower lip began to quiver. "We lost Sir Fruitface, AJ. Sir Fruitface was my only friend!"

Applejack put her hoof around Rainbow. "How 'bout we go outside, sugar? I think you could use the outside."

"Sir Fruitface, nooo!"

"Once yer done, make sure ya clean up the mess your marefriend made!" Granny Smith shook her head at the carnage. "Look at this! It's like she went to war with the pears! And the hay is Fort Bananarama?"

"What year is it?"

Applejack sighed. "Let's just get you outside, RD. Let's just get you some fresh air."

Comments ( 4 )

Damn, I correct my statemnt, this was simply glorious XD

How the heck do you get locked inside a house???

8111194 Well you start with being an idiot...

I love this story and every line in it.

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