• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Michelle Exposed

Erza walks up to Lucy and Wendy in a different room. Lucy is resisting the urge to cry while Wendy comforts her.

"You weren't supposed to hear that, Lucy," Erza said, kneeling to Lucy.

"Is it true..? Does Spike think Michelle is a traitor?" Lucy withholds her tears.

"He believes Michelle is working for the Neo Oración Seis. Ask yourself, do you remember anything of your childhood?"

"I remember my mom, my dad, and everyone else in the mansion growing up..," Tears stream down on Lucy's face.

"Do you have any pictures of Michelle in your apartment?"

Lucy thinks long and hard about it. She remembers a lot of fun she had with her mother and playing with Aquarius even though she gets mad at her for summoning her. Not a single memory comes to mind about Michelle ever since she showed up with the clock piece. Lucy is silent.

"Lucy?" Wendy taps on Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy is in a trance. She treasured Michelle as her only strand of family left, and now, Lucy starts breathing heavily.

"Lucy," Erza and Wendy start getting worried about her.

"Hey, Lucy," Natsu looks for Lucy. "Where are you?"

"How, Spike?" Happy asks.

Natsu and Happy find Lucy building some anger. Lucy gets up and grabs her Celestial Spirit Key.

"Out of my way, I have to find Michelle!" Lucy angrily states, walking past Natsu and Happy.

"Scary," Natsu and Happy said in unison.

"Geez, what's up with her?" Natsu asks.

"We have a traitor within Fairy Tail," Erza said.

"WHO!?" Natsu angrily shouts.

"Spike theorizes that Michelle is a traitor. Spike wholeheartedly believes that Michelle is working for the Neo Oración Seis," Erza replies.

"Michelle?" Happy and Natsu are in shock to hear the revelation.

"We better make sure that Lucy doesn't get herself hurt," Wendy said.

"Let's go," Natsu said.

Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Erza go after Lucy. Gajeel sees Lucy pissed off and looking for a fight. Gajeel and Panther Lily know what Spike theorized, and Lucy wants answers as to why Michelle would do such a thing. Lucy walks past everyone in the Blue Pegasus bar.

"Where is Michelle?" Lucy lividly asks Gray.

"Whoa, take it easy, Lucy," Gray is not used to seeing this side of Lucy.

"Tell me where she is," Lucy grits her teeth.

"She said she wanted to go out and get some fresh air," Gray flinches a little. Lucy leaves the Blue Pegasus bar room. "Geez, what's her problem?" Gray drinks his beer.

"I don't know but, she seems angry for some reason," Mirajane said.

Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Erza, Gajeel, and Panther Lily are catching up to Lucy. Gray intervenes in their approach.

"Care to explain what's going on? Why is Lucy behaving the way she is?"

Erza sighs. "Everyone, Spike figured out a deceptive operative within our guild. Her name is Michelle Lobster."

"No way! Michelle!?" Everyone else around says in shock and horror.

"How can you be certain?" Gray asks.

"Spike is never wrong when putting pieces together like a puzzle," Erza said, which was more than enough to persuade Gray.

"Alright, let's get that traitor," Gray takes off his shirt.

Michelle is in a rundown building in the cemetery, looking at a statue. She can't help but blame herself for the misfortunes that happened yesterday. Michelle turns back to see Lucy coming inside.

"It's my fault for bringing the clock piece, isn't it?" Michelle said in tears. "After all, I did brought you the clock hand."

"Michelle, how were you able to maintain my father's memento?" Lucy asks.

Michelle feels cold after hearing that question. A slow crept terror pulsing through her veins. Lucy is reading Michelle's body language.

"I," Michelle stutters a bit. "I used to work for him, and I was given the clock piece to hand to you," Michelle answers. "I've told you that story before Spike came back home unexpectantly."

"And how did you find my father?"

Michelle is feeling pressured with the questions. She turns away from Lucy. She starts crying a bit, but Lucy is not buying it.

"Sorry, it's just.., I miss Mr.Jude. Thinking about him makes me cry," Michelle said in tears.

"Please, answer the question," Lucy asks.

Michelle continues to weep and falls to her knees. She covers her face in sadness.

"Let's see if I regret this." Lucy said to herself. "Capricorn!" Lucy unleashes her Celestial Spirit, Capricorn.

"How may I help you, milady," Capricorn said.

"Attack Michelle," Lucy commands and points at her.

"Big Sis, what are you doing?" Michelle panics. "Please don't do this! I love you!" Michelle begs.

"Now!" Lucy commands.

"As you wish," Capricorn obliges in obedience to Lucy and attacks Michelle.

Michelle stops crying as her demeanor change. To Lucy's surprise, Michelle spawns a Flower Shield to block Capricorn's attack. Natsu and the others arrive to see Michelle bearing a flower shield. They gasp while witnessing Michelle's potential magic power.

"Spike was right!" Natsu shouts while pointing at Michelle's shield.

"Holy crap! What the hell is this?!" Gray said in shock.

"How could you?!" Wendy shouts.

"Michelle, are you working for the Neo Oración Seis?" Lucy asks.

"I hate that freaking dragon!" Michelle jumps back and reveals her true form. Michelle has a rose eyepatch on her right eye, she is wearing a short, strapless shirt made entirely of dark green petals, and she wears long, dark green glove sleeves. She's wearing a short wide skirt made of dark green petals that point sideways and darg green petal boots. Her legs are decorated with a light green thorny vine. "It's true. I am a member of the Neo Oración Seis. There is something I want dearly and that is my Big Sister."

"You deceiver!" Erza draws her sword.

"I say let's take her down!" Natsu said.

"Not today," Michelle turns to Lucy. "I will come for you, Lucy," Michelle uses her magic to blind everyone and flee the scene. "We will be together as family should."

Lucy closes Capricorn's gate key and falls to her knees. She's devastated to know the truth that Michelle is working for the Neo Oración Seis. Her solace of remnants of her family being an illusion.

"Lucy, are you-" Happy sees Lucy in tears.

"She.., she's not my family..," Lucy gets up. "She lied to me. Lied to all of you.., and it's my fault," Lucy gasps. "I need to reread the Key of Starry Heavens!"

Ten minutes later. Everyone is back in the Blue Pegasus guildhall. Lucy is rereading the Key of Starry Heavens and throws the book in anger.

"I got it wrong. I got it all wrong," Lucy falls to her knees. "We..., we weren't supposed to gather the clock pieces. The book.., it was a warning. We weren't supposed to assemble the Infinity Clock. Sorry.., Dad. Please forgive me..," Lucy said in tears.

"Well, then we know what to do next," Natsu said.

"Oh yea, what is it?" Gray is skeptical of Natsu's planning.

"We go beat up the Neo Oración Seis and take back the clock," Natsu suggests. "Simple as that."

"We got destroyed by the Neo Oración Seis," Lucy said.

"They won the battle, not the war. Fairy Tail never gives up and never surrenders. We keep fight till the bitter end," Natsu proclaims.

"Yea. We've beaten them once. We can do it again," Happy said.

"It'll be difficult but, anything is possible for Fairy Tail," Gray said.

"As long as we work together, we can achieve everything," Erza said. She helps Lucy up.

As everyone comforts Lucy, Spike wakes up. He's unable to sleep, knowing that he will have to tell Lucy that harsh reality about Michelle. Spike gets out of bed and leaves the room.

"Huh, I wonder where everyone went to?" Spike looks around and sees Hibiki coming by.

"Hey, Fairy Dragon. I heard that the Neo Oración Seis has resurfaced. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. A bit better than I was when Cobra's poison affected my body. Do you know where everyone could be?"

"Probably at the bar, getting a drink. I'll take you there."

Hibiki takes Spike to the Blue Pegasus bar. The two of them see everyone cheering up Lucy. Spike and Hibiki are confused.

"Hey, what did we miss?" Hibiki asks.

"Spike," Erza turns to Spike. "You were right. Michelle is an undercover agent for the Neo Oración Seis."

"I was?" Spike was hoping to be wrong with his theory.

"I..," Lucy walks up to Spike. "I eavesdropped your conversation a bit with Erza. I heard you wholeheartedly believe that Michelle is a traitor. I didn't want to believe it, but it was evident. I recall no memories of my childhood with Michelle," Lucy sighs deeply. "It's hard knowing that my bloodline of the family is gone but, I just remembered something."

"What is it?" Spike asks.

"You are my brother. You have always been my brother. We're not related but, we made our bond like a family," Lucy hugs Spike. "Thank you for being honest and the real you," Lucy smiles.

Spike hugs Lucy. "I was afraid of telling you about Michelle. The Neo Oración Seis used a scapegoat for us to do their dirty work."

"And now, it's time that we put the Neo Oración Seis in their place," Erza said. "Let's go back to the guildhall and inform the Master of our discoveries."

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