• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Retrieving Makarov

"Why can't you teleport us to Makarov, Spike?" Natsu asks. He's scared half to death about riding a boat.

"I didn't tag him with a flare marking. We're heading into another continent, and I have never been anywhere outside of Fiore except for Veronica."

"Please! Can we fly there!" Natsu is on his knees, tears streaming down, begging Spike to fly.

"No. Me flying will expose us all. We're going into the Alvarez Empire stealthfully. Do I make myself clear?" Spike said in a commanding tone.

"Please! I'll do-" Erza clobbers Natsu's head, causing Natsu to bite his tongue.

"Oooow! Ow, ow, ow," Natsu rubs his tongue a bit.

"Spike made it clear. Have respect for the Master's wishes."

"Sorry, Ma'am," Natsu has a bump on his head.

Mest Gryder used his memory magic to give Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Erza, Happy, and Carla insight into his doing and what Makarov was planning to do. Mest Gryder was doing Makarov's bidding on getting all sorts of intel as a sleeper agent. He also orchestrated the rebirth of the Magic Council by gathering the Ten Wizard Saints. One of the reasons why Makarov initially wanted to disband the guild was to protect everyone. The second reason, Makarov needed to prevent the Alvarez Empire from taking the Lumen Histoire by force. The last reason Makarov wanted to do, is to try to make peace with the Alvarez Empire. With the Magic Council destroyed at the time, Face and Etherion Blast out of commission, Ishgar's supreme weapon defenses have shrunk to wizardry magic, not powerful enough to withhold Alvarez Empire's forces.

"Geez, I can't believe we're going to save Makarov from the Alvarez Empire," Lucy said in disbelief after seeing the memories.

"What makes the Lumen Histoire so precious to the Alvarez Empire?" Erza asks Mest and Spike.

"Classified," Mest and Spike calmly said.

"I promised Makarov I wouldn't speak of the sort until I pass the torch to who becomes the next Guild Master," Spike said.

"Makarov gave me all the info and made me promised not to tell. I've kept my promises and won't be breaking them," Mest said.

"I'll be right back," Spike said, flapping his wings. "There's a fellow that has something vital for the trip," Spike flies to Popeye's Port.

"I wonder where he's going?" Mest wonders who Spike wants to speak with for purchase.

"I have a good feeling who it may be," Wendy said. Knowing Natsu's motion sickness, Spike wants to buy motion relief pills.

Spike arrives at Popeye's Port. He sees no boats around. Spike walks up to Popeye's home and notices a note; Spike reads and sighs. Popeye is on vacation and will return in a week. Spike flies back to his friends.

"Alright, I got us a boat," Mest said. While Spike flew, he made the arrangements to set sail.

"Where did you go?" Lucy asks Spike.

"To get motion relief pills for the ride. Unfortunately, the man who has them is on vacation. So, we're going on the trip without them."

"Aw, maaaaaan," Natsu is terrified of getting on the boat.

Spike, Mest, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy, Carla, and Wendy hop on the boat and leave Hargeon. Natsu immediately suffers from motion sickness. Hours into the boat ride, Natsu walks up to Wendy, hoping she can use her Troia Spell to relieve Natsu of his motion sickness. To his surprise and everyone else on board, Wendy suffers from motion sickness.

"Oh, no," Spike rubs Wendy's back while she's hurling.

"I'm so sorry. I'm now getting motion sickness just like you, Natsu," Wendy said after she threw up.

"You're going have to suck it up, Natsu. Wendy can't use her magic in this state," Carla said.

"Kill me now," Natsu begs for death instead of going through his motion sickness torture.

Gray picks up Natsu and carries him to his bunk. It'll be better for Natsu to lay down; Spike picks up Wendy and takes her to her bunk. Spike will stay with Wendy to keep her company.

Erza stares off with a lot on her mind. Mest comes up to her.

"Something troubling you, Erza?"

"Makarov tried disbanding the guild, but Spike saved it. He trusted Spike with the knowledge of the Lumen Histoire while having fear. Does Makarov believe Spike can save everyone from the wrath of Alvarez?"

"He did pull off Fairy Law. Perhaps being a full-size dragon can further the usage of the spell?" Mest theorizes a bit.

Erza sighs. "Spike is formidable but not unstoppable. He had his fair share of suffering defeat by stronger wizards. If Alvarez is as powerful as you and Makarov said from the memory vision you revealed to us, I have my doubts," Erza remembers many times Spike has been vulnerable. She worries as a sister for Spike's sake.

"Didn't he take on Acnologia?" Mest reminded Erza in some way.

"Twice," Erza confirms. "Though Acnologia bested him in both occasions."

"Hey, is it true? Can the Lumen Histoire stop all those Face activations?" Lucy asks Mest since Spike is with Wendy.

"Yea, I remembered Gramps wanted to use it but chose not to," Gray said.

"From what I know, the Lumen Histoire is a powerful weapon. Makarov didn't say much to me. However, I have a feeling Spike knows more in-depth. Makarov could reveal more secrets about the Lumen Histoire to Spike."

"Is there anything else you can reveal to us?" Happy asks Mest.

"I'm sorry. I cannot speak until further notice," Mest said.

"I wonder if there are crucial details within the note Spike left for Laxus at the apartment," Carla ponders a bit.

"I'll be back," Gray storms off, but Erza grabs his arm.

"Where are you going?" Erza asks Gray, her grip on him tightens.

"We need answers about the Lumen Histoire. Friends don't keep secrets when it's important!" Gray retorts.

"I understand your frustrations. However, Spike took the mantle of being the Guild Master. At times, he needs to make difficult decisions that are best for all of us."

"Still, Erza. He has vital information that can help us down the road! He can't keep us in the dark after everything we've been through!" Gray makes his case. He forces himself out of Erza's grasp.

Spike comes out after hearing the commotion. Erza, Gray, Lucy, Carla, Happy, and Mest stare at him.

"I can't tell you what Makarov told me about the Lumen Histoire. By sharing the information, you've become a target of the Alvarez Empire. I'm sure by now, with my name spread across the lands, they could fear me. However, if they were to know that Gray, Lucy, or any of our friends inquire the info, they'll come after you specifically."

Silence reigns as nobody thought of that perspective, being a target for an entire empire to come and using all sorts of tactics to gather the info. They now see why Makarov entrusted Spike with the knowledge of the Lumen Histoire. Due to him being an Energy Maker Dragon, Spike can use any magic they throw at him and combines it into a singularity attack to wipe them out. Erza has her doubts but, at the same time, knows that Spike is capable of anything when he puts his mind to it. She witnessed him turning into a Crystal Guardian Dragon to defeat a terrifying, overpowered demon.

"All I can say is, the Lumen Histoire is precious to the Fairy Tail Guild and holds unfathomable power. As for any further questioning, I refuse to answer."

"Alright, we won't bother you any further. Right?" Erza asks her friends to see if they are on the same page.

"Yea," They say in defeat except for Mest.

"Thanks for understanding," Spike said, taking a deep breath.

"Now, how long will it take for us to get to Alvarez, Mest?" Erza turns to him.

"Sailing for ten days and several more on land," Mest confirms.

"That's going to be torturous for Natsu and Wendy," Spike said, imagining the horrors of traveling that long. He wishes to have motion relief pills for them.

"Quite the journey," Erza sighs a bit. She, like the others, are worried about Makarov's circumstance.

"I'm worried about him as well. However, we can't be hasty. We'll need to make a stop at Caracole Island. Stock up on provisions. Food and other supplies," Mest said.

"A town not named after a plant of flower..," Lucy said.

"It's one way of knowing you're outside of Fiore," Gray said. He's stripped into his underwear.

"Mest, is it wise to make a pitstop?" Erza asks. She doesn't want any delays to rescue Makarov.

"I said we can't be hasty. However, this kind of infiltration mission requires thorough preparation."

"What do you mean by that?" Erza is now curious how Mest has preparations on hand on short notice.

"Good intelligence," Mest smiles. "We'll be meeting up with an agent while we're there. They'll tell us how we can sneak into the empire."

"Also, once we grab Makarov, Spike would use his fire breath to teleport us back home," Gray reminds Mest.

"Yea. Whenever we go on jobs and missions with Spike, he's our instant transportation on getting back home," Happy noted.

"Perfect. We have our exit strategy underway."

A few days later. The boat is near the shores of Caracole Island. Spike carries Natsu and Wendy out of their bunks since they're near land.

"Wait, something's wrong," Erza said. She sees something near the island. Gray gasps.

"That's the crest of the Alvarez Military," Mest said in horror. There are two military ships by the harbor.

"What are they doing way out here?" Happy asks.

"That's a very good question. Caracole isn't their territory," Carla states.

"Mest, here," Spike tosses Mest a scope.

"Thanks," Mest grabs it and takes a look to scope the island a bit. He sees a long line of people and two soldiers standing guard. "It appears they're performing an inspection at the harbor."

Gray growls in anger. "How are we going to get on the island now?"

"Sounds like they're trying to catch a spy," Natsu said, still riving in agony of his motion sickness. "That's not good."

"From what I can tell, they haven't been able to catch them yet, though," Wendy said. She's still suffering from motion sickness.

After hearing the news from Natsu and Wendy, Lucy looks at how far they are from the island. The boat is twenty miles away from the harbor.

"Hold on. You can hear them this far away?" Lucy is astonished.

"Oh, yea, but, just barely," Natsu and Wendy say in unison. Then they throw up. Spike pats both their backs and wishes he could help them.

"Now what, Spike?" Mest asks Spike since he's the Guild Master.

"We have to find the agent as quickly as possible without drawing too much attention," Spike said.

"That's going to be a problem since everyone in Earth Land knows your name by now," Gray reminds Spike.

Spike uses his fire breath to spawn a cloak he wore seven years ago. He puts it on and curls his tail. "When I went to Edolas, Gajeel and I wore these cloaks to disguise ourselves. This cloak will do, and I'll be a kid among the people."

"Brilliant idea, Spike," Carla said. She's impressed with Spike's adaptability.

"I'll say. That disguise won't draw any attention," Mest said.

"Thanks. Also, I learned new spells during my training. Something that can come in handy due to those ships over there," Spike points to the Alvarez Military Ships.

"I have an idea," Wendy said after she pukes. "Everyone gather around, and we'll put the Cait Shelter Emblems as disguises. As for Spike.., well..," Wendy throws up again.

"I keep the cloak on. As far as any is concerned, I'm mute," Spike said.

"Alright, that'll do," Erza said. "I'll speak on your behalf, letting those guards know you're my younger brother."

"Everyone, suit up in swimwear," Mest commands.

Half an hour later. The ship arrives at the harbor. Carla transforms into her humanoid cat form while wearing her black one-piece swimsuit. Lucy, Wendy, and Erza wear their bikinis. Mest, Gray, and Natsu wear their swimming trunks. Natsu also has his scarf wrapped around his head. Spike remains in his cloak; the hoodie conceals his dragon facials. His wings are closed. Everyone follows the crowd to where the Alvarez Soldiers are inspecting people. The soldiers notice the Cait Shelter Guild Emblems on everyone's body except for Spike. They are having difficulties deciding how to approach the situation. One of the soldiers walks up to Spike, but Erza intervenes. She tells the soldier her younger brother is mute and hates the sun. She tells him their parents are gone, and it's up to her to watch over her baby brother, which the soldiers believe. The soldiers ask for IDs and to inspect their personal belongings. After a thorough examination, they allow them to pass. Luckily for Spike, the soldiers didn't ask for his ID. Ages eighteen and higher are permitted to show identification.

"That worked out," Natsu said in awe. He couldn't believe the inspection went smoothly.

"Nice work. Especially you, Erza. For being Tyke's advocate," Gray remembers Spike's disguised name from their adventure in Edolas.

"Tyke?" Erza then remembers hearing Edolas Gajeel mentioning the name. "Right."

Wendy hates the fact that Spike can't talk to her at the moment. She takes a deep breath and follows Mest.

Throughout the island of Caracole, Alvarez Soldiers are in every sector of every booth, pub, restaurant, and beach. Erza, Lucy, Mest, and Gray tell Natsu not to start conflict since they're incognito. Natsu feels offended by the scolding.

"Why is everyone picking on me?" Natsu said, his blood is boiling from the unwanted attention.

"Cause, it's you. You'll more likely do something stupid," Lucy said.

"You're the only one who doesn't grasp what infiltration means," Erza said.

Spike remains silent. He's neutral in this situation.

"I know what it means. Like being sneaky," Natsu poses and adjusts his scarf into looking like a ninja. "I think you're forgetting something, Erza. I am ninja!"

The cries of a young boy are heard, catching everyone's attention. A child confronts four Alvarez Soldiers with spears, demanding to give his father back. Natsu is eager to brawl with the soldiers; however, Erza tells Natsu to refrain from attacking. Mest agrees with Erza despite how bad things look. One of the soldiers of Alvarez unsheaths his sword, demanding the kid to stop crying or else he kills him. The people around are petrified to hear a soldier threatening a child's life because of his cries. Gray, Erza, Lucy, and Natsu spring into action, knocking down the Alvarez Soldiers. The people around are awestruck.

"Man, we are so screwed..," Mest is now in fear due to Gray, Erza, Natsu, and Lucy's interruption.

More Alvarez Soldiers arrive at the scene. Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Lucy are ready to throw down. Wendy promises the kid to find his father. Carla and Happy decide to go with Wendy. Mest wanted to go with Wendy; however, Lucy reminded him about the agent. Mest takes off. Spike decides to stay low-key for a bit. Something is telling him something else is amiss.

After watching Erza Gray, Natsu, and Lucy easily defeat Alvarez Soldiers, he follows them to Mango Gelato stand for the delicious fruit. He surveys the area while Erza and Natsu eat their fill. Then all of a sudden, the stand blows up; the man who owns it cries.

"What the?" Lucy is caught off guard.

"The stand blew up!" Gray is in shock.

Natsu is dazed while holding his bowl of mangoes. Erza breaks her fork, feeling pissed off that her delectable is ruined.

"You are an A-plus," A man claps his way. He wears a purple-violet jacket with a white long-sleeved shirt; He has light purple pants on, plus he's wearing a purple headband with his shades up. His hair is black and spiky.

"Who are you?" Erza demands to know who the man is while he's clapping. "What do you want?"

"Oh, the fire in your eyes is delicious," He said, walking up to Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy, and Spike. "A-plus-plus, maybe. My name is Marin Hollow. I'm a member of the Alvarez Imperial Army Brandish Division."

The man who owned Mango Gelato continues to cry. His hopes and dreams are ruined. Spike lends the man a bag filled with Jewels; the estimate is about fifty grand. Lucy tells him to run while Gray apologizes.

"Who's the kid?" Marin claps. "Such a good boy. Perhaps, he'll be an angel where I'll send him." Marin laughs a little.

"Enough talking!" Erza gets serious. "Requip!" Erza tries to requip into her Black Wing Armor but to no avail. She's confused as to why her magic isn't working. Marin laughs a bit.

"Smash him, now!" Natsu orders Erza.

Erza looks at her hand, dumbstruck as to why her magic doesn't work. "I can't.., requip."

"No, you can't; because I'm the master of space," Marin announces.

"What's that mean?" Gray asks Marin.

"By requipping, it essentially means you're grabbing things in a pocket of space. Too bad, cause all space magic is completely ineffective against me."

"In that case," Lucy grabs her Sagittarius Gate Key. "Take this! Open Gate of the Archer!"

Marin closes his eyes in delight. "Celestial Spirit Magic. Sorry, that's space magic too," Marin laughs.

Lucy feels helpless at the moment. "No way..."

"Oh, there's one tiny detail I forgot to mention," Marin gets hit with a flare marking. It dissolves rather quickly. "Huh, what was that?" Marin sees Spike still in his cloak with his claw in a gun motion. "Cute trick, baby boy," Marin mocks Spike. "Anyway, anyone happens to break the law of space in my presence," Marin chuckles. Lucy and Erza start bubbling. It's like they're being teleported away.

"Wait, what's going on?" It terrorizes Erza a bit.

"This is scary," Lucy can't believe what's happening to her.

"There's no reason to get all fussy, ladies. I'm sending you to my chill-out space!"

"Lucy! Erza!" Natsu gets worried while watching them evaporate. He and Gray try to grab the two, but they vanish. Natsu and Gray's jaw drops. "Where they go?!" Natsu demands an answer. "You better tell me what you did with them right now!"

"Like I said, I sent those lovelies over to relax at my chill-out space. Those girls are A-plus honeys, but the three of you are F-Minus losers! Dumbasses that need to die!" Marin's tone changes. He was chill at first but now dead serious.

"What the hell did we ever do to you, man?!" Gray is furious.

Marin snaps his fingers. Mest appears with bruises on his body. "He's with you, scumbags, right?"

"Mest!" Natsu is surprised to see him defeated.

"This piece of crap tried to use space crap around me!" Marin angrily says. "Know what I think of that? F-Minus! This loser makes me want to puke my guts out!"

Spike breathes his fire and teleports Erza and Lucy back. Marin's jaw drops.

"What the hell?" Marin is confused. "How is that possible!? No one can use space magic to draw them out here!"

Natsu and Gray smirk. "Allow us to introduce to our equalizer," Gray said. He and Natsu step aside.

Spike removes his cloak. He smirks while starring daggers at Marin.

"You!" Marin's eyes pop out. Now he knows who Spike is. "You used space magic! Why isn't my magic not affecting you!"

"Well," Spike chuckles a bit. "I'm an Energy Maker Dragon. My Energy Maker Magic allows me to consume and adapt to any form of energy."

"Thanks for bringing us back, Spike," Lucy said.

"I may need to borrow a weapon from you if you don't mind," Erza said. Her face means death upon you. She's that angry.

"I know you're the legendary Fairy Dragon. My questions are; how can you consume when I didn't give you the magic!? How you can use space magic!? You teleported, and that qualifies for it!" Marin is livid and confused.

Spike smiles. "I hit you with a flare marking. Then when Erza and Lucy were turning into bubbles and transported to your chill-out space, I was breathing the particles while you were monologuing to Natsu and Gray. You didn't bat an eye to what I was doing. Since I breathe the particles, your wave of magic is still consumable. Therefore, your magic is with mine."

Marin turns pale after hearing that. He steps back a bit. "That's an F-minus, dude. That's cheating!" Marin points at Spike. "You cheater! You're cheating! You're cheating!" His hand and arm shake.

"Also," Spike chuckles while watching Marin freak out. "Any attempt to flee, I can pull you back since you were hit with a flare marking."

"You're a monster! A cheating monster!" Marin trembles in his speech.

Spike claps his claws, creating an inferno lightning sword for Erza. "Here you go," Spike gives it to her.

"Thanks, Spike," Erza grips the sword. She now enhances the ability to use lightning and fire.

"Now, I'm fired up!" Natsu's hand is ablaze in fire.

"I say we ice this dude!" Gray positions himself for his Ice-Maker Magic.

Marin waves his hands. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Let's not be hasty. Let's not be hasty!" He steps back a bit.

"What have you done, Marin?" A woman with green hair with two purple cross-shaped objects attached to the sides of her head like horns. She's wearing silver cross-shaped earrings. Her attire consists of a gold-colored bikini showing her huge bust and a golden fancy coat with purple-indented flower patterns across its design, along with purple fur around the collar; A dark-brown collar around her neck with golden chains attached to it; running across her back in a T-shaped pattern. Lastly, she wears dark brown high heels. Her Alvarez Emblem is on her right thigh.

The power level of this woman has everyone on edge a bit. Spike looks at her and remains silent. Marin warps next to his commanding officer.

"Brandish, my lady. You are an A-plus-" Marin's speech is interrupted.

"Be quiet," Brandish commands. "It seems you aroused Fairy Dragon's anger," Brandish reads Spike's body language. "Also, I have a craving for Star Mango Gelato," Brandish turns to see the stand. "The shop is like totally in pieces!" Brandish is sad as tears flow down. Her desired treat is ruined. "Who could have done this?!"

"Marin did," Spike points at him before Marin can play the blame game.

"Let's go," Brandish commands in a sad tone.

"Hey, wait! These people are here to contact the spy! We need to apprehend them!" Marin advises.

"I don't care. You and I are going to have a long discussion," Brandish tone changes real quick, from being sad to strictly angry. Marin sweats like crazy and complies. He leaves with Brandish.

"Not so fast!" Natsu calls out Brandish.

"Don't be stupid!" Lucy barks at Natsu.

"You took out one of our friends! You really think you can walk away after that?" Natsu sternly says.

"No, stand down!" Erza commands.

"Calm down, Natsu. Things don't have to escalate so quickly," Spike orders.

Brandish turns around to Natsu. Natsu's glare speaks vengeance. Brandish uses her magic to shrink Marin out of existence. Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Spike gasp in horror.

"I'm down one too. Now, we're even. Does that make things better?" Brandish calmly says. "I hate dealing with this. There's so much else I rather be doing."

"He was your guy," Natsu is offended that a comrade in Alvarez is willing to take out one of their own. "How could you?"

"Why would I waste any more of my time? It's way easier for all of us if I tell everyone back home I got rid of the spy and her little friends. So stay away from Alakitasia, okay?"

"She knows of our plans?" Spike thought to himself.

"Wait, how could she know why we're here?" Erza thought to herself.

"Makarov is alive, by the way. But, if you guys don't behave yourselves, that could easily change. So this is your warning. You better run along home, or else," Brandish uses her magic. The island starts shaking tremendously.

"What is she doing?" Lucy is perplexed about the island's quaking.

"What the?" Natsu lands in the water. Everyone is in the water. People are confused while some are struggling to swim.

"How is this possible?" Spike is confused like everyone else is.

Brandish is standing on the island like a stepping stone. Her magic allows her to shrink or increase anything she sees. "Alvarez has eleven other wizards just as powerful as I am. So don't be stupid to start a fight you can't win. Got that, Fairy Tail?"

"There are that many like her?" Lucy is scared out of her mind. Rescuing Makarov will be life endangerment now.

"So, they got our whole mission figured out." Gray thought to himself.

"We can't beat or fool them. This is bad." Erza thought to herself.

"Fairy Dragon," Brandish calls out Spike.

Spike flaps his wings and rises out of the waters. "What is it?"

"God Serena will slay you," Brandish declares. She knows God Serena has the magic power to defeat Spike in battle. "He's our equalizer to your magic power."

"Point taken," Spike shows no emotion.

Brandish goes to her Alvarez Military Ship and sails away. Fisherman ships arrive to pick the many out of the waters. Spike increases his size and helps people get on the fisherman ships.

"Make sure everyone is accounted for," Erza said.

Spike continues to put people on the ships. "That's the last of them, Sis."

Many people on the ships take pictures of Spike. Most of them have never seen a full-size dragon this close and personal.

"I'm staying on Spike!" Natsu said, refusing to get on the fisherman ship.

"Same with me!" Wendy said. She doesn't want to experience any more motion sickness.

"Think you can heal Mest?" Carla asks Wendy.

Spike grabs Wendy and lowers her down. His claw is above Mest. "I'll try," Wendy uses her healing magic on Mest.

"Happy, were you able to track down that kid's dad?" Gray asks.

"Aye," Happy points to the father of the kid's dad. "They seem okay."

"Spike, what's our next move?" Lucy asks Spike.

"I'm not sure," Spike said. Then he sees Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Gray, Erza, and Carla vanishing. "What's going on?" He vanishes as well. Spike had to revert to size. Otherwise, he would have destroyed what's containing him and his friends.

"We're, fine. It's my magic," Mest said.

"Warning would have been a considerate thing to do!" Carla lividly barks at Mest for pulling a disappearing stunt.

"Haha! Safe on solid ground!" Natsu and Wendy cheer in joy.

"So, where have you taken us?" Erza asks Mest.

"Not far. It's near Caracole Island but underwater," Mest said.

"Underwater?" Spike and Lucy are amazed to hear that a base is underwater.

"Wow, look at all the fishies!" Happy said, looking out the window.

"Why here?" Carla asks Mest.

"I was able to get in contact with our spy. She gave me a set of coordinates of the rendezvous."

"What a strange place," Erza said.

The location Mest transport everyone into is like a temple. It has its set of marble pillars and magic-stained glass for windows. The details of the floor, walls, and ceilings are marbled-concrete. Then the temple sort-of-speak starts moving and sheds its foundation. It has a cannon on its head. Angelic wings spread wide as arms, mechanical legs and feet, and a set of white eyes.

"Mest!" Erza turns to Mest.

"I don't know what's happening!" Mest like everyone else is dumbfounded. Unfortunately for Wendy and Natsu, they suffer immediate motion sickness.

"The building is moving," Carla said.

"Nooooo! Please!" Natsu and Wendy pleas while their motion sickness gets the better of them. The building runs on oceanic floors. "Stay still!" Natsu and Wendy collapse. Spike sits on the floor, rubbing Wendy's back.

"I'm glad you've come."

"Huh, did you hear someone?" Lucy asks her friends.

"Sounds familiar," Spike said.

A woman that has white hair and is wearing an angelic bikini is sitting on her seat that controls the Mobile Temple Olympia. "Welcome to the Mobile Temple Olympia. I am your Captain, Sorano."

"It's Angel," Lucy is surprised to see Angel since the Infinity Clock crisis. "I don't understand..."

"Why are you in a swimsuit?" Gray asks Angel. He's stripped into the nude.

"Because we're in the water," Angel replies.

"Hey, put your clothes back on!" Carla irately orders.

"Spike is naked. No one complains," Gray replies.

"I can hide my junk. You can't," Spike responds to Gray's statement.

"Fine, I'm putting them on," Gray puts his clothes back on.

"Hold on, is she the spy?" Happy asks.

"Uh-huh, that would be me," Angel said.

"As you know, the former Oracíon Seis are working with Jellal as Crime Sorcière. So we asked for their help with it," Mest said.

"Is there a reason you didn't call on Cobra?" Erza asks Mest.

"We couldn't risk him hearing certain things that need to remain confidential," Mest said.

"I don't believe our paths have crossed since that Infinity Clock ordeal. It's so nice to see you all," Angel said.

"You do realize your cover was blown," Lucy said.

"So you fled to Caracole Island," Gray noted.

"Which was promptly wiped out," Carla added.

"It's not my fault! I barely escaped alive, you know!" Angel whines a bit, waving her arms like a child.

"It's quite surprising coming from you," Erza said.

"Well, as it turns out, I owed Mest a little favor now. So, I'll help you this time," Angel said. "However, don't be fooled to think we're partners."

"Is there anything you can inform us at the moment? Also, where are we heading?" Spike asks Angel.

"Well, Fairy Dragon. I'm taking you and your friends straight to Makarov," Angel informs everyone.

"No way. You know where they're keeping him?" Erza asks Angel.

"Aren't I the best?" Angel smiles.

"How long will this thing takes us to the Alvarez Empire?" Spike asks.

"If I kick it into full gear, two days at best," Angel replies.

"Speed it up."

"You got it," Angel kicks the Mobile Temple Olympia at full gear. However, it worsens the motion sickness for Wendy and Natsu.

Two days later. Angel raises the Mobile Temple Olympia out of the waters and on the main-lands of Alakitasia. The Mobile Temple Olympia sprints to a forest region outside the Alvarez Empire. They are two hundred miles away.

"This is as far as I can take you," Angel said.

"Thanks for the ride," Spike said. He lifts Wendy and Natsu. "Don't worry about getting us home. I'll take care of that."

"Finally, out of this hellhole," Natsu said, still feeling queasy.

"Aye," Wendy concurs. She hopes to never ride a vehicle ever again.

"Farewell," Angel directs the Mobile Temple Olympia away.

Spike, Natsu, Wendy, Carla, Lucy, Erza, Mest, Gray, and Happy can see the Alvarez Empire from afar. Spike shoots Mest with a Flare Marking.

"So, I'm guessing if I take too long, you either teleport me back, or you teleport to me?"

"That is correct, Mest. You're the fastest among us. Find Makarov and bring him back here."

"You got it," Mest uses his Direct Line magic to teleport at fast speeds.

"So, what now?" Natsu asks Spike now that he's feeling better.

"We wait," Spike replies. "And prepare ourselves for any outcome in case Mest fails."

Mest Gryder enters the Alvarez Empire. He senses an overwhelming source of power and investigates. Upon arrival, he sees Makarov imprisoned in a purplish-sphere that's causing severe pain. Mest grabs Makarov before the sphere kills him. Mest takes a look at the wizard who nearly killed Makarov. Mest saw the Black Wizard, Zeref.

Mest Gryder left ten minutes ago and returns with Makarov. Everyone is elated to see Makarov safe and sound.

"My children are here," Makarov is amazed to see Spike, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Natsu, and Gray.

"Guys, I saw Zeref," Mest said. "He was with Zeref."

Natsu does a doubletake and looks at the Alvarez Empire, staring in the direction where Zeref is staring.

"We need to get out of here before Alvarez sends their whole army after us," Mest said.

"Leave that to me," Spike uses his fire breath to teleport everyone back to the guildhall.

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