• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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A New Day Part 3: Sunset's Movie Review

It's 7:00 in the morning. Sunset Shimmer wakes up to a new day in Discord's home. She suffered a nightmare from last night's disaster in Canterlot City. She relived the moments of her friends dying by the clutches of her human self.

"Will I be forever scarred from those images?" Sunset speaks to herself. The memories of her friends in the other world dying in front of her flashes. She screams while gripping her head.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Adagio, Sonata, and Aria come bursting into Sunset's room after hearing the wails.

A clone of Discord walks into the room after hearing the commotion; he slithers up to the bed to check on Sunset Shimmer. Discord comes into the room and sees Sunset wailing.

"Oh, that's right. I didn't explain to any of you what Sunset told me last night," Discord said.

Sunset stops wailing and comes to her senses. She heavily pants while reliving the moment Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy die due to their Changeling Counterparts. She blinks a few times to see her friends in the room with much concern on their faces.

"Hey, are you alright, Sunset?" Sonata asks. She's worried about Sunset Shimmer.

"No..," Sunset looks down with sadness on her face.

"What happened?" Adagio asks. She wants to know what messed up force caused severe mental damage to her friend.

"Discord, display the imagery into a movie as you did with Spike. I don't want to tell it," Sunset hears the sadness of Pinkie Pie displaying in her mind; how each of her friends reacted when they saw their loved ones killed in the massacre.

"Very well," Discord places his claw and taps into Sunset's memory bank. He takes all he needs. "I'll show you what went down. Sunset, I would recommend not going to the School of Friendship until you are 110%."

"Understood, Discord," Sunset lays back on her bed.

Adagio, Sonata Aria, Discord, and a clone of Discord leave Sunset's room. They head downstairs to the living room.

"Discord, how bad is it?" Aria asks.

"It's the F-word of their world that describes badly," Discord coughs the DVD player and hooks it up to a tv.

"Oh boy," Sonata imagines the horrors of what Sunset went through.

"Wow," Adagio doesn't want to picture the idea of the possibility but, she'll watch it unfold from the tv screen.

"Okay, that's bad," Aria replies.

"Clone, fill in for me at the School today," Discord commands.

"On it," A clone of Discord rides a bike and flies in the skies, leaving the house.

Discord turns on the movie. The Dazzlings and Discord watch how the beginning turns out fine. While watching the movie, Sunset contemplates everything that transpired, including dooming the other world for stealing the life away from the other Sunset Shimmer.

An hour into contemplation, Sunset blames herself for damning the other world and giving the inspiration to create a wicked scheme.

"How can I forgive myself?" Sunset feels defeated. She's unsure how to cope with the feeling. "What can I do..?"

Discord fast-forward some scenes that weren't necessary. So far within Sunset's memory, she's having a fun time with her friends in school. The Dazzlings and Discord see how Twilight (Sci-Twi) cares for Spike and wants him with her wherever she goes.

"Wow, she's different from the other Twilight," Aria said.

"More caring and loving. I respect that," Adagio said in approval.

"Puppy Spike is cute," Sonata is in awe while seeing Spike as a puppy.

"Well, more like a young dog like how Spike is a baby dragon," Discord informs.

"Is it true that the other Twilight and Spike are here? I overheard you talking a bit last night while grabbing a midnight snack," Adagio said.

Discord sighs. "Yea," Discord nods. "The two are here. The movie explains how, though."

Two hours into the movie, the Dazzlings and Discord are at the point where the roaring blackouts occur. Pinkie's sister, Maud Pie, enters the room and scares the crap out of everyone in the room. Discord and the Dazzlings do get a good laugh from the scenery. Then, it becomes a no-laughing matter when Sweetie Belle and Rarity walk inside Pinkie's house wearing matching jumpsuits while holding black scissors.

"Okay, those smiles are disturbing," Sonata said.

"Agreed," Discord, Adagio, and Aria said. They are disturbed by watching the way Sweetie Belle and Rarity smile.

The Dazzlings and Discord flinch when they see two hooded people ambush Applejack and Rainbow Dash from behind with baseball bats, then hold black scissors near their throats. Discord and the Dazzlings see how terrible the situation is escalating.

"Now, it's getting worse," Aria said.

"No kidding," Sonata is using a pillow to cover most of her view from the tv.

"Damn, what the hell is this madness?" Adagio said in shock.

"I fear it's only the beginning," Discord understands how excruciating the situation is.

Discord's statement is spot on when the hoodied people reveal themselves to the girls and Spike on the couch. One person, in particular, made Discord and the Dazzling gasp in horror, Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart, when she revealed herself after bringing the lifeless body of Maud Pie.

"Oh my God," Sonata said, covering her mouth in shock.

"That's bizarre," Aria said. She can't believe that Sunset's counterpart is running the show.

"I can see why this has to traumatize Sunset Shimmer in the worst of ways possible," Adagio said.

"I heard the explanation, but seeing the memory with my own eyes takes the cake," Discord is in disbelief even though he heard the story last night.

"They're like Changelings," Sonata theorizes based on what she's seeing.

Sunset Shimmer wearing the jumpsuit asks particular questions as to why no one has ever mentioned her existence. She explains her story about being taken away for an experimental project orchestrated by Madam President Chrysalis. The Project is known as the Changeling Project. It was a way to control the populous of the country. The problem was that every Changeling succeeded except for having one crucial factor. Every Changeling created doesn't have a soul. With many testings and trials, Madam President Chrysalis deemed the project worthless and left Sunset Shimmer to rot with their creations. Sunset Shimmer wants to bring the Changelings out of the darkness and into the light. To take the land and start anew. Rainbow Dash wasn't going to have it, but her Changeling Counterpart prevents Rainbow Dash from striking her savior.

Sonata covers her eyes. She now knows the heartache and guilt Sunset Shimmer is feeling at the moment. Aria and Adagio feel lucky that Twilight's pursuit of retrieving Spike saved their lives. Discord is perturbed with the scenery.

While watching more of Sunset's memories made the Dazzlings and Discord flinch and cringe horridly. They witnessed Sunset getting nearly poked in the eye by the scissors and stabbed in the leg. They witnessed Fluttershy getting stabbed in the back by her counterpart, Spike getting kidnapped, Applejack's death, and playing the final game.

Four hours later, the movie comes to an end. The Dazzlings admit they'll lay off watching horror movies for the next few months after witnessing the horrors of their friend's memories. Silence reign for a while until Sunset Shimmer walks downstairs to get something to eat.

"Hey.., are you.., okay?" Sonata asks.

Sunset Shimmer sighs. "No. I think it'll take me a while for me to recover," Sunset grabs a box of pizza from the fridge.

"Discord, can you go to the other world and fix it?" Aria asks.

"My Chaotic nature doesn't allow me to resurrect the dead. My Chaotic nature allows me to spring new life and whatnot."

"Are you going to reconnect with the Elements of Harmony?" Aria asks out of curiosity.

"Not right now. I did promise I will when I last saw Pinkie making the ultimate sacrifice to stay behind while Twilight (Sci-Twi), Spike, and I came to Equestria."

The clone of Discord returns home from the School of Friendship. It's 5:30 in the afternoon.

"Hey, me. How did it go?" Discord asks his clone.

"Pretty well, I do miss being a teacher for the School of Friendship," The clone admits.

"Mind if you keep it up for the next while? My friend needs me more than ever," Discord says.

"Sure thing," The clone prepares for tomorrow's class.

Sunset takes her slices and goes to her room. She wants to be alone for a little while longer.

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