• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen September 11th


Horrifically Fun

Comments ( 28 )

Quick note. The first google post tried to redirect to an unknown location. If you're using public pictures for the characters, I might suggest copying them to a google drive and using that. It's safer, as a hedge against hostile redirects.

Great Halloween addition! That was hot and wish for the next part where she seduce Applejack.

Great work.

Honestly I fucking adore the idea of Sunny just bouncing around her friends regardless of whether they had any sort of committed relationship and just ending up in their beds. Maybe AJ shows up the following morning, at first apprehensive that someone is in bed with Rarity, then breathes a sigh of relief realizing it's just Sunny again, that everything is fine, and likely crawling in next to Rarity to spoon her from the other side.
She's basically like the tribble of the group.

Anyone who does waxing or anything similar, you have my respect.

But, wouldn't tearing that much tape off your body hurt?

“Ah… YOU FUCKER!” Sunset exclaimed as tears welled up in her eyes.

“You were the one who neglected to shave down there before liberally applying tape!”

“I was running late! Okay?! I just got back from celebrating on in EQUESTRIA… same costume… no need for tape…”


“It’s okay, I sat through an hour of Wallflower poetry about how she used to stalk me in the hallways, I’ll just disconnect my ability to feel ANYTHING before yo”—



hmmmmmmmm this scene that i’m seeing........ reminds me of

this one, wrost part? it’s real, it happened,

I am always down for smutty adventures with Rarity and Sunset. Especially if they're happy fun smutty adventures.

Very nice job with this.

For future reference, you can loosen such tape with hot water. Also if you tear it off under the water it can mitigate the pain somewhat if hair is involved.

Soon the pair where (were) sitting at a table with their friends, holding two cold beers that were paid for by… well by a couple fans of the female form, and Sunset already had a stack of sharpie-stained coasters of cell phone numbers that she was busily ignoring as she took a shot of Irish whiskey.

Twilight buried her beat (beet) red face in her hands as Rarity patted her on the back. “Twilight, dear, that was a remarkable suggestion, but I need some fabric choices otherwise we can just skip to starting a nudist colony.”

“I was running late! Okay?! I just got back from celebrating on in EQUESTRIA… same costume… no need for tape…”

Honestly, Sunset was almost as bad as Applejack in that regard, but with Applejack that was from a lack of knowledge for how to treat a woman… Sunset just happened to have one of the top five highest running sex drives in the city, and that meant passion often was out running(1 word) her other senses.

*re-reads Twilight's costume*


I both love AND hate right now. Consider yourself followed, friend.


This was the Halloween piece we deserved, undoubtedly! And drunk SciTwiggles is best SciTwiggles.

Is this part of the Sunset's mad about everything universe too? It'd fit, undoubtedly.

There's a reason Justice is one hell of a comedy writer in fimfic. I do recommend his other works, they're also hilarious.

Yep! It's part of the other stories.

Got these! Thanks!:twilightsmile:

I read it twice and I still don't get it.

Ever seen Super Hero Girls?

Tara Strong voices Batgirl.

Between my own efforts at writing and work I have next to no time for TV. Over half the current shows on air, I've never even heard of.

Netflix. The only way to watch. :rainbowdetermined2:

Don't forget hulu!

Hilariously obscene

The disadvantage of double-sided tape as a wardrobe optimizer. Snerk!

Read the fic. It absolutely did.

she immediately relaxed one she sensed


Ther...e was a very brief note of silence.





And that’s where the night would have ended if it weren’t for one little question.

Rarity snickered. “Sunset, my lovely, if your phone, wallet, and strip of gauze were the only thing you took out tonight, did you plan on wearing my shower curtains home?”

Ther...e was a very brief note of silence.



Fire crotch...might wanna get that checked

Too bad neither of them were sober enough to consider a razor blade and/or baby oil for that gauze. :twilightsheepish:

Yo whats going on. Haven't seen u in a while

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Rarity, I am a princess alicorn from another WORLD who has to routinely save BOTH from beings of incredible magical power and moody teenagers and I’ve never, ONCE, seen a cop or security guard in Canterlot attempt to so much as read a 10-foot-tall demon woman her rights! I assure you they would need to let me out sooner rather than later. ”

She has a point

or a Hot shower The steam would loosen the adhesive

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