Flash Sentry really needs to watch his words. Particularly when talking to certain individuals.
From the All The Time In The World writeoff.me contest where it placed 9th.
Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...
Flash Sentry really needs to watch his words. Particularly when talking to certain individuals.
From the All The Time In The World writeoff.me contest where it placed 9th.
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Posting #2 in Georg's April Foolishness
I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
(Well, not really.)
If this is your April Foolishness, then there must be more.
The peasantry will accept no less from their glorious and generous overlord.
Dammit Sentry!
The irony is that Discord hears spelling. He just doesn’t CARE.
9542926 Should I have made it a musical?
I cumin here because I herb you wrote a good story, and you waste my thyme with this dreck. For shame.
The dialog in this is just <mwah> perfect.
Ok, lol
Well that could have gone far worse. Then again I hope that Celestia, Luna, and all of Twilight's friends are chewing out Discord for doing this as well. He obviously knew that doing what this silly fool wanted would cause Twilight major trouble.
I quite enjoyed Shining Armor in this! Enough to forgive that it was all a set up for a pun... Still, the amble on the way to it was good.
PERFECTION. I love it!
"Now, if you're really unlucky, she'll banish you to the moon and break it in half, Luna's reaction be damned."
Brilliant work with Flash, (ah-ah!) chewtoy of the universe. Thank you for it.
Oh, the pun! The horrible Pun!
The wurst case would have been to take the intended spelling -- imagine if the two of them were locked up for eternity. None of the other princesses, element bearers, etc., would have forgiven him. Even Fluttershy would have been upset.
So, his intentional "misunderstanding" was a way for Discord to stay out of Flutters' Stare.
Also, I want to point out that I REALLY appreciate how in this fic you can see how Shining really IS Twilight's brother and how they're surprisingly similar.
I did not expect this story to be so... spicy.
This was just plum funny.
Great fun!
I'm always cheering for pony-world FlashLight.
There are a lot of very angry cooks right now, wondering where one of their herbs has ended up
Sometimes I wonder what she sees in that adorable goofus, but he does know how to spice things up on occasion.
But Twilight was already coming down toward Flash.
I wish Flash Sentry's head to be filled with common sense.
*Discord blinks* Goodness me, you're more evil than I thought!
*Flash's head explodes from zillions of pennies suddenly popping into it*
9542938 Such a peppery attitude. You should tread more gingerly!
cute, but why is this any more than a nuisance?
That sounds like sage advice to me.
Literal mountains of spices tend to cause catastrophic problems as soon as reality ensues.
Also, "all the thyme in the world" translates to massive theft AND financial problems a huge numbers of farms.
9543758 It is indeed! Now if you'll excuse me I have to... uhm… paprika my... tarragon... (Alondro ran out of booze, now his brain can't meme)
Good rewrite and extension. I "liked" it.
So. Did Discord teleport it all over to Canterlot and put Twilight on top like a cherry? It sounds like that's what he did.
Poor Flash, dunno about twi though....
There's always the spoon tho,
I was an idiot and didn't get it until I came down to the comments section. Then, there was a long, loud sigh. Good job.
That doesn't seem to even remotely be his fault. That seems like it's entirely Discord's fault.
That's kinda shitty for them to blame him instead of Discord.
So many puns in the comments...
Let's hope Twilight chills it out; it would be a shame if she cloves Flash in half. If he survives, let's laurel him for his troubles.
Why did I do this.
Puns aside, I quite liked this story, definitely not a waste of thyme.
I think it's not who's really at fault, it's the ancient art of Surviving in the Face of Mares' Wrath.
It took me a while getting it. Then I burst out laughing. Great job!
Amazingly funny story.
I’m just glad there’s been no salt in the comments about Flash (and technically FlashLight) being on a hot story.
Ok who gave Flash the Ketamine.
Fess up.
And then sell me some.
Very clever
I hate Flash Sentry!!!! I hope Twilight dumps that idiot!!!!!!!!
otherwise I like the story
Huh, figures Discord would go for a cheap pun instead of turning Flash into an immortal alicorn princess.
May I ask why?
Personally, I have nothing against him. I respect Twilight and Flash's individual wishes, as I respect your opinion.
Flash, good luck. And good insurance, you'll need both.
Not native speaker... What pun?
9544869 Easily done (because honestly English is confusing enough for us):
Define thyme
noun: thyme; plural noun: thymes; noun: garden thyme; noun: common thyme
a low-growing aromatic plant of the mint family. The small leaves are used as a culinary herb and the plant yields a medicinal oil.
Define time
the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
He's being blamed for talking to Discord.
That and it's hard to actually punish Discord.

OK, Flash deserves the punishment. Not for causing the pun, but for giving Discord a chance to make it.
I remember this one! Great to see it make the jump to FimFiction.
9545008 Oh, thanks for reminding me. I forgot to put it in the group. Fixed!
Well, this took a lot of thyme to decide what to comment.
Oh look...A pun..
Nobody cares