• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 4,310 Views, 64 Comments

Discord Already Did It - deadpansnarker

Chrysalis has come up with a foolproof plan to take over Equestria, by creating evil versions of her adversaries! The only problem is, Discord already did it... and he's about to tell her so. Based on the latest episode 'The Mean Six'.

  • ...

"A word in your ear, Chrissy..."

"...And now my wicked copies of those blasted do-gooders, that I created using my seamless magic, will steal the Elements Of Harmony and conquer the world, under my inspiring leadership naturally... BWHAHAHA!" Chrysalis announced loudly to nopony in particular, making sure to end her extended monologue with the standard stereotypical villainous laugh as she gazed in pride at her new 'army'.

"That plan's a little laboured for you isn't it, Chrissy? After so many months spent brooding and plotting your 'ultimate revenge', I have to say I expected better than this tawdry affair. I was quite entertained at the beginning where you pretended to be the official photographer and stole a piece of everypony's mane, but you didn't even mention that part. If we're being completely straight though, the rest of it is slightly... tired, wouldn't you say?"

"W-What? Who said that? Who dares defy the queen of the changelings?!" Chrysalis stopped cackling long enough to cast an accusatory glare all around, including at her freshly-hatched replicas of six very familiar ponies.

"Who cares? Yawn." said Disloyal Rainbow Dash, ready to curl up for a nap.

"They sound boring. Why isn't there anypony interesting around here?" Miserable Pinkie Pie was not impressed.

"If they have any personal items, they're all mine!" Greedy Rarity showed her true colours.

"I want to see them suffer!" Cruel Fluttershy couldn't wait to torment the stranger.

"E-Erm, it's me! I'm an expert ventriloquist! See?" Liar Applejack announced non-too convincingly.

"Well, they can't be as bad a boss as you, whoever they are." Evil Twilight growled at the thought of yet another lifeform she'd have to mislead and betray.

"Really, Chrissy. I've heard of pale imitations, but these sorry creations don't even pass muster as bad forgeries." The disembodied voice continued to mock the perturbed former changeling leader relentlessly as it boomed around the forest. "First, you lose your throne, then you'll lose a libel suit in court for plagiarising me. Quite the twin accomplishments. You must be so proud..."

"H-Huh?! How did... I demand that you show yourself this instant!" Despite appearing as unflappable as always, there was a tinge of uncertainty to Chrysalis's request.

"Oh, where are my manners, Chrissy? I suppose it's just plain rude not to allow you the pleasure of feasting your eyes on this glorious visage. Your wish is my command, my lady." A nearby tree suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke, only to reshape into the serpentine form of Discord himself. "Seriously, you didn't spot the fanged mouth? The pointy horn? How many weeping willows do you know that have face fur? Really, most disappointing."

"Discord, I might have guessed." Chrysalis rolled her eyes upon spotting the land's most notorious trickster. "You know what I think? You're just jealous because your two recent attempts at taking over Equestria were unmitigated failures. At least you taught me one valuable lesson: never work with anyone potentially more powerful than you in pursuit of your dreams. So, if you've come to request a collaboration, you can just blink yourself back to limbo and stay there."

"Oh, Chrissy. Are you really that far behind on the latest news? I'm a changed Lord Of Chaos these days. Here, allow me to offer you a refresher..." Discord then snapped his claws together to create a floating copy of Ponyville Express, upon which the headline screamed 'HERO DRAGONEQUUS SAVES WORLD FROM CHANGELING TYRANNY'. "I must say, I don't think they caught my good side in the picture. What do you think? More, or less makeup?"

"I don't have any time for this nonsense!" Chrysalis stamped her hooves in frustration, as she railed on Discord angrily. "If it is your intention to 'reform' me, you have even less chance than asking us to join forces! Didn't you get the message from Starlight, when I told her where to shove it?"

"Buzz! Wrong again! Would you like to try to answer the question one more time, when the prizes double in value?" Discord suddenly appeared as a cheesy game show host, flashy jacket, terrible hairpiece and all. "As much as me, Thorax and the rest of the good guys would welcome you onto the side of all things lovable and fluffy, we believe that's a decision you have to make for yourself. In the meantime, I'm here to chastise you for your blatant lack of originality, as well as offer you some slightly more innovate ideas for world domination, if you'll listen to them."

Chrysalis wasn't quite sure she'd heard this correctly. "W-What?" She responded, somewhat dumbfounded.

"This whole 'make the Mane Six the opposite of their personalities' thing? That's so like, last year. Or even, seven years ago, by my calculation." Discord winked at no-one in particular, before continuing his tirade. "I didn't even need to create separate entities for them, either. Just trapped them in a maze, teased them for a while and whoosh, job done. But now you're taking a scheme I hatched for a bit of fun, and turning it into a serious attempt at conquering Equestria? Chrissy, I know you can do better than that! Or maybe you can't, which is why I'm offering my services today, free of charge. You're welcome."

Chrysalis was now more than a little gobsmacked. "I-I need to sit down." She gasped, the woods around her spinning slightly.

"You see Chrissy, I know what it's like. Wanting something really small, like the entire world to bow unconditionally to my will, and never being able to quite follow through on my ambition." Discord shook his head sadly as he plunked himself down next to Chrysalis on a spare log, while an unseen violin played a mournful melody somewhere in the background. "Of course, since then I've discovered something much more valuable than being a merciless dictator, but we'll save that for another time. Right now, all I see is a pitiful antagonist in desperate need of consel, and I'm here to help."

Chrysalis, now with her face in her hooves, quickly looked up again upon being described as 'pitiful'. "What did you just call me?!"

"Whatever you do next, let's make it better than one of my hand-me-down connivances, shall we?" Discord widely beamed at Chrysalis, even endeavouring to lightly pat her on the snout. "Now, I was thinking maybe we could try something which involves Gummy, Flurry Heart's rattle, a piece of used strawberry bubble gum and half a pound of the finest yak droppings. You get the droppings, I'll pick up everything else. Does that sound kosher to you?"

"...Get out."

"It's really not that big a deal you know, Chrissy. If you just hold your nostrils like so..."

"I said... Get out!!" Chrysalis was clearly not playing around, as evidenced by her heightened voice and the veins throbbing in her forehead.

"Okay, I get it. Geez, you try and do somepony a good turn..." Discord poked a large stick between his ears to clean them, before deigning to offer some parting advice. "You might think you're destined to succeed in the cozy glow of your own ego, but with such patently unoriginal machinations, I'd wager a filly poses a greater threat than you at present. Well, must dash. It looks like I'll be earlier than expected at Fluttershy's today. She will be pleased. I believe today's brew is ginseng. My favourite...!"

"Just. Go!" Chrysalis flatly yelled at Discord, finally dissipating him with her final shouted word.

A few seconds after the draconequus's departure, Chrysalis hesitantly turned back to her motley crew of underlings, doubt etched all over her face.

She knew that Discord was lying, really she did. But right now she needed some reassurance from somepony, anypony to put her mind at ease...

...Even these manufactured losers.

"I-It will work, won't it?"

Rainbow Dash turned the other cheek. "Don't know, don't care."

Pinkie Pie frowned deeply. "You must be kidding. We're all doomed!"

Rarity clutched her collection of twigs and rocks harder. "Just stay away from my things!"

Fluttershy grimaced in a disturbing way. "That depends. Who can I pick on next?"

Applejack grinned sneakily. "Yes, indubitably! Now, who wants to see my wings?"

Finally, a resolute Twilight had the most of everypony to say. "Of course it will! With me... sorry, you leading us, nothing could stop us achieving my, apologies, your glory! Hmm... that might not have come out quite right."

Faced with this level of staunch backing from her crack troops, Chrysalis noted, what could possibly go wrong?

Oh, horsefeathers... I wonder if Yakyakistan is still open at this hour?

Author's Note:

Yep, another one of my after episode specials. Hope you enjoyed it, and bye for now. :twistnerd:

Comments ( 64 )

Hmmm.. I am smelling Professor Chaos origins.... By any chance did you base this partially on Simpson's Did It!? If not, then man you missed an ideal comedy gold bit! That episode was fucking weird man!

Only the title, not much else. :moustache:

And now that I read it, I have context. It really was similar to the whole Discord thing. However, Discord's antics work better seen. This isn't a slight against you, it just relies on visual punnery and that is slightly lost in written form no matter how in-character you get him. I haven't seen this episode, but thanks to *thunder flashes needlessly dramatic* TV TROPES, I can take a shot. Thanks to this addictive substance I know mostly of what happens in each episode. This was a funny story and I am surprised they did an episode twice.

You might think you're destined to succeed in the cozy glow of your own ego, but with such patently unoriginal machinations, I'd wager a filly poses a greater threat than you at present.

Meta much? XD

I agree, there's only so much you can do regarding Discord in the medium of fanfiction without the accompanying visual jokes and random allusions, but hopefully I've done as good a job as I can. Thanks for the praise, and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. :scootangel:

Oh you can definitely do him justice. Just the flare he usually adds is lost cause we are reading about it. Discord is easily the hardest and easiest character both to nail. The easy and slightly shitty way is to just make him hammy and weird, but to truly nail him, you have to go against what people expect. Or so I imagine... I haven't written Discord!

It's tougher than it looks. But still, it's a lot of fun to do, because unlike most of the other characters, virtually anything goes! :rainbowderp:

Who would imagine THAT being so difficult? It's hard not making sense. Discord may think otherwise, but there is a method to being weird. Discord thrives on it and yet it is hard getting down properly! That should be the easiest thing in the world on that logic alone!

When people try to write Discord, they'll know what you mean. You have to find that sweet spot between unhindered lunacy and moderate sanity. Tougher than it sounds, but once you've grasped it, the rest should follow easily enough. :rainbowdetermined2:

:flutterrage: "Shots fired!"
"Kill the shy one."
:ajsmug: "Discord did it!"

🏥 = 1


I'm imagining this literally happening. Like Discord pulls out a newspaper and holds it up. At first there's nothing on it, then it starts shouting at the top of its non-existent lungs.

Chrysalis must be desperate to use a hand-me-down D-Rank plan.

Indeed. Hey, at least it would get the message across. :rainbowlaugh:

'plays South Park theme'. :trollestia:

Ah, you see now it's beginning to make more sense. :ajsmug:

Thank you. I hoped to make people think... :moustache:

I noticed that originally too! I did enjoy this episode, but it's a bit unoriginal.

It was a pretty good episode, agreed. Thanks for reading. :rainbowkiss:

Discord did it.
The whole "anti-mane six" thing. Discord did it, he reversed their personalities.
But he didn't clone them?
Then this is completely different!
Yeah, about as different as we are from the original us.
Shots fired!

Literally was my first thought. 😂 The only difference between these Anti-Six is that Anti-Twilight is cunning and ruthless, not depressed and pessimistic.


Yep, but for the most part they are pretty much identical in behaviour, and the idea is still pretty much the same :twistnerd:

Finally, a resolute Twilight had the most of everypony to say. "Of course it will! With me... sorry, you leading us, nothing could stop us achieving my, apologies, your glory! Hmm... that might not have come out quite right."

Seems legit. A totally trusthworthy lieutenant.

Naturally. How could anypony think differently... :rainbowwild:

Right now, Evil!Twi is my favorite one-shot Season 8 character.

"cozy glow of your own ego"

Well done, well done .)

Not only did DIscord do it, Chrysalis used Mane 6 duplicates in the very first MLP: FiM comic. Except in that comic her plan actually had a chance in hell of working.

In this episode, ha, no. We, the audience, already knew the evil clones couldn't use the EoH, because they'd rejected even the actual Mane 6 when they weren't in harmony, again back in "Return of Harmony".

Since we already knew Chrysalis' plan was doomed to failure, there was no tension whatsoever. And then the Mean 6 were destroyed by the Tree itself... which now raises questions even more about how the hell the Tree works. EXPLAIN, TV SHOW, EXPLAIN!! When you're 8 seasons in and the central McGuffin to the entire show is still utterly nebulous, you really have to question the worldbuilding. It'd be like getting to the last half of "Return of the King" and still never being told that the One Ring contains part of Sauron.

And that's why this episode wasn't the season finale. This episode had so many red flags it was even funny.:facehoof:

Just Chrysalis getting played by her hand-me-down creations.
Good story.:moustache:

8976330 And it was a plan we already knew COULD NOT POSSIBLY WORK, because we already know the EoH will not permit someone not in harmony to use them. Neither Chrysalis nor the episode writers were paying attention here!

8976294 Basically, I just write myself. :pinkiecrazy:

Honestly, I could imagine Discord suing Chrysalis over the whole evil mane 6 thing.

There isn't much competition, but agreed. :ajsmug:

It was rather predictable, but at least I wasn't bored. The problem is now the hiatus until the next episode, I wonder how long it'll last this time... :rainbowhuh:

Thank you. :pinkiehappy:

Yea, I expected a bit more of an epic considering the setup, but what can you do? Thanks for reading. :scootangel:

Hence the line in the fic... :raritywink:

I would love to see or read a story where Chrysalis runs into Quibble Pants. Maybe she'll get a frikkin' clue after QP goes on a 20 minute rant on how her plans are so ill-conceived and destined to fail epically.

"You might think you're destined to succeed in the cozy glow of your own ego, but with such patently unoriginal machinations, I'd wager a filly poses a greater threat than you at present..."


You DID mention spoilers, but I never expected spoiler double duty.

Nicely incorporated. A nod to the future, whatever that may be.

Oh, yes. Someone do that, PLEASE!

An ingesting story. It would be quite funny if this actually happened.

By the way:

all I see is a pitiful antagonist in desperate need of consul,

"counsel", not "consul"

I'm not the only one who noticed the Mean 6 are exactly like the Discorded Mane 6.


The Mean Six were far more concentrated as separate entities than what Discord did, to a point that they even had their own cutie marks.

The regular six ponies never had their cutie marks change, their colors only became faded and muted.

Also Twilight discorded never went full on opposite, which was what Betrayal Sparker did in the episode. Rainbow was still loyal to Cloudsdale. Rarity was only obsessed with a single big gem, whereas Rapacity was obsessed with multiple material possessions. Pinkie Pie was turned angry and laughed at you instead of with you by Discord, whereas Bland Pie was trying to be boring and uninteresting. Discord Applejack lied, but it was more believable then Hedge Apples.

Fluttershy was always evil, so there's no changes there.


It could be set up for a future episode, the tree did just absorb negative magical power and could become corrupted.

Anything Chrysalis does is doomed to eventually fail. If not because of her, then because of something she missed.

Hmm... interesting idea. :moustache:

Yep, you got it. And thanks for reading. :raritywink:

Fascinating... and, somewhat disturbing. :twilightoops:

Judging by a lot of the comments here, yep. :scootangel:

Umm... yes. :derpyderp1:

Chrysalis. How the mighty have fallen.

I must admit, humiliating her like this episode does is even better than splattering her against a wall with a giant fly swatter.

From what I'd heard, I'd expected something more grand, like capturing the main six and sending in their duplicates in their place to ruin their reputations and wreak havoc on Ponyville and Equestria.

Going after the Elements was doomed to fail.

The whole idea of taking control of the elements makes sense, but Chrysalis' execution of the plan wasn't particularly good. Her Mean Six weren't loyal to her, got lost, were lazy, and ultimately planned to betray her. I think her strategic and tactical ability to mastermind events has slipped. Like, a lot. If she was able to manipulate (and later, mind control) Shining Armor in the S2 finale, I'm not sure how she failed to do the same here.

8977776 It's one thing for the villain to fail because the Master Plan has a hidden flaw or the good guys find a way to defeat them. But when there's no possibility of success from the get-go, it negates any actual threat. Without tension, there is no drama.

8977781 Most of us old-time Internet trolls are ancestors of Discord. :trollestia:

:moustache: Twi? Look at this ----->:raritywink::duck::raritystarry::raritycry: :flutterrage: DISCORD!
:twilightoops: Spike!
:duck: Absolutely genius Precious Scales! More 'Rarity for You'!
:moustache: Me like!
:raritywink: Me too!
:twilightoops: Stop encouraging him!


I think the drama was the viewer watching the mean and main six cross paths and not realize it. They at least noticed that something was off with Rapacity.

Still it definitely feels like a set up for something bigger.

You'd think with how famous the Elements of Harmony were, Chrysalis would've realized the moment that the Mean Six were created her plan was doomed to fail. I mean, how was she honestly expecting a group of ponies who were the polar opposites of what the Elements represented supposed to wield them? On a side note, who else thought that episode's ending was super dark?

Were there references to "Die Hard" and "The Big Short", or did I just read too much into a handful of lines.

I didn't intend to put anything like that in the fic, but if they're there, they're there. :rainbowwild:

It was a bit yeah, it reminded me of the conclusion of a Star Trek Voyager episode, where a similar thing happened to a bunch of clones. Please reply if you can remember the name... :rainbowderp:

Another delightful exchange! :raritystarry:

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