• Member Since 12th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Saturday


A Twilight Sparkle fanboy who also likes to write. The author of the Change series.


Discord, Discord Dos and special guest Discord Três decide to ruin your brain cells yet again. This time, Chryssi and Chrysalis meet Fluffle Puff.

Fluffiness ensues.

(Part of the Idiocyverse, many references will be had to past stories)
(Crossover between Bug in the Herd and Change)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

wich chrysalis are we talking about here?

Chrysalis is the Chrysalis form Bug in the Heard. Chryssi is the Chrysalis from Change. The Chrysalis at the very end asking about Fluffle is the Chrysalis from Fluffle Puff Adventures.

Speaking of Change, when will the next one come out?

After Soaring on Little Wings is finished, and there are 9 more chapters of that to go.

I don't know why or how, but this is Syeekoh's fault.
Did make me shuckle, though.

The strange thing is that I could see this happening in Fluffle Puff Adventures.

Perhaps next time in the idiocyverse, Discord, Discord, and Discord could send characters to the Equestria Girls universe.

Nah. we already have plans for the next Idiocyverse and that ain't it.... :P

“I mean, wasn’t the self fucking enough for you?” Discord, the non-dos variety, asked you strange people critically. “Unless you haven’t read it, at which point I congratulate you and your continued sanity.”

What sanity? I was born without that

What the hell happened?

I don't know and for that matter I don't want to.

Well, that was a thing.:derpyderp2:

I like things.:heart:

I liked this.:rainbowlaugh:

Off to read more now. :twistnerd:

sooo, I think that one of those chryssi's is the one from Change, but the other I have no clue.

Can you explain please?

“What is she doing with that tongue?” Chrysalis asked nervously. “She’s not going to lick us, is she? ...OH CRAP, SHE IS!”


And then Fluffle Puff exploded. And so did the rest of the universe.

Must of been static electricity.

Sanity is overrated :derpytongue2:

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