• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2017
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Just some loser with an unusual interest no one else has.

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All that work... · 2:25am March 5th

I spent a lot of time watching the main Disney movies I hadn't seen yet so I could rank them from least to most favorite. (But not in a youtube video, my stage fright won't let me, or else I'd have got Screwball to set me up with the Ocean studio)

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Report Tailbiter231 · 79 views ·
Comments ( 107 )
  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107

Um Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is a new video game coming out that is what it is. Do you love the Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi series too? Who are your favorite Dragon Ball characters?

I love DBZ/Kai and even GT, currently watching Dragon Ball (the original) now. Not too interested in Super because it permanently revives Frieza. What's Sparking Zero? A new anime? Is it in continuity with Super?

Also, maybe we can continue on PM's.

Oh okay and are you excited about Dragon Ball Sparking Zero coming out at all? Do you also love anime and Dragon Ball too?

A few bits of nostalgic dialog are changed, and the soundtrack is mostly inferior, especially ruining some of my favorite songs like the Shadow Sirens Three Shadows battle theme (though Doopliss battle theme was all right).
But it is not without its improvements, like a pipe from Creepy Steeple to Twilight Town right after hearing Doopliss's name to reduce the backtracking, or cutting my least favorite bit of Rawk Hawk dialog.

Oh okay why how come you are disappointed by it?

  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107
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