After the events of 'Grannies Gone Wild', a somewhat outraged Granny Smith disembarks to give her overprotective grandchild Applejack a piece of her mind. How will this encounter unfold? Well, that's what you're here to find out, isn't it?
And you've come to the right place!
Featured, albeit briefly, on 19/4/18
I love it!
This was entertaining, and also rather sweet too.
And the very end of it was just amusing. Perfect way to conclude this little aftermath to the episode!
Excellent. I was just about to wonder why no one wrote any accusation fics for Applejack after "Grannies Gone Wild".
just couldn't resist throwing shade
Thank you, that's all I wanted to achieve with this story.
Wonder no more... someone has.
If you look very carefully, you can just pinpoint the exact second everything kicks off....
Hey, it was a private conversation...
I want to see Apple Bloom play and interact with Winona more often.
Also what kind of dance Granny Smith she just said?
Really wish Hasbro wrote this into the show!
I hate to break it to you, but the last time we saw Big Mac's girlfriend, she still lived in Our Town.
Anyway, this was a cute story.
The wonders of the 'edit' button, am I right? Thanks for reading.
Hmm... you never know, but nah.
Thank would be nice. A dog is a
man'spony's best friend, after all.Excellent job as always deadpansnarker! A well done addiction to a much needed conclusion of "Grannies Gone Wild"!
This should've been in the actual episode.
It's about time, I was worried that no one was going to make a 'Grannies Gone Wild' aftermath story.
By the way, any luck trying to finish that 'a mother's love' story?
Yeah, I was wondering why no one had written a rebuttal for that episode. Great story!!!
I got the impression that it's possible that it wasn't exactly as straightforward as "Applejack is being overprotective" in the episode.

Thank you, as always.
'Someone' has, so you can stop worrying. As for your other question, as soon as there's news on that front, I'll let you know...
It's situations like this that head canons were invented
Glad that you liked it.
If it wasn't, then it wasn't explored much in the episode. Unless Applejack is the sun, now... I always thought that was just an encapsulations of Dash's thoughts and fears...
Seriously, though. Did Applejack not learn her lesson about Granny Smith's abilities back in season 4, with the whole Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic debacle? If she can paddle down a river with ease, a few nachos would be easy-peasie lemon breezie!
Anyway thanks for reading. 
I think AJ was trolling Dashie with her list.
Considering Granny and her friends ran away from RD, and she once left her teeth on somepony's frying pan, I think AJ may have good reason to believe Granny needs to be watched so much.
Very sweet. A little heavy-handed with Applejack's thoughts, but very nice overall.
Just setting the scene, that's all. Glad you liked it.
It wouldn't surprise me at all.
Excellent work!
Granny Smith is going to be a co-author of The Idiot's Guide to Aging, or: Age Ain't Always Just a Number, Whippersnapper!
Dang!!! I thought I knew what was coming, only I didn't! Sheesh!
Really ticks me off that Applejack thinks she knows what's best for everypony when she really doesn't
To quote the guy from irl
"Teddy (Roosevelt) died in his sleep because if death tried to take him awake there would have been a fight"
Granny you did well
Thanks for the comment… not just for readin’ the story, but also showin’ me I accidentally put a ‘g’ where there shouldn’t have been one in Applejack’s dialogue. Cheers, and mind how you go.
No problem