• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago


"Old men in stripey trousers, rule the world with plastic smiles."


After falling foul of Twilight's machinations in their last encounter, Spoiled Rich concocts what some may regard as a drastic plan to set things right. Dare you read on? I think you do.

A direct sequel to "I Wish To Register... A COMPLAINT!!" . Probably a good idea to read that first. Hey, just a suggestion.

Featured from 5-7 June 2024. Not as hard as it used to be, but proud nonetheless. ^^

Chapters (1)

Simply put: Filthy Rich hears about his wife Spoiled Rich's outrageous behaviour during the events of Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, and goes to confront her about it. Expect fireworks. And a broken glass or two, if you listen hard enough.

Dialogue only, as befits an entry for The Dialogue Only Contest . The clue's in the name. Enjoy!

Featured from from May 30th to June 1st 2024. Guess people like domestic bliss...

Chapters (1)

The Legion Of Doom are finally free from the stultifying confines of their stone prison! There's just one thing stopping them from resuming their terrifying campaign of terror though, and it's a pretty major one...

Featured from 25-27 May '24. Zinger.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight has returned from limbo as an Alicorn, Celestia also underwent a big change. This one was not quite so... expected, though.

Chapters (1)

The intro to My Little Pony starts, but somepony's missing. And that pony is... Twilight Sparkle? Where could she possibly be?

Set in S2 (as you'll probably figure out if you read it).

Feat: March 31st. So, there's that.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle: "Pinkie Pie, could you please stop trying to eat me?"

This story is pretty wholesome and suitable for everyone, despite the potentially contentious subject matter. Bon Appetit!

Feat 29-30 March. Pretty good.

Chapters (1)

A troubled fourteen year old boy who's never heard of 'My Little Pony' or 'Twilight Sparkle' finds himself being abducted by the latter and taken to Equestria, in a form that's not even his own. What does his future hold? Why don't you find out?

Featured from 26/3/24 to 29/3/24. True.

Chapters (3)

"I only left my daughter alone for an instant Mr Officer, I didn't know this would happen. Her name? Flurry Heart. My name? Prince Shining Armour... oh, so namedropping that I'm royalty won't do me any good? That's a shame..."

Picture credit Mysticalpha at DeviantArt

Just another entry for a certain competition involving Shining Armour's hapless fathering shenanagins that's running right now. Rumour says you can enter more than once, so here I am again. All in the spirit of friendly competition... :trixieshiftright:

Chapters (1)

On the eve of being frozen in stone like her co-conspiritors in evil Tirek and Chrysalis, Cozy Glow gets an unexpected guest from her recent past who wants to plead her case. What follows is... surprising to say the least.

Chapters (1)

Now at that 'tricky' age of nine, a moody Flurry Heart is left with her aunt Twilight for the afternoon while Shining Armour goes off to take care of... something. Their time together is more eventful than either one expects...

Picture credit to Aleximus Prime on DeviantArt

So I heard there was some kind of Shining Armour Is A Terrible Father Contest on, and I wanted in.

Let's see how we do!

Chapters (1)