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"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


The Legion Of Doom are finally free from the stultifying confines of their stone prison! There's just one thing stopping them from resuming their terrifying campaign of terror though, and it's a pretty major one...

Featured from 25-27 May '25. Zinger.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 31 )

Dam that's kinda depressing

The 'Sad' and 'Tragedy' tags are there for a reason. Some might say they deserve it for being such unrepentant bad gals (and guy) but even so... :fluttershysad:

“Woo hoo! Eat that, Twilight Sparkle! Suck on those eggs, everypony else! We did it! Equestria is mine at last! And, a bit yours too, I suppose. Like 1-5%, tops. This is the happiest day of my life! I’m gonna build the biggest sandcastle ever to celebrate! No, scratch that… I’ll make myself the biggest sand-wich! Get it? Sand-wich? Mmm, tasty!!”

This part got me chuckles.

Quite a nice story. In its own way, it carries the spirit of the poem. But now I want to know what's next for them in this one.

Don't ya mean gals?

Trust Cozy to see the positive side in complete armageddon. :pinkiecrazy:

This story was designed to be open-ended, so make your own mind up what follows. "Imagination Is Better Than Knowledge', after all. Or, something :twilightsheepish:

I did. I was just reading something else prior to your comment, and got a tad mixed up. Oops! :twistnerd:

So what if my works will fall and my deeds forgotten? So what if all I know will turn to dust, and all my memories fade into mists and time? You say this is all inevitable, that every nations must fall, and every man must die? Then there is nothing to do but keep going, and build the biggest works, do the greatest deeds, and learn all the secrets we can. After all, either it will happen, and mean nothing, or it won't, and mean everything. Either way I have nothing to lose, and eternity to gain. Now come, you who speak of these things dark and dreary. Let's find stones to stack, one atop another, and build a new era.

Like it or not, but those three got the last laugh.

Pure poetry. :fluttercry:

Yes. Well, one of them at least... :trixieshiftright:

Quite sad.

It's like a very smart lady once said.

'If your victory is so inevitable, if there's nothing I can do to stop your 'Lord' from destroying everything I love and hold dear? Then you won't mind if I TRY ANYWAY!'

FTR2017 #12 · 3 weeks ago · · 2 ·

May those three choke up with their wish of conquest! :trollestia:

They rule Equestria now, but have no subjects to rule over.


Well, they got what they wanted. In a manner of speaking... :duck:

Unless you count grains of sand. A true empire of dirt. :unsuresweetie:

Comment posted by thinglet247 deleted May 25th

...I don't like what it implies at the end.

That's why it's a 'tragedy'. Prepare yourselves before going in, when you see that tag. :pinkiesad2:

And in reference to the comment you deleted, thanks for noticing I put the entire poem within the text of the story. Otherwise, people unfamiliar with it might not know what the title is a reference to... :moustache:

Excellent. Morbidly funny, too.

Love that poem. Few others are nearly as efficiently haunting. I'm glad to see you give it an equine spin.

Your premise is quite a morbid thought — it feels very classic Twilight Zone. I could easily see your thought process starting with a “Hey, wouldn't it be fucked up if” and ending with a “Goddamn you see that shit? That was fucking crazy. Anyway I'm Rod Serling”

Relatedly, I hope the fic Nothing Beside Remains still lives. IMO its writing is a little bit rougher around the edges and it's more self-serious, but its premise is just as memorably haunting. Maybe if I advertise it then the author will continue it? :P

So, um... well, obviously Cozy's going to starve to death, but will the others? I mean, admittedly, we don't know how their 'feeding on' love/magic works, but at least in Chryssie's case, it can be inferred that starvation would, if not kill her, then at least weaken her to the point she basically couldn't do anything. As for Tirek, yes, it's shown that not feeding doesn't kill him, but if I had to guess, I'd say that he was sustained by the ambient magic that previously suffused the world and with that gone...

I mean, it's not necessarily a problem, I'm not exactly weeping for the pair of them if they are as defintiely dead as Cozy, it's just an interesting thing to consider.

As I said in a previous post, I didn't elaborate too much about their future because a) that wasn't the point of the fic and b) I'd rather leave it up to the reader to draw their own conclusions. Although, reading your speculation there, you seem have have done a quite good job without my input.

As expected by an 'iguana man', I suppose. Put it this way: I think you'd stand a much better chance of long-term survival in an endless desert than a megalomanical filly, a former Changeling queen and a cranky old Centaur... :moustache:

Considering that the characters did not immediately suffocate or feel unbearable heat or cold, I see no reason why the entire planet could be lifeless.
the fact that you can breathe in the atmosphere already says that somewhere on the planet there is vegetation in large quantities. Otherwise, the planet's volcanoes and other seismic activity would make the planet uninhabitable.
from what is shown, we can assume that the characters simply found themselves in the middle of a desert that probably has an end.
the desert at the site of Canterlot could have formed either due to a change in the planet’s magnetic poles, or due to a change in the position of the continents. (There is also the classic version of Fallout Equestria with its explosions of mega spells.)
and the magic probably disappeared due to the actions of Twilight as mentioned by G5 (am I the only one who thinks that for this she should also have been locked in tartarus, like they did with Cozy?)

so everything is not so bad and as the song says (which I cannot translate into rhyme into English):
“as long as you have arms, legs and a head on your shoulders.
As long as you are good for something, stop feeling sorry for yourself.
You are young, you are free, which means you have everything.
As long as you are good for something, feel sorry for someone else."

Comment posted by deadpansnarker deleted May 26th

I must admit, I didn't put that much exhaustive thought into it. I tip my hat to your superior critical thinking.

Mind you, if you supplied wholly accurate scientific knowledge to every piece of media, from movies, TV, video games to books, chances are none of them would be made at all. Especially in a cartoon originally made for kids such as this set in a fantasy world where ponies use magic and talk to each other.

So the only response I have to your keen observations is 'Equestria isn't dead yet, it's just dying' which explains why there's still some remnants of nature left. If that isn't good enough... then I don't know what else to add. Hope you enjoyed reading it, regardless. :twilightsheepish:

EDIT: OOPS, double post!

[...] A light breeze whistled through Chrysalis's multiple holes[...]

(My embeds aren't working, please add Archer Gif)

I knew those possessed of a singularly dirty mind would pick up on that, so congrats for being the first to step forth to take the crown. I was going to say 'orifices', but I think that would've been even more prone to unintended innuendo... :ajsmug:

Anyway, I've edited it a tad now as to not take distraction away from what's supposed to be a sombre piece. Sorry to ruin your fun. :pinkiesad2:

Thanks for the praise! And, you can always ask her nicely... :raritywink:

I was going to theorize about the sun being permanently parked on the horizon of this magicless world, until I reread the intro and saw the line "Just the overwhelming certitude that each colourless day will begin and end for perpetuity..." Whoever Equestria's final ruler was must've figured out how to set the sun and moon into a stable orbit.

This works perfectly as a one-shot, but I'd love to see an epilogue where Cozy is whining about being hungry, and Tirek tells her to eat a "sand"wich.

The Twilight Zone as directed by Seth MacFarlane. That would be awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:



Indeed - I apologize if I came off like I was trying to force an interpretation onto the story. I promise it was only intended as speculation and supposition.

Not at problem at all! I really enjoy looking at the comments from those who've read the story and hearing their theories and opinions about it, including what might happen next. If people didn't care, they wouldn't go to so much trouble to critique it fairly, analyse it in great detail etc. To write something that can inspire this level of debate is a dream come true, believe me.

Heck, I've learned quite a lot today about nature just by reading some of these responses myself. So, consider me educated, senpei! :raritystarry:

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