• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


"Kathy, I'm lost." I said, though I knew she was sleeping.


After falling foul of Twilight's machinations in their last encounter, Spoiled Rich concocts what some may regard as a drastic plan to set things right. Dare you read on? I think you do.

A direct sequel to "I Wish To Register... A COMPLAINT!!" . Probably a good idea to read that first. Hey, just a suggestion.

Featured from 5-7 June 2024. Not as hard as it used to be, but proud nonetheless. ^^

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

She wouldn't have succeeded anyways, there was/would be way to many flaws before, during, and after killing Twilight.

Maybe, but portraying her as an irredeemable sociapath does get kind of repetitive after a while. Surely, in the hundreds of thousands of alternate universes of SR, there can be ONE standard bearer that's capable of a scintilla of change? (Maybe not, but hope springs eternal) :moustache:

Spoiled would say those hairless primates stole it from her original musical 'Filly On The Roof'... :pinkiegasp:

Wow. This was...you know what? I'm not going to spoil it. Just take my 'like' and pat yourself on the back for a well-crafted tale.

I'm glad you didn't Spoil(ed) it. Thanks for the like, and the favourite. see you on the next adventure... :ajsmug:

Nah, that's just an act for her. When the time is ripe, she will get her revenge.

Dismissed. Rejected. Publicity humiliated. This simply won’t do… no it won’t do, at all.

Whatever floats your boat, Gaston.

In an alternate universe, ANYTHING is possible! Well, almost.... :pinkiecrazy:

"More beer?" :duck:

Well now... that was certainly something.

Yep. This is an inarguable fact. :rainbowdetermined2:

Hmm, personally I think it would have been funny if Spoiled's assassination attempt was genuine and maybe in the end Twilight forces her to do chores as a punishment, but she manipulates Spoiled into "turning" over a new leaf.

Not a bad read though!

Dismissed. Rejected. Publicity humiliated.

Is it more than she can bear? Perhaps she needs more...(wait for it)...BEER?!

...sorry...too easy...low-hanging fruit...couldn't resist...

...I'll see myself out.

Nah, I couldn't have used that... wouldn't have fit anywhere in the story... :rainbowderp:

Manipulation? Twilight? Never! Always the direct approach with her... :twilightsheepish: Or neurotic obfustication :twilightoops:

Besides, I think the penalty for attempting to murder a Princess might be a tad more severe than a few odd jobs... "Hi Tirek, budge up a bit would ya?!" :trollestia:

Huh. Didn't see that coming, but I'm glad it did.

I'm reminded of some stories I've read involving Chysalis - there seems to be a certain kind of character that, despite being created to be played relatively straight, only really work when used for comedy. And often, that's when they're most able to be kind-of-believably developed, since comedy allows for a writer to acknowledge and address their fundamental absurdity rather than ignoring it and desperately trying to make you take them seriously.

The funni has been doubled!

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