The intro to My Little Pony starts, but somepony's missing. And that pony is... Twilight Sparkle? Where could she possibly be?
Set in S2 (as you'll probably figure out if you read it).
Feat: March 31st. So, there's that.
Not your average writer. A frisson above average, in fact.
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That was hilarious. A great meta-reflection on the things that occurred during the show's run.
The director wasn’t discord? For shame.
11864532 That would be too easy
Besides, he's a cast member, not staff. 
Hey! You forgot to mention Pinkie's real personality! Is she just the same or maybe acts like Pinkamena out of the set?
No, I didn't. Read her paragraph again... it tells you all you need to know.
Wow how did I not see this? I don't remember skipping anything on my first read, must be going crazy or it's Pinkie's fault
Well, it's always been there. Maybe you were moving a bit too fast... like Pinkie!
all this time, Spike was....
oh my god, what a twist!
This is too good to leave alone for the English community, I can make a translation of this story and upload it to my account on another page.
I already do translations and have translated a few stories on this site, I hope I can have your permission to do so, this little gem is too good to leave alone here.
I'll understand if you say no. after all it's your decision
How did you get the behind the sceen's interactions from Hasbro?
The beginning of this one gave me flashbacks to old TV or video game creepypastas where the thing "starts out normal" but then "something was wrong".
You may do what you will with this information, but I advise you to forget it entirely.
Thank you for your comment. Without meaning to float my own boat to much, this is a piece that I was particularly proud of. ESpecially as it was all whipped up in just a couple of hours.
That sounds like a great idea... but, how are you supposed to pay me? You don't have my bank account details, and I'm certainly not going to just hand them out online. I still remember what happened with that 'Nigerian Prince'...
Note this is a joke of course. Feel free to translate for FREE, just credit me and send a link.
You don't want to know. Lets just say I have contacts... after all, damn glasses take far too long to clean
Considering that part was directly a parody of what you're referring to, I fear it may already be too late for me. Don't tell anyone else under pain of a awful, terrible indescribable fate though, and we might be okay.
I was stunned for a moment by what I saw, but when you said it was a joke I laughed a little, and of course I always give credit to the author and tell people who follow me or read me to stop by the place of the Original story if you have congratulations.
Of course, I am not a great creator, nor a great translator, I have only been in this place of translators for a year.
man and if I made some money from this, I'm totally willing to split a portion of the profits with the story's author who lent me the story... but since I don't, this is just a hobby. so that more people read

Of course, THOUSANDS of poor Russians & Mongolians are missing out on my textual masterpieces due to a minor case of the language barrier. Thank you for doing the Lord's work, and my God himself bless you on your heaven-sent mission.
I am neither Russian nor Mongolian. I am Spanish-speaking
1186759 What I meant was anyone round the world can read it now in TWO languages. And you made that possible. Bravo!
While I don't like the idea of Twilight being a snotty diva who loathes her fans (secretly or not) I can appreciate the humor in this story.