• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
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A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


"Really! This time she means it! 🤣"

Probably an entry in the Sunset X Villain “Tying the knot” competition (February 2nd 2024 to March 2nd 2024)

Cover image credit/source

It's scientifically proven that Sunday nights during a week when SOME PEOPLE are flooding the box with at least one Anon story every day are the worst time to submit a story to fimfic and try to get it featured, but...(shrug)...spontaneous fimfic-ing is fun!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

It's scientifically proven that Sunday nights during a week when SOME PEOPLE are flooding the box with at least one Anon story every day are the worst time to submit a story to fimfic and try to get it featured,

Should have written an Anon-A-Miss story. :derpytongue2: Those are clearly very popular and beloved. :pinkiecrazy: But with a twist... include... Anon! :scootangel:

Anon- responsible for Anon-A-Miss... Anon- helping Sunset Shimmer through the anonymous ordeal while being suspected by Sunset as the perpetrator, etc. There are many possibilities. Get writing and get featured, join R.T. and S. in the feature box! :pinkiehappy:

Eyewitness accounts that Sunset was just waiting for an excuse.

"My boys!" Sunset waved. "Got a light? Mama needs to take the edge off."

Sunset wild for that đź’€

-- Emperor Palpatine

Video games turn all of us to the dark side.

Also, I need to borrow that mind control gun.

I can definitely see this becoming a running gag in the friend group. Though I would hope Sunset could be a bit more focused on the big day. (With Dash, I would expect no less. Or more.)

Enjoyably goofy snippet collection. Thank you for it.

WAR ARRIVES UPON THINE BORDERS! We Are Reviews has brought you a fresh review off the factory lines for your consumption. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216036/war-we-are-reviews-sp/thread/539704/we-are-reviews-flash-review-3

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