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Those two are adorable together and the whole chapter just makes me smile.
Very nice setup so far and I am eagerly awaiting more
That was really good. I eagerly await more...
Yes... eagerly...
If there is ponies which should get together it's them, they are just so adorable and cute, but also it stands as the most beautiful ship ever and probably the best.
Lovely piece of work! Now I want more!
I read this 'cause it caught my eye in passing, and I'm weirdly ambivalent about it. It's not poorly written or anything. The prose is definitely pretty solid for what it is. I guess I just feel like cuddly Twi-Celestia interaction is a pretty well-trodden road at this point, and I dunno if there was really enough brought to the table here to make it stand out. It's not so much a weakness of the fic itself, even. It just feels a bit like a victim of saturation effect.
Take that as you will, I guess.
To each his own, I suppose. I personally have far too much trouble finding decent Twilestia fics on this site, but I can see how others would find the opposite.
Karrakaz wrote another Twilestia story... and this time it's Mature?
This is gonna be good!
Im interested fully tis a good story and i hope the wait for the next chapter doesnt take all that long
Whatchoo gun' say Twi?
I really like the way you show them uniquely clicking as a couple. Celestia's ability to navigate Twilight's unfortunately difficult set of insecurities to help her in ways that only she can really sells the relationship for me.
It's very nice to see a clopfic pop up about these two that looks at sex as a form of intimacy foremost, that feels all too rare sadly. Greatly looking forward to you continuing this.
Oooh. Karrak-Twilestia
And that was good. Definitely wanting to see more.
6506420 Bruh, you can never have enough cuddles.
Sir, I'm offended that you didn't put Cuddling in the spoiler tag with the other Triggers.
It's totally NSFW! My Boss found out I was reading it, and now I'm a Hobo. Thanks a lot.
Just kidding. T'was a nice read. I look forward to more.
You know, I always did assume you were the one to teach Twilight to dance.
I assume that the books Twilight's speaking about are the sort of stories she hides under her bed.
More Karrakaz Twilestia Fimfics yaaaay
And this one is mature, even better!!!
Waiting for next chapters :D
Wonderful as usual, K. Nicely done! The characterizations really shine through. What seals the deal for me here is the equality in their relationship. I applaud the lack of omniscient Celestia lazily indulging poor misguided Twilight - instead, they're partners, and Celestia is here as flawed and needy and real as Twilight.
Only drawback for me was the opening tickle fight masquerading as/mistaken for sex, which has been the subject of more than one standalone Twilestia story already, so for me it felt alike I'd seen it before.
Interesting that that's what you take away from it. I never wrote it with the intention of having it be mistaken for sex. The prompt I was working from initially was simply 'ticklish' before it ballooned into the story it has become, and I've personally had times where people have come to see what was wrong with me when I was in a particularly rowdy tickle fight with my brothers. Perhaps I didn't use the right vocabulary for it?
Just know that it wasn't my intention to have it be mistaken for sex.
The sex comes later. And it is no mistake.
Uhm... something tell me... i gonna leave it here.
6507859 When you have magic, fingers are kind of quaint.
And feathers! Don't forget feathers! Hell, they've been used as tickle torture devices!
6507909 Too bad, it not massage. it was fetish.
It makes me really happy to see so many positive replies!
And let me tell you.... the best is yet to.... erhm.... come...?
6508024 Oh, did you expect perfectly chaste massage? Sorry, you might want to turn your mature filter off in the future.
"Mistaken for" wasn't the right term. Celestia and Twilight knew what was happening, and the guards just heard screaming. I was referring more to the reader. The opening read very much like "Incorrect Assumptions" by Anonymous Pegasus and "Hostile Takeover" by Akumokagetsu, and possibly "Peeping Behind Locked Doors" by RainbowBob.
Not that there's anything wrong with it; it was wonderful from the start, and chapter 2+ will be glorious.
6508106 *facepalms*
Me and my goddamit English. Oh well, it nothing.
6508196 Forgive me, but I'm honestly confused. I am assuming English is not your first language, but are you saying you didn't like the idea of a massage in a mature story?
6508201 Yes, and no. I like it, but i was thinking something different. about Tickling with feather.
6508143 Well, the basic idea was less "They'll think we're having sex" and more 'Shit, if somepony catches Twilight in my bed we'll pretty much be outted real quick'.
Look at that! Dialogue that's interesting to read. I love how Celestia is still her planning, compassionate self and twilight is still bookish and eager to ace her studies.
Those little breaths between her actions to show that shes really putting some effort of thought into what shes doing, wonderful.
I also like those little bits that they bring out in each other, Celestia is genuinely happy and so is Twilight with each other.
Its like reading hot chocolate, the sweetness sweeter for those tinges of bitterness in a life where people arn't perfect and neither are ponies.
I can't imagine how embarrassed or surprised Twilight was after reading more about preening.
Good to see quality work.
Yay, actually reading as you updated, was saddened by the fact there was no more. An easy fav in my book of Celestia and Twilights early days of being together, hope to read more.
Very,very sexy.
Fuck Her Gently - Tenacious D
Cute story. Seemed to me like some more details and what the characters (Twi mainly) were feeling on a physical level. Emotionally, it was great, but physical seemed lacking. Just somthing I noticed, but I do not consider my self an expert by any stretch.
Saw those guys live not too long ago in September. Great concert. And yes, they did play that song. Listening to this song reading pony love. What the hell am I doing... I don't care, I like it.
I love how Celestia didn't forget about Twilight's wings needing some care. The dialogue was nice, it seemed to match how they felt and my favorite part has to be the cuddling. Sun almighty is it cute to read.
Wow. The mind-meld was powerful. Actually, this whole chapter was really emotional. You've nailed their characters spot on. Very good!
You’ve skillfully shown us the blessing/curse that is Twilight’s mind, which refuses to disengage from hyperdrive even in the most physical and emotional of contexts.
I also enjoyed generous and loving Celestia, who knows Twilight better than the purple alicorn knows herself. However, since she knows Twilight so well, why not address her former student’s fears upfront? Leaping from tickles and closed mouth kisses to full-blown sex with her neurotic magical prodigy veers uncomfortably into Molestia territory.
Nodding consent then running away to the bathroom is far from the enthusiastic consent Twilight might have offered had they talked about the crippling anxiety causing Twilight to dread intimacy. I was too upset with Celestia for abdicating her responsibility to Twilight to fully appreciate this otherwise tender coupling. And yes, as a deity several millennia older than her virginal beloved, Celestia bears the responsibility of Minding the Gap.
tl;dr Celestia broke the first two rules of the Kamare Sutra.
Loved it. Excellent work!
I was really touched by the emotionality of this. Beautiful work.
That was really, really satisfying.
Although now I want an epilogue for Luna's reaction.

You may just get your wish.
Double yay
Such a nice tone, it felt like it matched teh characters well.
Such a great story. I've added it to my "Masterwork Stories": a list of what I consider the best stories this site has to offer.
Well hell now you need to take the completed tag and pull it. Keep this going it's great. Was surprised to see a bonus chapter. Good read all around. Hope to see more in the future.
SQL pls‽ I really loved this, and am hoping for more
Heheheheh. Luna, you naughty filly you.
Twilunestia for the win.
Luna has yet to adapt such modern things like privacy i see. I wonder if having the job of seeing peoples dreams kinda encorages her snooping when awake.
Wonderful little bit to end this on.
Twilestia? Not my favorite. In fact, nearly an NOTP for me.
This fic? Adorable. Well-written. Fun. Romantic.
Thank you.