• Published 27th Aug 2015
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BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 25: BlackWarGreymon’s Invite

On the outskirts of Ponyville, Princess Twilight Sparkle was having an emergency meeting with Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. All unaware of the events at Froggy Bottom Bogg and the battle with a sixty-foot tall hydra.

“Are you sure she just disappeared?” Twilight asked Rarity, whom looked distressed.

“Definatly darling. I can’t find Sweetie Belle anywhere since school finished,” The white Unicorn answered.

“Yeah, I had no luck with Scootaloo either,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Aren’t they at their clubhouse?” Twilight asked the group. The question answered by Fluttershy.

“I just checked. But they weren’t there.”

“Speaking of which, where’s Applejack and Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked, noting the absence of her other pony friends.

After the group shrugged in uncertainty, Rainbow Dash came to a decision.

“I say we spread out and look for them.”

“Yeah!” The other three girls said.

But before they could begin their search, they heard a voice.

“Hay Rarity! We’re back!”

The white Unicorn gasped in joy at hearing the voice she was all too familiar with.

“Sweetie Belle! Oh, thank goodness you’re baaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHH!!”

Her tone of voice shifted greatly into shock as she turned to not only see her little sister, but Applebloom and Scootaloo all with messy furs and covered in mud.

“What in Equestria happened to you three!!?”

“It’s a long story,” Sweetie Belle answered with a cheeky grin on her face.

“Well you tell me all about it,” Rarity said as she rushed to her sister to comfort her, but kept her distance by a couple of inches so she wouldn’t get dirty.

“Maybe after we clean you up,” She added.

As the remaining older mares walked up to Scootaloo and Applebloom, Twilight was startled when she recognized the type of mud that was on the fillies fur.

“Did you three went to Froggy Bottom Bogg?” The Alicorn asked in both alarm and disbelief.

Before either of them spoke up, Applejack’s voice intervened.

“We sure did.”

The ponies gasped when they saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie. The state the two were in was much worse than the fillies.

“You too?” Rainbow Dash asked as Rarity fainted from the sight of the amount of half dry mud on a pony.

“And that mud on your legs, did you run into trouble?” Twilight asked in concern.

“You bet,” Applejack answered while smiling. She was then joined by Pinkie Pie.

“And we would still be in trouble if it weren’t for BlackWarGreymon.”

“Wait, BlackWarGreymon?” Twilight asked as Pinkie Pie pointed in the direction of the forest where they came from.

The gang gasped again at the sight of the mud-covered BlackWarGreymon. Rarity then fainted the second time just moments after regaining consciousness.

“Even you!?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“My goodness BlackWarGreymon, you’re practically covered head-to-toe in mud,” Fluttershy mentioned.

The dragon warrior checked himself over before responding back.

“Yeah. You can thank the hydra for that,” He said, which startled Twilight.

“You encountered a hydra!?”

“Yeah. And he beat em!” Applebloom said, she and her friends remained amazed that the Mega could scare away a towering hydra.

After waking up from her fainting, Rarity spoke to the mud-covered group.

“Well… can we talk about this, after we go to the spa to freshen up?”

“Yeah, we could do with a wash,” Scootaloo said, with the others thinking of the same thing.

As the group headed off to the spa, Twilight walked beside BlackWarGreymon to talk to him.

“So BlackWarGreymon, did you found out what your purpose in life might be?” She asked the mud-covered Digimon.

The Mega took a moment to collect his thoughts on what he had learnt.

“I only managed to puzzle a few things together. We already know that the magic of this world is making me stronger. And I think that the reason why I was brought here… is because of the Tree of Harmony.”

“The tree?” Twilight asked, clearly interested as the Digimon continued.

“Yes. Though I’m not entirely certain, but I feel that this is all the tree’s doing. If not the tee itself, probably some sort of otherworldly being. I don’t know. I’m just so confused about it all.”

Twilight heard the hint of disappointment in BlackWarGreymon’s voice.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we could figure this out together,” She said in reassurance, cheering up her digital friend.

When the Mane Six, the Cutiemark Crusaders and the Mega level Digimon arrived at the local spa, they were given immediate treatments. More so were the ones who went to Froggy Bottom Bogg. Though happy that they got more customers, Lotus Blossom and Aloe were exceptionally glad that BlackWarGreymon came back. They were more than happy to wash him again.

Afterwards, the whole group were relaxing in their bath tubs. While his Dramon Destroyers and his Brave Shield were being held aside to be washed, BlackWarGreymon rested in a large tub of warm water, with the Mane Six in one of their own.

Curious at the Digimon’s words, Twilight spoke up.

“BlackWarGreymon. Earlier you said that, our world is making you stronger. Do you know any reason why?”

“I don’t know, Twilight. But it’s definatly not a coincidence. It almost feels as if the magic of Equestria, WANTS me to be stronger,” BlackWarGreymon said as he looked at the steamy water he was in. The more he thought of it, the more it felt true.

While Twilight and her friends thought about what BlackWarGreymon said, the Cutiemark Crusaders emerged from the spare room to take a bath. Seeing that the black Digimon was alone, they happily decided to join him.

BlackWarGreymon’s thoughts were interrupted when Scootaloo shouted.


Then like a cannonball, Scootaloo made a loud splash in the bath tub. Followed by Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. The combined splashing soaked the Digimon. But he wasn’t bothered in the slightest, he knew the fillies were only having fun.

After popping their heads back at the water’s surface, the trio looked at BlackWarGreymon before speaking.

“We hope you don’t mind but…” Sweetie Belle said.

“We would like to keep ya company,” Applebloom finished.

“I don’t mind at all,” BlackWarGreymon said as leaned back and closed his eyes. Going back to being relaxed.

As Sweetie Belle tried to do the same, mimicking her Digimon friend, she received a big splash of water to the face.

“Splash fight!” Scootaloo declared before swinging her hooves in the water, sending some playful waves to the two fillies.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom retaliated by sending waves of water, either back at the young Pegasus or at each other. Their playful laughter caught the attention of BlackWarGreymon, who watched as the three fillies threw water attacks at each other.

The expression in his eyes softened as he watched their little game. If he had lips, he would be smiling.

And then in an unexpected but predictable turn of events, the Cutiemark Crusaders combined their efforts to send a wave of warm water straight to BlackWarGreymon’s face. The Digimon blinked in bewilderment at the sudden surprise.

“Gotcha, big guy,” Scootaloo said while Sweetie Belle and Applebloom watched on. Waiting patiently to see how BlackWarGreymon would react.

After a brief moment of silence, the Digimon’s expression changed to an amused glare. He then stuck his hand in the water and threw a wave back at them.

The wave engulfed the three, but the fillies re-emerged laughing. They then attacked each other and the Digimon with relentless water attacks, with BlackWarGreymon retaliating with some of his own. He even started to chuckle as he joined in the game of water fight.

As the four continued, Applejack watched them with a smile on her face.

“Huh, now he’s acting like a four month old,” She sarcastically said as she turned back to the rest of the Mane Six.

“I still can’t believe how young BlackWarGreymon is. I mean really? Only four months old?” Rainbow Dash said, surprised at the Mega level Digimon’s age.

“I thought he would be a little older,” Fluttershy said. Then joined by Rarity.

“Well he does look and sound older.”

After a short moment of thinking, Twilight spoke up.

“I know from what I’ve seen in his memories, his life was short. But I didn’t really took note on how long his time in the Digital World lasted.”

She then looked at the playful four as they continued their water war.

“But it is nice to see him doing something else, other than fighting.”

Rainbow Dash then moved closer to Twilight, with a joke that she just had to share.

“I can see the headlines now, Twilight. BlackWarGreymon. The world’s strongest baby.”

Twilight couldn’t help but let out a little snicker, seeing that in the way, the most powerful being in Equestria was an infant.

After their relaxing treatments, the group left the spa sparking clean. Ahead of the group were the Cutiemark Crusaders.

“Wow Sweetie Belle, ya weren’t exaggeratin’ about BlackWarGreymon’s hair,” Applebloom said.

“It’s as soft as a cloud,” Scootaloo added.

It became apparent that during their war-games with BlackWarGreymon, they touched his yellow hair. But the three were then put on halt from Rarity calling out to them.

“Now you three don’t go wandering off just yet. We have to get you ready.”

The three fillies looked back at the white Unicorn in confusion.

“Get us ready for what?” Sweetie Belle asked her older sister.

“For the Grand Galloping Gala, of course.”

The fillies gasped in both shock and excitement at the delightful news. Applejack gasped for a different reason.

“Ahh shot! Ah forgot that it was on tonight!”

“Well luckily, I have all your dresses back home,” Rarity said to the other mares, who all responded with smiles.

“The Grand Galloping Gala?” BlackWarGreymon asked.

Twilight sensed the confusion in the Digimon’s voice. Of course, he wouldn’t know what it was.

“Oh. The Grand Galloping Gala is an annual royal ball held to celebrate the completion of Canterlot after Equestria was founded. It’s basically a social party that’s held in Canterlot every year.”

“That sounds like fun for you,” BlackWarGreymon said, but the Main Six didn’t felt the same.

“Well, when we first went there, it kinda wasn’t what we expected,” Pinkie Pie said, then joined by Applejack.

“Most of the ponies there were all posh and uptight. But we go there and have fun nonetheless.”

Then Twilight remembered something.

“Oh, nearly forgot. Here are the tickets Celestia gave me,” She said as her horn lit up in magic. Then several golden tickets appeared out of thin air.

She then gave each of her Ponyville friends and the Cutiemark Crusaders the shiny invite.

After receiving her golden ticket, Rarity noticed that Twilight had one extra ticket within her magical grasp. Knowing that Twilight possibly had her own back at the castle, the white Unicorn made her inquiry.

“Twilight darling, who’s that extra ticket for? Is it for Spike?”

Twilight let out a cheeky grin before answering.

“Well no. Spike already has his own back home. But take a good guess who this one is for.”

Rarity, and the rest of the ponies who were caught on, saw that the purple Alicorn was pointing her hoof to the side. Her action made the group turn their gazes to the only one in the group who didn’t have a ticket.

BlackWarGreymon took note that from the collective gasps of his friends while staring at him, and the extra ticket, meant only one thing.

“Who, me?”

Twilight then let out a cheerful chuckle before speaking.

“Yes! Princess Celestia herself had invited you too!”

Twilight then levitated the ticket to BlackWarGreymon, who grabbed it and looked at the golden invite in both disbelief and shock. Celestia had actually invited HIM!

However, if he was a pony, he would be excited to go. But he wasn’t one. He’s a big tall Digimon who could frighten the living daylights out of strangers just by being near them.

Twilight could see the doubt in BlackWarGreymon’s eyes before he spoke.

“Thanks for the offer, but I don’t do well in social gatherings and…”

He was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who came up with a rather good point.

“How would you know? You’ve never been to one.”

Then Twilight joined in for support, followed by Rainbow Dash.

“Please BlackWarGreymon. Not everypony could get a ticket from Princess Celestia herself, and it would really mean a lot to her if you go. Not only that, going to the Gala could really help you improve your social skills.”

“Yeah. Not to mention that you would be the first Digimon ever to go to the Grand Galloping Gala. It’s an opportunity you can’t simply pass up.”

From hearing his friends, BlackWarGreymon felt honoured by the invitation. But still wasn’t one hundred percent on the idea.

“I’m not sure.”

Then a fact what Rainbow Dash said reminded Twilight of another good news.

“I almost forgot. Celestia told me that for the first time in over a thousand years, Princess Luna herself will be joining too.”

While the rest of the Mane Six and the Cutiemark Crusaders all gasped in excitement, BlackWarGreymon paused in silence.

‘Luna’s going to be there too?’

He was then lost in his thoughts. Truth be told that he hadn’t seen Luna since before his battle with the dragons. He didn’t know why but, he didn’t mind seeing her again. In fact, he wanted to see her again.

While he was thinking, the pony gang talked amongst themselves.

“Wow. Princess Luna at the Grand Galloping Gala,” Scootaloo said.

“I can’t remember even hearing of Luna attending the Gala,” Fluttershy stated, remembering that it was only Celestia who went to the party. Luna was always absent.

“Yeah. I bet even Celestia was surprised,” Twilight said.

“Ooohh, I wonder what dress she would be wearing,” Rarity said with a few possibilities in her head.

“Ah bet she would look stunnin’,” Applejack said with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom nodding in agreement.

“Yeah. And with BlackWarGreymon there, the Gala’s gonna be so awesome!” Rainbow Dash said as she hovered in the air in excitement.

“You could even say it would be… the best night ever!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she leaped into the air.

“Hold on now, girls. We’re not sure if he even wants to go,” Twilight stated.

Just as the group grew disappointed at the fact, they heard BlackWarGreymon’s voice.

“I’m going.”

Surprised, Twilight and her friends turned to face the black Digimon.

“What was that?” The Alicorn asked, making sure she and her friends heard him correctly.

“The Grand Galloping Gala. I decided to go. You’re right, my social skills could use a little work,” BlackWarGreymon explained, though what he said was only half the reason why he wanted to go.

“Perfect!” Twilight cheered as the others grew big smiles. The first Digimon in Equestria’s history, was going to the Gala.

After the cheering, Rarity let out the loudest excited gasp she could muster, she then ran to BlackWarGreymon’s feet.

“And I can make you a perfect suit! You need to dress proper for the Gala tonight,” She said before turning towards the rest of the group.

“Come on everypony, your dresses awaits!”

Then they made their way to Carousel Boutique, the home of Rarity and Sweetie Belle. BlackWarGreymon found it impossible to fit through the front doors, so Twilight kindly used her magic to teleport the Digimon inside. As it was the first time he was teleported via magic, BlackWarGreymon felt a bit queasy, but quickly shook it off.

With everyone inside, Rarity lead the rest of the ponies into the changing rooms to try out their new dresses. Rarity then went to her workshop where BlackWarGreymon was waiting. With the Digimon’s posture very similar to Spike’s, the fashionista decided to make him a large tuxedo. But a type that would match his personality perfectly.

But first, she had to take measurements.

“Darling, is that all the armour you can take off?” Rarity asked BlackWarGreymon, seeing that he only took off his Brace Shield and his Dramon Destroyers.

“Yes, the rest is pretty much my whole body,” The Mega said. His helmet, his shin guards and his body armour could not be removed even if he tried.

Rarity took a good look of the details that would imperfect his would-be suit.

“No worries. Creating a new kind of fashion is my passion. There is always a way.”

She then thought of a few ideas.

“Hmm…perhaps a tie could cover up your chest cords.”

Then to BlackWarGreymon’s surprise, Rarity suddenly appeared on his right shoulder as if she teleported. She looked and felt the pauldron spike on his armoured shoulder.

“And I suppose I could work my magic around these things.”

She then jumped down to get a second look at the Digimon. Picturing the look of his future suit in her head.

“Hmmmm… oh and definatly a cape.”

After more untold ideas were approved in her head, Rarity was ready.

“Ok. Now the measurements. Once I’m through with you my friend, you will be the most handsome Digimon anypony had ever seen!”

BlackWarGreymon was worried from two things. One was if it was possible for her to make a suit for his size on time, the second was that he hoped Rarity wouldn’t go overboard with her ideas.

Almost an hour had passed at Carousel Boutique. The dresses that belonged to the Mane Six and the crusaders were long being put on and the group spent the time talking amongst themselves.

“Wait, aren’t these dresses the same ones we wore the first time?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked over her dress.

“Rarity said that these dresses are the improved versions of the previous ones,” Fluttershy said, remembering what Rarity told her.

“It doesn’t matter to me. Mine is pink like me!” Pinkie Pie said as she tried not to bounce in excitement. Otherwise she might ruin the dress.

“Calm down now Pinkie. Remember how dull it was last time. Ah don’t see how this would be different,” Applejack said. But then heard Applebloom’s voice.

“Well Applejack, what do ya think?”

As the orange mare turned around, she was stunned at her little sister’s appearance. Her dress not only matched her perfectly, it also made her look more mature. Applejack even shed a tear at how wonderful Applebloom looked.

“Oh… my little Applebloom, has all grown up,” She said, completely forgotten her previous statement.

Back near the centre of the group, Scootaloo was talking to Rainbow Dash.

“Oh oh, Rainbow. Did I tell you how BlackWarGreymon totally kicked that hydra’s butt!?”

“Relax Scootaloo. You already told me that twice. But like there was no doubt. If he could defeat a giant dragon, he could easily beat a hydra.”

Then Rainbow Dash thought about her public image.

“But if I was there, I could totally take that hydra on.”

Scootaloo giggled at the thought of her idol fighting a hydra. She found it awesome enough that it should be a movie.

“Speaking of BlackWarGreymon, I wonder what kind of suit Rarity has in mind for him,” Twilight said as she put on a little make-up powder on her cheeks.

“Hopefully not over the top,” Applejack said, knowing how much the white Unicorn could get carried away.

Speaking of Rarity, the Element of Generosity entered the dressing room. At first, she looked exhausted from her work, but was then perked up when she saw her friends all in the dresses she had made for them.

“Wow girls, those dresses look gorgeous on all of you!” She complemented.

“Thanks Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said, slightly blushing.

As the group agreed about their new outfits, Twilight walked up to Rarity with a questionable look. She was then followed by Fluttershy.

“So, how is BlackWarGreymon?”

“Is he ok?”

Rarity reassured the two with a smile of pride.

“Why he looks better than new. Come and see for yourselves.”

She then motioned the girls to follow her back to the workshop, eager to show them her newest masterpiece. Following Rarity back outside the changing room and into her workshop, the rest of the Mane Six and the Cutiemark Crusaders all let out gasps of awe and amazement.

Even though he was the same BlackWarGreymon they knew and love, his new outfit made him look entirely different. Rarity changed him from a warrior to a gentleman. The Digimon wore a white long sleeved undershirt and a black tuxedo perfectly for his size. Rarity even made the shade of black match the colour of his Digizoid armour. At the end of the Digimon’s white sleeves were golden cufflinks tipped with diamonds. On the front of his chest and tucked into his tux was a yellow tie. Rarity originally wanted to go for red, but the colour would clash with the Digimon’s loser armour. She even shaped the material of the black suit so it would fit over BlackWarGreymon’s shoulders and shape around his pauldron spikes. The back of his new tux had two strands that draped over the back of his upper legs. Attached to the suit, Rarity fitted a long cape that nearly touched the floor. The outer side was the same shade of black while the inner side was yellow. As well as his hair freshly combed, he also wore a black top hat with a yellow band above the base.

BlackWarGreymon felt embarrassed and weird from wearing something completely different for the first time. But from the positive reactions of his pony friends, he seemed to be absolutely perfect.

“Doesn’t he look fabulous!?” Rarity asked, her comment only had risen BlackWarGreymon’s embarrassment level.

At first, the girls were speechless. They had never seen their digital friend look so formal.

Rainbow Dash then broke the stunned silence.


“Wow Rarity! You did a great job!” Sweetie Belle complemented. Followed by Applebloom and Scootaloo.

“Yeah, a great job!!”

It was Applejack’s turn to speak to the awkward Mega.

“Wow BlackWarGreymon, ya look very stinnin’ in that getup.”

“And…handsome,” Fluttershy said while hiding a little blush.

Best suit for a Digimon, EVER!!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

Twilight meanwhile couldn’t be any prouder of BlackWarGreymon. He was like a completely changed Digimon from what he once was. If he was, he would never in a million years attend to any party, let alone wearing a suit.

“You’ve certainly out-done yourself, Rarity. BlackWarGreymon, you look fantastic,” The Alicorn said to both of them.

Then walking through the door and setting off the entrance bell, Spike the dragon arrived in the room. Like BlackWarGreymon, he too wore a black tuxedo, a white shirt and a top hat. But he lacks the cape and had a red band on his hat and wore a red bowtie.

“Sorry I’m late, took me a while to find this suit and…”

Spike paused his words when he saw BlackWarGreymon and his change in attire. He couldn’t help but feel blown away.

“Wow big guy, you look amazing. So, this means you’re going to the gala too?”

“Thanks, and yes I am?” BlackWarGreymon said, despite feeling embarrassed.

“I just realised something. It’s like you and Spike are dragons of the Gala,” Pinkie Pie remarked, since that Spike was the only dragon to ever attend the Gala and that BlackWarGreymon’s appearance resembles a dragon.

“Wow, the dragons of the Gala. Hay, that pretty much makes us… well, like brothers,” Spike said, eager on the idea.

Though obviously a different species altogether, the Digimon decided to play along.

“Whatever you say, …big brother,” He said, hinting his age.

Spike became startled as he took the hint in, and then became confused.

“Big brother?” Spike asked. Then Twilight explained.

“Well Spike. Although you’re a baby dragon, BlackWarGreymon is actually four months old.”

Spike’s green eyes widened as his mouth hung wide open in disbelief. At first, he was too startled to make any sort of sound. But then managed to speak.

“I’m older than him!? Wow.”

Spike’s predicament caused the mares and fillies to laugh in amusement. Afterwards, Rarity asked BlackWarGreymon something.

“Well BlackWarGreymon, what do you think?”

Before answering, the tall Digital Monster took another good look at the suit he was wearing through a mirror. Though he was uncomfortable about trying something new like clothing, he did like the way Rarity designed it and the colours she chose. Although he looked more formal, he still looked badass. Seemed Rarity was true about her eye in fashion and attention to detail.

“You did a fine job, Rarity. I like it. Though I’m not so sure about the hat.”

Though Rarity stuck with her design, she did see that BlackWarGreymon had a point. It looked rather unusual for a Digimon like him to be wearing a top hat. Also since his head was practically a helmet.

“Oh but you must wear it when you arrive. Once inside, then you can take it off if you chose to.”

Rarity then went over the rules on how to make the black Digimon well mannered.

“Now remember darling. Act formal, speak gently and be on your best behaviour. Oh, and don’t talk about fighting. If somepony does ask, just say it was for self-defense.”

“What are you Rarity? His mother?” Rainbow Dash joked, which caused her friends to laugh while Rarity blushed in embarrassment. She indeed spoke in a motherly tone for a brief moment.

Then the white Unicorn remembered something.

“Oh, another thing BlackWarGreymon. If somepony asks you to dance, it would be wise to oblige.”

BlackWarGreymon had a questionable look in his eyes.

“Dance? But I’ve never danced in my life. And what kind of dance is there?”

The pony gang were a little startled by the Digimon’s interest. They thought that BlackWarGreymon would’ve said something like ‘no way’ or ‘I do not dance’. Despite the fact, Rarity was more than happy with the solution she thought up within her mind.

“Well BlackWarGreymon, there are many kinds of dancing. But the most popular kind for the Gala is ballroom dancing. Here, let me demonstrate.”

She then turned around and used her magic to levitate Spike to her side.

“You don’t mind in helping me Spike?” Rarity asked with a smile.

“Oh… of course. Sure, I can help,” Spike said, his heart melted from seeing Rarity’s loving smile.

Seeing Spike stuttered response, as well as knowing his crush on Rarity, made the crusaders and their older friends quietly giggle in amusement. BlackWarGreymon meanwhile found Spike’s goofy behaviour rather strange. It was like an immediate change from the moment Rarity spoke to him.

‘Interesting. What’s got into him?’

After facing the lovey-dovey dragon, Rarity went ahead with the dancing lesson.

“Now pay attention, BlackWarGreymon. First step is to face your dance partner and stand on the hind legs. Since you already stand on two legs, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

She then did what she said. Standing in front of Spike, Rarity reared up onto her hind legs. Spike couldn’t believe what was happening. Even though it was just a demonstration, he would get to dance with the pony of his dreams.

Rarity then explained further to BlackWarGreymon.

“Then using your left hoof, or in your case your left hand, you gently hold onto the lady’s right hoof, and hold your arm out to the side. Then with your right hoof, or hand, you place it on the lady’s waist as she rests her left hoof on your shoulder.”

Showing how it was done, Rarity allowed Spike to hold her right hoof while placing his right clawed hand above her hip, and then placed her left hoof on his shoulder.

Spike could feel his face literally burning into an inferno as he felt the Unicorn’s soft silky fur. The joints in his arms almost stiffened as he tried to control his breathing. Of all the times he spent with Rarity, being her dance partner was definatly a first for him.

“Ready Spike?” Rarity asked.

“Huh, huh,” Spike said in a goofy tone as he nodded his head.

How Rarity doesn’t see the obvious signs was startling.

“Good Spike. Now lead the dance.”

BlackWarGreymon took note that in a ballroom dance, it was the boy who leads the dance. So as before, he payed close attention. Watching on as the two danced.

Although startled, Spike managed to muster enough self-control to move his feet. Followed by the rest of his body, he leads Rarity into the routine dance.

BlackWarGreymon watched every detail of the dance in great fascination. Unaware that a hidden program in his mind was doing its work. By taking in every step, every movement of the dance, all the information he was seeing was being collected and stored as data.

It was entirely possible that BlackWarGreymon himself doesn’t know about the ability to process information in the ‘Digimon’ way.

While the demonstrations went on, BlackWarGreymon, as well as the Mane Six, Spike and the Cutiemark Crusaders, were all unaware that some decisions were being made at Canterlot.

Canterlot Castle

It was hours before the opening of the Grand Galloping Gala, and both the gardens and the main hall were finished being prepared. It was enough to make Pinkie Pie proud.

As she walked through the hall and towards the throne room, Princess Luna took a good look at all the decorations. It was true that she had never attended to the Gala, and it was the first time she even what the party had to offer.

As she entered the throne room, Luna spotted Princess Celestia using magic to send off a pile of envelops. No doubt that in the envelops were more golden tickets to the Gala.

After sending the last invite, Celestia spotted her sister approaching her.

“So Luna, how did you like the decorations?” She asked.

“They’re…fine, sister. But um…”

Celestia took note of Luna’s response and her questionable tone.

“What’s the matter?” The white Alicorn asked in concern.

Luna found it hard to answer. After taking in a deep breath, she spoke up.

“Sister, I’m not sure about… attending to the Gala.”

It had been a few years since Luna returned from her thousand-year banishment. Even though everypony had forgiven her for what she had done as Nightmare Moon, Luna still felt uncomfortable at a gathering like the Gala.

Celestia however thought differently and figured that going to the Gala would be good for her unusually shy sister.

“Please Luna? It would mean a lot if you come.”

Hearing Celestia’s plea made Luna’s mind even more conflicted. She wasn’t one hundred percent on the idea, but she didn’t want to disappoint her older sister.

“Um…I’m…not sure.”

Though Celestia felt a little disappointed, she perfectly understood Luna’s insecurity.

“It’s ok, Luna. Shame you would miss out though. Because I hoped that this would be the biggest Gala in years. Especially now that BlackWarGreymon’s attending.”

Luna listened on. But was suddenly paused at the last thing Celestia said. Was she hearing things? Or did she heard what she just heard?

“What was that, sister?” Luna asked.

“Oh, didn’t I mention it to you before?” Celestia asked before explaining herself.

“I decided to invite BlackWarGreymon to the Grand Galloping Gala. He had done so much for us in the past few days, I thought that it was the least I can do to repay him. it would also help improve his social skills around ponies.”

Luna was lost in her thoughts. The Artificial Digimon that she had come to respect, was going to arrive at the Gala. Something that never happened in Equestria’s history.

‘BlackWarGreymon’s… coming to the Gala?’

Luna then took a quick moment to think. It had been a few days since she had seen the saviour of Equestria. She had hoped that one day she would meet up with him again. Since the two had a lot in common, she liked the times when they talked. Perhaps the Gala was her chance to see him again.

As Celestia sorted out the left over envelops, Luna spoke in a firm tone.

“Sister, I had changed my mind. I would like to go to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Really Luna? Well you changed your mind fast,” Celestia pointed out. But as she thought of it, a little too fast in fact.

“It’s as you said. It would mean a lot to you and everypony if I attended to the Gala. And I could get used to it once I start trying,” The blue Alicorn explained, though what she said was only half the reason why she wanted to go.

Then a stray thought entered her mind. Luna silently giggled at the image of BlackWarGreymon wearing something like a formal tuxedo-like suit.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, sorry if it's been a while, but here I am. Back with an interesting chapter.

Bet you lot never expected this.:pinkiegasp: I thought long and hard at how BlackWarGreymon would look like in a suit. I hope you all like what I thought up with.

And if any of you are talented computer artists or simply good with a pencil, I am ok with you making drawings or fan-made pictures based on this story. I bet they would look cool.

If you want to see BlackWarGreymon at the Grand Galloping Gala, the next chapter will be coming soon.

Leave a like. Leave a comment. And i'll see you all later.

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