• Published 26th Oct 2015
  • 4,039 Views, 58 Comments

F Gata S Kei - MythrilMoth

Fluttershy wants to lose her virginity...if she can just overcome her crippling shyness.

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Comments ( 57 )

Okay, I have no idea what this is referencing, but it's hilarious and I want more and what it's based on.

I have seen the anime and I loved it! Thank you so much for writing this.

Lol yes:rainbowlaugh: I love that series so I can't wait to see where this goes:pinkiehappy:

6568259 Look up "B Gata H Kei".

Have. Found a place to watch it online, and bookmarked for later viewing.

If this is the case, I'm expecting more chapters of this because I saw the anime years ago.

Well, this is certainly something else. Especially "Sluttershy".

Oh dear God, you didn't...

...yes you did.

Ha ha, this is gonna be a trip, isn't it?

6568599 A trip, a stumble, and a fall!

So having seen "B Gata H Kei?" back when it was on Netflix a month or two ago I find the title of this story doesn't quite hit the mark.

The original's title breaks down as:
B (A reference to Yamada's cup size)
Gata (the English phrase "got to" written in Katakana and then, for English speaking audiences, converted to Romaji)
H (A reference/shortening of either "ecchi" or "hentai", most likely the latter, which in Japan is also a regularly used identifier for pornographic and/or sexual content)
Kei? (Another English to Katakana to Romaji word, this time stemming from "Kay?" as in "Okay?")

My suggestion would be to make the title "(C, D, whatever you set Fluttershy's size to) Gata F Kei?" However it's up to you. Whether you change the title or not it still sounds like a very entertaining ride. (Pun not intended)

Have you been running lines of scratch-n-sniff pony pictures again?

There's more?
Nice :yay:

Nice to see you active again Mythril. I honestly almost didn't take a look at this... until I saw your name on it.

I'm glad I did.

This is how I think Fluttershy is in canon to a degree. Looking forward to more.

I have seen the show this is based off of, and I'm very interested to see where this is going. :rainbowkiss:

6568830 First of all, your understanding of the title "B Gata H Kei" is wrong. The title isn't meant to be broken down into English words, nor does it even have a question mark ANYWHERE in it. It translates to "Type B, Style H".

That having been said, I knew sooner or later somebody would complain about the title. I know the title of this story doesn't match up to the pattern of the original (not for the reasons stated in your comment), but that's kind of not the point, is it? The title of this story is wordplay in and of itself, parodying the title of B Gata H Kei. "F" and "S" are relevant to both romantic leads, after all.

I've seen the anime two years ago. It was hilarious. This really matches up pretty well especially with Fluttershy's deity. Makes me really wish there was a second season. :twilightblush:

This is a riot.:rainbowlaugh: I look forward to more.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

I watched and read B-Gata H-Kei and i seriously like the funny things Fluttershy's inner slut is saying. I wonder if others will be featured. Sunset sure is freaked out and Flutters wants Flash.

OK, I can see this is gonna be a series full of sexy humor. Looking forward to Fluttershy's attempts to get laid with Flash. Though, in B Gata H Kei Yamada ended up falling for her 'cherry boy'

Fluttershy is awfully picky for being a desperate virgin...

6570865 Because she doesn't want to get a reputation, and frankly, she kind of has the pick of the school.

Everything you write is pure gold. I should call you midas

Fluttershy closed her eyes and sighed. "I wanna have sex," she blurted in a rush.

Sunset's eyed widened. Her cheeks flushed. "Oh. Wow. Umm...wow," she said. "I mean, okay, that kind of thing is normal where I come from since mares outnumber stallions two to one, and I'm super flattered, but—"

"Eep! I didn't mean with you!" Fluttershy said, her own face flushing.

This right here just earned you a like and fav :yay:

Every time I read the parts where Fluttershy is straightforward or its her other side, it comes out as the voice of that fairy Kyu from that Hunie Pop game.

If Flutters wants to get laid so desperately, why not go for Star Hunter? He might be a Cloudsdale Academy guy, but hey. He's to Cpt. Jack Harkness what Doc Hooves is to the Doctor. I'm sure he can help. :yay:

Weeeeeelllllllllllllll, shit. Didn't even see this until just now. And given that I've seen some of the original... :rainbowlaugh:

This is already made of 24-karat Fort Knox gold, dude.

Hoo boy, here we go.

Having seen some but not all of B Gata H Kei (a.k.a. Yamada's First Time) and enjoying it, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for Flutters from here on out.

"I mean, okay, that kind of thing is normal where I come from since mares outnumber stallions two to one...

Personally, I believe it is inaccurate to blame Equestria's overabundance of fillyfoolers on it's lopsided gender population. If you ask me, that sort of thing is more likely to lead to polygamy rather than homosexuality.

That's not criticism, mind you, just an observiation.

6574727 There are two camps: "herding" and *twitch* "fillyfooling". The latter makes more sense to me because above all else, most people want a single individual to share their lives with. It's a universal truth. :twilightsmile:

6574773 What's with the "twitch" when you write "fillyfoolery"? Is it because you think it sounds more like something you'd call a pedophile rather than a lesbian? Because I often think so as well.

6574783 It's just a really stupid-sounding word. :rainbowwild:

Can....Can she not just do this again? https://www.fimfiction.net/story/241539/1/everybody-does-sunset-shimmer/fluttershy-does-sunset-shimmer

M....maybe with Rainbow Dash? *last part of this chapter has severely warped this little mind*

Genius, that's all I can say.


Gawddammit. You're making me regret not finishing B Gata H Kei. I think it's still sitting in my Netflix watch list...

How are you going to handle the Christmas episode? The second one, I mean.

6663386 You're assuming I'll actually be following the plot of B Gata H Kei rather than simply using it as a basis.


If you don't tackle the second Christmas episode, I'd strongly consider it to be a crime against humanity.

6665001 Again, I'm not actually doing episodes of B Gata H Kei here. I'm just using the basic premise and doing my own thing from there.

6665217 KO when is the next chapter coming including the next chapters of the two equestria girls persona. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2:

6672081 You think you're being funny or cute. You're not. I ask people not to post comments like this for a reason, and posting something like this is the same as spitting in my face.

Do this again, you WILL be blocked.

For the past year or so, Fluttershy's had one thing on her mind that wasn't bunny rabbits or veggie burgers or her friends, and that's getting a guy to stick his jimmy in her P-hole. Yep, Fluttershy of all people has a bad case of cock want. Of course, she's also got that whole shyness thing and she's way too embarrassed to even TALK to a boy, let alone ask one to pop her cherry, so that's not happening anytime soon...

This character is starting to remind me of that fairy from Huniepop. Yes, I know that game is stupid.

First off, Sluttershy is a huge dick.

It feels weird just writing that.

Secondly, I'm with you, Sunset. If this were Equestria and your shyest best friend suddenly whined about wanting to make whoopee with your ex, you'd best check if this isn't a particularly desperate and untalented Changeling.


I was about to post roughly what you replied to and sort of point out that with that title, Fluttershy might not go with Flash, but with any of the other humane six. After all, if H Style is supposed to be making the beast with two backs, S Style has more to do with close, emotional bonds between schoolgirls.

Then again, this fic is not inspired by Marimite, but by a series about a girl who wants to have 100 sex-friends by the end of the year.

I'd hate to think what will happen once Pinkie discovers this hidden side of Fluttershy. Probably something along the lines of "Your first time with a guy will suck! We should bang so that it won't suck as much!"

After reading the first chapter I can only say.

I've seen it roughly translated as "The B-cupped Slut" :rainbowwild:

So I take it there'll never be any more of this?

7460183 I'd truly like to thank you for reminding me how foolish it is of me to think my personal life, other hobbies, and numerous other stories are so important that they take priority over writing more of the one story you so graciously pointed out I have left in woeful need of an update for several months.

You, good sir, are a godsend to fanfiction writers everywhere, writers who selfishly hoard their time, foolishly believing how they choose to spend their time is so much more important than their obligation to people such as yourself, who generously visit your eyeballs upon our work--for truly, is not the mere fact that you are so generous as to read our writing enough that we should toil away endlessly on the one story out of many you deem worthy of your attention? Why, the very idea that our opinion of which stories are more deserving of our precious writing time is simply shocking, selfish, and abhorrent!

Thank you ever so much for taking five invaluable seconds out of your day for correcting my assumption that my choice in how to indulge a personal hobby is in any way, shape, or form more important than your insatiable need to cram free words into your eyeballs.

7460486 ...don't be a dick. I was just asking.

If you were on a hiatus from writing, I'm sorry, I didn't notice.

I didn't say you can't have a personal life; this story just hasn't been updated in going on a year, and several other stories have been updated or even started since then, so I was just wondering whether this story was abandoned.

Apologies if I accidentally sounded rude doing so, that is my mistake and the by-product of sleep deprivation, some isolation from most humans for a few months, and the fact that I frequently forget that text doesn't carry most of the information used in speech.

7461660 Apology accepted. Just remember that a lot of fanfics on this site go without updates for two or three years or longer. It doesn't mean they're dead, and you shouldn't post comments like that one when you encounter one. :twilightsheepish:

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