This story is a sequel to A Lascivious Rainbow Dash and a Shared Bath in Tomato Broth
Rarity wakes one night to find that her mane has detached itself from her head and packed its bags. Her mane tells her that it is leaving to pursue new ambitions, alone, without her. Their time together is at an end, it tells her, but the blissfully sweet years they shared will never be forgotten. Before it says its final farewell, they make love together one last time under a moonlit starry sky.
This was written as a standalone story. Reading the previous story is entirely unnecessary.
That description is hypnotic.
... I have no words for this randomness
We will never forget you, Rarity's Mane.
Wow, that was great! What were we reading about again?
-Kenny, King of the Word 'We'
Yikes ! You're noggin's naked !
I still have my tail my Spikey wikey
look again Rarity
I'm naked now !
I Rarity
You're such a dear my precious scales
This was as random as you can get Bravo !
5737355 On a scale of 1/10 how was this story?
I wrote a review of this story. It can be found here.
12 tubas out of fourteen singing candelabras.
5738613 Holy shit.
5738613 I REGRET NOTHING!!!!
Ugh. So typical for a mane. One passionate evening of love, and then out of her life forever. Poor Rarity, stay strong. You can rise above this... once you stop itching at least.
Those must have been some good magic mushrooms
It's like Douglas Adams and Hunter S. Thompson got together, took enough drugs to kill lesser men, watched a marathon of Rarity episodes, and then decided to write a fanfic while consuming even more drugs.
And it's beautiful.
I... I have no words either. Wait, yes I do. Off the fucking wall oh my god what the hell were you thinking please don't stop thinking it I love this more hope for humanity please thank you and goodnight.
I saw this story and...oh fuck, let me...get my breath back...
I saw this story, and I had to run over here to make this joke.
I guess their love-making was a HAIR-RAISING experience!
Now you may either laugh, mock me, or both. I'm gonna rest.
(collapses on floor)
So Rarity's bald now?
I give it four wats out of four.
you forgot the sex tag
I lost it right about here.
Then I thought I found it...but then
I lost my st right about here once more
I swear, I heard in my head the sound of a needle scratching off a record. Rarity's mane being sentient and Rarity's lover makes sense, but hair playing ping pong is just silly. Have an upvote for that, and that luridly purple sex scene.
So what happened after? Did Rarity still ask Rainbow Dash for a date? Will she still try to become a Princess. Will Twilight and Rarity become better friends? Will she get a new mane? I hope you write a sequel.
*sobs* What ART without which life cachemar oh the humanity my spleen my heart!
That was fuckin' weird mate. 19 biazaro worlds out of 17
... ... ... DA'FUCK DID I JUST READ?!
5741952 Ummm... dude? You still with us? Hellooo? ...uh-oh...
I like you
I like the cut of your jib.
I like this story a lot.
You and I, we are not so different.
Also now that we have new genre tags this definitely deserves a "drama" tag.
5741121 Pretty much.
Songs shall be written about this parting that will live forever. The style is awesome. The story really gels.
Hello, I have reviewed your story here: