• Member Since 9th Mar, 2020


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Tonight on Bottom Gear, Twilight eats a pineapple, Applejack goes berserk, and Rainbow Dash falls in love with a box of tissues. I think. There's some other stuff that happens too, but everyone's too brain-dead to summarize it all.

This is the worst possible way to celebrate a Fimfiction milestone, mark my words.

Sex tag for innuendos all throughout this garbage fire. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Collab credits in the author's note. :V

Disclaimer: there was, for a while, roughly 20 or so peeps working on this at the same time. This absolute carnage was somehow cleaned up into fitting precisely 5,000 words according to Fimfiction's word counter, and I still have no idea how we managed to do that. Do not expect quality, or even relevant memes. Oof.

Dedicated to this lovely dumpster-fire of a site that we call home. :raritywink:

We have successfully polluted the featured box with our garbage! Huzzah!

And now, the 500,000th story has been paired with the 500,000th account! Huzzah! (again!)

Reviewed by PresentPerfect!
Read by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan! ded link
Read by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!

Chapters (2)

No film productions are perfect on the first try. Some aren’t perfect at all.

See the behind the scenes of all the episodes of MLP, and let’s hope we can make you laugh!

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash's morning was pretty much ruined.
She tripped getting out of bed and landed flat on her face, giving herself an aching muzzle.
She forgot to buy her favorite brand of hay flakes at the store yesterday and had to eat plain toast for breakfast.
She found out she had to pull double-duty today and tomorrow on the weather patrol.
Oh, and she found a nearly-dead foal, broken and bleeding at the edge of Ponyville.

The rest of her day became a whirlpool of stress and worry but the colt woke up, thank Celestia.
Something's not right, though. Nopony can find his parents, he's not in the registers, and there's an unsettling look in his eye...

YouTube reading by Fire Hearth

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Russian Translation by Likantrop

TV Tropes page, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Chapters (15)

Twilight thought it was all so real-- the crisp morning air, the warmth of the rising sun, the ponies that went about their day-- it all seemed real to her. Yet, with the breaking of a single connection, everything comes crashing down, leaving a very confused girl wearing a VR headset.

Maybe she can still relog.

Preread by Thunderous, Babroniedad, EverfreePony, and No name 13, with additional assistance provided by the Write On! community. Formerly preread by Doggyshakespeare and JetXPegasusWWN.

Cover art drawn in collaboration between Momoruuu and myself.

Based off of a chapter from What If...?

A total rewrite of the original Pony-Me™. Want more Pony-Me™ after you finish reading? Here's an original fiction spin on the story for ya.

Story structure: Story arc ◈ Chapter title

Chapters (17)

This isn't how she planned it, but things have gone awry. Surely there is some solution to this flood of Lunas.

Done for Moonwing.

Russian translation provided by Shaddar!

Chapters (4)

Sunset didn't realize just how different other dimensions could be before going through the portal. Now she finds herself in a world where people never age or grow, they just attend high school forever. Whether she's entered a paradise or a nightmare remains to be seen.

Chapters (20)

After seeking refuge in Equestria during the Anon-A-Miss fiasco, Sunset Shimmer is stranded in Equestria. Convinced that she's just not cut out for friendship, Sunset throws herself back into her studies. Unfortunately for her, all the magic around CHS has attracted the attention of a certain spectacled scientist. When her device accidentally pulls the mysterious energy from the statue in front of the school, she is shocked when an amber unicorn was pulled out with it. With the portal not working, the two must work together to gather the energy needed to send Sunset home from the only magical source left to tap: Sunset's former friends, all while dealing with the overbearing principal of Crystal Prep as the Friendship Games approach.

Chapters (50)

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut-in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. Two polar opposites from completely different worlds. Yet amidst her dominant rule, Princess Nightmare Moon feels she's missing something. A certain day from her memory has been wiped... and none of her common materialistic desires can sate her quench for answers. That is until she encounters a certain young unicorn mare, who she can't seem to get off her mind.

Twilight Sparkle's dull and downtrodden life is about to get much more interesting.

[Inspired by S5 - Nightmare Moon AU: Thank you for your support!]

Chapters (24)

Dyson, a Northern Mississippi slave, wakes up alone in the Ghastly Gorge, a place where eeriness lurks around every corner. Luckily for him, a colorful pegasus runs into him. Will Dyson and his new companion escape from the hell of the Gorge, or will they succumb to its lifeless prison?

Special thanks to Barracuda Cyborg for helping me with editing this story!

Warning: If you can't handle the n-word, then you shouldn't be reading this story. It does pop up sparingly.

Reposted due to the accidental deletion of the account this was posted on. For more details, see this blog.

Chapters (18)

There are a lot of different worlds out there, connected with infinite expanses of bizarre biomes known as the Worldsbridges. Twilight is in one of them, lost and unable to get back.

Guided by the silent music of the Worldsbridges themselves, Luna journeyed to find her, even if it means walking the endless roads forevermore.

Cover art by EverfreePony

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (12)