• Published 13th Jun 2021
  • 3,875 Views, 151 Comments

My Little Pony : Bloopers are Magic - CitreneSkys

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Bloopers are Magic : Part 1

“Is Twilight ready for her first scene?”

“No! This scrapbook opening you guys want isn’t finished.”

“Well, get on with it!”

“You hear that, Twilight?” Spike gave the working unicorn a sarcastic tone. “Scrapbook faster!”

The purple pony sighed, gluing yet another magazine sheet to the inner page. “I’m trying, but some ponies just don’t want to help.”

“One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for dawn,” Celestia said into the mic, watching as the already recorded scene play out in front of her. “The elder sister tried to reason with her- wait.”

The alicorn paused the video, squinting at the scene.

“What is it?” a director responded to Celestia’s sudden stop.

“What’s up with the art style here? Why are my eyes so big, yet Luna seems to have a more proportioned eyes style? What’s up with the leg? Why do I look like I’m on drugs?”

An exasperated huff sounded from the other end of the recording room.

“Thanks, your highness,” Twilight muttered.

“There you are, Twilight!” Twinkle Shine exclaimed, her focus directed at the purple unicorn.

Twilight snorted. “Ah yes, hello friends which I didn’t learn the names of.”

“Cut!” A voice halted the operation. “Twilight was that really necessary?”

The actress chortled. “Sorry. The script didn’t even bother to put her name.”

The pink-maned mare blinked, pulling her script out. “Wait, it didn’t?”

“Okay, ready...action!” The clapboard went off, starting the recording of the next scene.

Spike walks across the screen, holding a red gift box in hand. He was a few centimeters too close to the door, sending him flying when they abruptly opened.

“Spi—oh gosh,” Twilight prematurely stopped her line. The small dragon rubbed his nose, and the unicorn went to check up on him.

“Wasn’t...part of the script,” he muttered as he was helped to his feet.

“Alright, let’s try this again,” the director called from somewhere off-screen. The actors repositioned themselves.

“Annnd...take two!” The clapboard clamped down again.

The dragon, once again, walked in to frame, this time further from the door. Twilight burst through the door.

“Spike! I need you to find me that old copy of ‘Prediction and Prophecies,’” the unicorn ordered, running past the scaled being.

Off-camera, the director and the staff could be heard muttering to themselves, which caught the ear of the actress on set.

“Did I say the line wrong?”

“No, just that we think that slapstick with Spike was funnier,” one said.

The director cleared his throat. “Just wait a moment, I think we are going to make an edit to the script.”

Spike groaned, facepalming.

Twilight gasped. “Spike! Do you know what this means?”

The dragon looked down from his place on the latter, looking uncertain as the ladder began to wobble. “No—wHOA!”

On cue, the ladder tipped back, send the draconic creature falling from the height. The intent was so Twilight could catch Spike mid-fall, but the unicorn hadn’t had the time to walk to the right spot.

Instead, he faceplanted right to the ground.

“Ow,” he muttered.

Twilight winced, helping him up. “Sorry!”

Spike also winced, rubbing his head. “Can we try that again?”

Twilight babbled on her letter, Spike taking note of everything she said.

“—We are on the precipice of disaster.”

Spike raised his head. “What?”

Twilight glanced back. “Precipice.”

He looked back at the letter. “Preci...preci...” he sounded out the letters but never did figure out how to spell it. It sent the crew behind the scenes in a giggling fit.

“Ok, cut!” the director laughed a bit, a rustling of paper could be heard. “We’ll give you time to figure that word out.”

Spike sighed. “Pre...ci...pate? No that isn’t right...”

“Can you spell ‘threshold’?” Twilight piped.

“Thre...” he looked up with a nervous expression.

Twilight tapped her chin. “Uh, ‘brink’, perhaps?”

He brightened. “Oh yeah, I know how to spell brink-“

“No you don’t!” someone off-screen exclaimed.

He bristled, looking to the camera crew. “Yes, I can! It’s b-r-i-“

“We are changing the script!” another one called. “It’s just part of your character now.”

Spike glared at the camera.

“Twilight...Spar...kle!” Spike exclaimed as he finished the letter. “Got it!”

Twilight gave a smile. “Great. Send it.”


“Of course.”

Spike had an unsure expression. “Uh, I don’t know, Twilight. Princess Celestia’s a little busy getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebre-“ he stopped, gears turning in his head.

He restarted. “Princess Celestia’s a little busy getting ready for the Sunner Sun Celebra-

Spike grumbled slightly. He took out his script, ignoring the laughter he could hear from the staff. “What is this line? Summer Sun Celebe—Summer Sum— Sunner Sum—ugh!”

He frowned as the crew and his fellow actor chuckled. “You try saying it ten times fast!”

“Soooo, since we are practically done with this place,” Twilight gestured up to the spire, “what are we going to do with it?”

“Leave it a mess,” replied the director.


“You see, we are going to need this in a few seasons, and we want to make the place as authentically aged as possible.”

“But—the dust! Cobwebs! Roaches...”

The director chuckled. “Exactly.”

“I’ll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon’s return,” Twilight's smirk quickly became a thoughtful frown.

Spike lidded his eyes. “Then when will you make friends like the Princess said?”

“She said to check in the preparations,” she answered confidently. “I am her student, and I’ll do my royal duty, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.”

The pegasus chariot softly landed on the ground. Both of them slid out before Twilight turned to look at the camera.

“You see kids, this is what they call...foreshadowing,” she jazzed her hooves. Spike and camera pony laughed.

“Cut!” the mare behind the camera chortled out. “Twilight, you were doing so well!”

“Sorry, that was too good to pass up!”

The laughs diminished. The mare sighed, “Well, I guess we can always cut the last part out.”

“Now, why don’t I introduce y’all to the Apple family?” Applejack offered in a high voice, not waiting to hear Twilight’s answer. Her hoof flew out, and plenty of bright, fruity color ponies came into view.

Then orange mare sighed. “Most of them are strangers that we picked off the side of the road. Followed us back with the promise of food.”

A moment of silence, and then Twilight and Spike giggled. That giggle became a burst of laughter.

Behind the camera, the director mumbled, “She’s not wrong.”

“Hm, there’s supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds,” Spike recalled, looking up to the sky.

Twilight looked up as well, noting the cloudy weather. “Well, she’s not doing a very good job, is she?”

That was the cue for the pegasus to show up. They waited, but nothing came of it.

“Uh,” Twilight started, peering over to the right. “Rainbow? That’s your cue.”

No answer.

“Hey, where’s Rainbow Dash?” someone off-screen yelled, to which a smokey voice answered.

“Her hair dye session is taking longer than expected, give us one more hour and we’ll be ready.”

A collective sigh filled the room.


Twilight tore her gaze from the clouds. “Well, she’s not doing a very good job, is sh— fUCK!”

The unicorn cursed as she was practically flung offset as a rainbow flash tackled into her. The camera turned to follow the movement. In front of them was a two-mare stack pile, groaning.

Rainbow spoke from atop the pile, grimacing. “I...think I broke my wing...”

Twilight grumbled. “I think you broke my everything.”

“Wait, I’m attracted to Rarity?” Spike asked the director, pointing the mare as she readied her position. The director nodded, to which the dragon stuck his tongue out.

“Ew!” he complained. “My character is in adolescence! That’s like having a crush on the school...nurse...”

The director chuckled, pushing the dragon on set. “Exactly right, thank you for your observation.”

Spike held his head in his hand. “I feel like this is a personal attack on me.”

“Now go own, my dear,” Rarity coerced, “You were telling me where you’re from.” She then pulled on the lace strings that held the corset in place, tightening it.

Twilight eyes grew wide. “I’ve...egh...been sent...can’t breathe!” she hoarsely whispered.


The corset’s strings snapped, the entire outfit falling to pieces. The victim unicorn gasped for air.

“Cut! Rarity, don’t pull that hard next time.”

“Oops, my bad,” she apologized, laughing nervously.

“Alright, Birdabelle,” Fluttershy cooed to one of the birds. It was a jaybird, and it was perched atop one of the branches. “Do you know how to sing?”

The jay seemed shy, burying in it’s feathers. She waited patiently as the bird slowly shook it’s head.

She nodded. “Good, sing as horribly as you’d like!”

“You know how to say your lines?” Applejack asked as she helped the pegasus stepped into the camera viewing range.

“Definitely!” Fluttershy answered back, turning to face the tree. The birds gathered onto the stray branches, waiting for their time to shine. “All I have to do is act like I have crippling social anxiety, which shouldn’t be hard since I already have crippling social anxiety!”

A pained laugh filled the air, and Applejack shot the off-camera director a look of concern.

The party horns have gone off.

“Surprise!” Pinkie exclaimed, all up in Twilight’s space. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you.”

She started bouncing up and down all around the unicorn. “Were you surprised? We’re you? We’re you?” She laughed.

Twilight gave an uncomfortable tone. “Very surprised.” Then she frowned. “Library’s are supposed to be quiet, Miss Pie.”

“That’s silly!” Pinkie smiled, pushing her face closer. “What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh! Borrringgg!”

Twilight began to walk away, but the pink pony wouldn’t stop following her. “You see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all, ‘hello’, and I was all—“

Pinkie meant to gasp, in a similar fashion to her first line interacting with Twilight. Instead, she began coughing and sputtering, hacking up a lung.

“Cut! Someone get Pinkie some water.”

A griffon walked onto the set, passing a cup of water to the dying mare. She grabbed it gratefully, chugging it down quickly.

Once her coughing fit was over, she looked over to the cameras. “Sorry, doing this voice at this frequency is hell on my throat. I blame you if I lose my voice for the week.”

Pinkie poured the hot sauce onto the nearby cupcake, drenching it in Red Hot. Just as quickly, she stuffed the flaming cupcake in her mouth.

All around, the other ponies gave her weird looks.

“What? This is good.”

“Aaaand...cut!” the director announced. “You did good, Pinkie Pie.”

“Thanks.” The pink pony’s face began to turn red, sweating profusely. “N-now, can someone get me s-some milk?

“As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebrrration!”

As the cheering sounded from the crowd, Mayor Mare looked up slightly. “Yes, I rolled the r perfectly!”

Luna looked over her script, a showing of disappointment on her face. “I sound like a generic saturday morning cartoon villain.”

A sound producer looked over his shoulder, buzzing his wings. “Well, this show runs on Saturday, and you are playing the villain. Is it really any surprise?”

A moment of silence. “...Bastard.”

“Language. This is a children’s show.”

In a burst of blue smoke, the blue alicorn appeared on the platform. Wings unfurled at her sides, and she grinned.

“Oh, my beloved subjects—” she started, which was immediately cut off as a clapboard went off. “Huh?”

“Agh, hey! The clapboard is not a plaything! Go wait over there with the rest of the children.”

“Aww,” a filly’s voice grumbled off-screen.

Luna blinked. “Uh, do I keep going?”

“We can try again,” the director replied. Luna nodded, retreating out of view once more. “Okay...action!”

Once again, animated blue smoke filled the platform, and in the center, Luna appeared, her wings unfurled.

“Oh, my beloved subjects,” she addressed. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun-loving fasessshit.”

A small round of laughter filled the room. The director sighed.

“Okay, just one more take.”

“So how will you make me look more...I dunno, villainous?” Luna asked, looking down at the concept papers.

“Some combination between video editing and sleep deprivation.”

“Oh dear.”

“So, I don’t even make an appearance?” Celestia asked, finishing her recording. An editor shook her head.

“Sorry Celestia, but you aren’t needed until the next episode.”

“And for how long?”

The pegasus shrugged. “The latter half of it, I think.”

The white alicorn sighed. “Go figure.”

Author's Note:

June 12, 2021

I’m toying with some ideas. But right now, this is just a bunch of actor that are making MLP. Siblings in show might not be related to each other at all, or some have a differencing appearances that is just covered due to ✨movie magic✨

I don’t know if I’ll give production crew any names or make them background characters, but we’ll see how this goes!

Also, comedy is kinda not my strong suit since my sense of humor is a bit dark, but I’m going to try my best to keep this lighthearted, mostly.