• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2016


I'm just your typical college student who loves ponies. I occasionally try my hand at writing, so I may publish what I write from time to time.


I live! · 1:19am Feb 28th, 2014

No, I'm not dead. That said, my writing kind of has been ^^'

I've got one project in the pipeline that is slow coming, but hopefully will see the light of day by the end of March. That project aside, I've got a possible collaboration I've been discussing with another author, though nothing is set in stone yet, there may be some signs of life from me on that front. Apart from that, life's been dull, so hopefully I'll have something new out for people to read sooner than later.

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Thanks a bunch for the watch! I don't know what I did to deserve it, but it is greatly appreciated! :pinkiehappy:


Thank you for faving Tangled Wings, I hope you enjoyed it! Any particular comments on it? :pinkiehappy:

Wow Senpai noticed me :raritystarry:


*hugs* thanks for faving A mother's care dude

346742 it's Midli's birthday on Saturday! Am I late?

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