• Member Since 1st Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Trans Queer Plural Artist - Writes the queer stuff, and the existentially queer stuff. They/Them/Theirs unless specified.


This story is a sequel to Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle has been out to her friends as a mare for a while now, and things have been better than she could have imagined.

But the Grand Galloping is fast approaching, and Twilight plans to attend as herself. Which means coming out to all of Equestria, and by extension, her parents.

Surely there'll be enough time along the way for Twilight to figure out exactly what Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are to her! Not to mention how to tell her other friends...

Story will update as chapters are finished.

Content Warnings: Gender dysphoria, coming out, "Well intentioned" transphobia from parents, transphobia from strangers.

Sex tag for: Named discussion of genitals in a transition context.

Proofreading and editing by our lovely partners, Kataponies and FlutteringLillies.

Cover art by ourselves. Find more of our art at humanwhodoesstuff.com. Title lettering graciously provided by Kataponies.

Featured, 1/30/2022! Thank you very much!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 135 )

I'm really excited that Sparkle is getting a sequel!
also the cover art is nice.

Comment posted by Jinxed deleted Jan 30th, 2022

I had no idea Late_night had an alt.

I haven’t read “Sparkle” yet (I will), but this is really good work.

My face I'm looking at this story I was so confused but when I looked at the other story that he released now it made sense you had to read the first but in order to read this one also it's really interesting about this story hopefully they'll be more chapters later on in the future :-)

I'm so pleased to see this story being continued! I hope Twilight's parents are accepting of her...

Yay!! Im really looking forward to this!!! Im so excited to see how youll develop this story!!! please, keep writing!!!

Who in the world is just blanket thumbs-down-ing every comment?!

transphobes coping and malding lmao

I'm sorry if this is a little nosy, but what did they say? I can tell it was something mean and probably also transphobic, but I wasn't able to see the comment before it was deleted and I kind of want to know what exactly they said.

I saw it before they deleted. They were whining and crying about the author making a canon character trans.

Ooooh, what an interesting start. I'm excited to see where this goes.

stares at the rating, then at the story, then back to the rating

...I don't get it. The core concept is interesting, the characters seem likable, and the writing itself is around the 90th percentile of the quality you find in average fanfic. Nothing I've come across reading it so far seems to warrant so many downvotes.

Regardless, you have my interest. 👍

Virtually any story with trans themes in it is likely to suffer downvote bombing for some reason.

according to the stats page, this story in particular got linked a couple times on 4chan, so that might be why it has more downvotes than, say, Sparkle

My thoughts exactly. Who the hell is downvoting every comment?

On a related note, why does a beautiful story like this one have an 85 : 49 upvote-downvote ratio? I mean, I get that trans stories are controversial, but I didn’t know it was that bad!

Congrats on the feature, by the way. Sun looks like a wonderful story. You keep writing, EquineWhoDoesStuff!

Top of Feature Box, and yet...

Comment posted by assbutt2 deleted Jan 31st, 2022


I just happened to be looking at the comments on Sparkle and noticed something, then I checked again here; only the comments supporting the trans-journey and boosting the stories as being relatable to the reader's life are being downvoted.

We've got an internalized transphobe on our hands. You know the type. They're trans (in this case most likely a transwoman) who is afraid of what that means, can't avoid the trans spaces 'cause they're desperate for some sort of trans-expression, but anything that indicates that they could actually be trans scares them spitless, so they're downvoting in hopes that it depopularizes the reminder so they don't have to be confronted by it.

No, it's not rational, but anyone who's gotten to where they're on HRT meds has had to struggle with someone in their experience like that, even if that "someone" is themselves.

@EquineWhoDoesStuff (yes, I know @'s don't work on FiMFiction, but it's a convenient shorthand), this means you're on the right track, keep going! :heart:

Comment posted by Southward deleted Jan 31st, 2022

Transphobia is linguistically related to homophobia. Learn to Google to understand something.

Comment posted by assbutt2 deleted Jan 31st, 2022

Just got finished reading Sparkle and started reading this. Doing a real good job, very decent writing, in-character, almost like how a series of trans-themed MLP episodes (albeit closer to adult-themed) would be.

I was surprised that this was both featured and got so many downvotes. At first I was thinking maybe it was a trans-friendly story that was either just poorly done or had bad writing. Reading both, the only plausible explanation are a bunch of sad, transphobic brigaders who think trans people are icky and have nothing better they want to do. As for you Ms/Mr Author, keep doing you. Don’t let a bunch of sad trolls drag you down. :twilightsmile:

RDT #25 · Jan 31st, 2022 · · 8 · Chapter 1 ·

Sometimes, when you get downvote-bombed... That's when you know you've made it.

This is an intriguing story. I must go read the actual first story now.

Comment posted by Aughra deleted Jan 31st, 2022

I think /mlp/ organizes downvote brigading on stories that are trans-positive, because "identity politics bad!" They do the same thing to pro-LGBT+ stuff on Derpibooru.

What a sad existence, being that angry about people who both don’t need this stress in their lives and also have no bearing on the lives of whoever is doing all this downvoting

Comment posted by Morphile deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Develishbond2 deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Morphile deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Develishbond2 deleted Feb 1st, 2022

Just read Sparkle and this today, and looking forward to more!

You talk like a true TERF and honestly. Your opinion doesn't mean jackshit.
The fact we have people like you turning transgender stories into a "political message" is what's wrong with this fandom.

"without enormous amounts of violence or psychological abuse"
I'm sorry, are we talking about Trans people or an armed separatist movement.

ayo where tf the alt universe tag

unrelated to anything but I love your pfp, it's super cute~

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Lopunny deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Lopunny deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022

the fact you think this is "a trend" is very telling to me.
I talked to the author of the fic and have confirmation from them that this is somewhat based off their own life story but as Twilight Sparkle instead.

Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Unity Bringer deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by The Blue EM2 deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by The Blue EM2 deleted Feb 1st, 2022
Comment posted by Late_Night deleted Feb 1st, 2022
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