• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


Comments ( 128 )
  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128

Thank you for checking out my story, Mayor, and adding it to your bookshelves!

Always been semi-interested in the story whenever it popped up in the featured box, but never QUITE enough to put it on the list. When it popped up this time and I saw it was complete, I realized that without updates it would likely never cross my radar again. It was either stick it on the list now, or risk forgetting about the story's existence and missing out on what had always seemed like it would be an interesting read. So yeah, better late than never!

Thank you for tracking Five Score and One For The Road! It's "Complete" though, so you probably won't get any updates on it? That certainly works as a "Read It Later" list I suppose!

Thanks for checking out my Godzilla vs Kong crossover! Hope you enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for taking an interest in Legends of Magic!

  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128
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