• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 55 minutes ago

Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


December twenty-third: perfect timing. Sunset can deliver gifts to her friends then get out of their way as they celebrate with their families. No car and no home, but Applejack is nice enough to help out for just a few hours before moving on.

Applejack has something else in mind.

This was written for Sane Marbles as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Of course not, it’s just a story.

"Like Nightmare Moon."
"You mean that time Vice Principal Luna—"
"Okay, maybe not like Nightmare Moon."

I'm not usually one for homeless Sunset, but you made this work very well indeed. Great stuff, especially once AJ plowed through Sunset's barriers like an especially festive bulldozer. Thank you for this, and merry Jinglemas.

This is just beautiful. Have an upvote and an add to my bookshelf! :twilightsmile: :heart:


This feels like a subtle message to love oneself to a couple friends, myself included. You’re completely right if it is~

This is a lovely story Dan.

I enjoyed it.

Aww, it's perfect. It was exactly like what I was looking for. Thanks for the great gift!

“Mortals, join the happy chorus, which the morning stars began; Father Love is reigning o’er us, Brother Love binds man to man…”


Very nice, good work.

So, before reading, either this is set in a world where sunset didn't live in that small building seen in Forgotten Friendship and onwards, or she's been evicted.

either way, i'll ignore the canon for the story

This makes me want to cry. I'mma keep dummy thicc 2367 with you, homie, I'd probably curl up in a ball on the floor or somethin' if I had people like that in my life. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Also, how does she pay for her phone bill?

I loved the story.

Gods... dangit I swore I wasn't gonna cry! :raritycry:

This was cute an beautiful.
Thank you for this.

AJ and the rest of the girls are 100% correct and in the right here. You deserve this, Sunset. :twilightsmile:

A lovely story, true to the show and to the spirit of the season!

Sunset’s chuckle turned to a laugh. “Of course not, it’s just a story. But who cares, right? It’s all about the spirit of things: friends, family, love, and food.”

It still technically is sunset. 🙄

“I’d just get in the way,” Sunset said quickly.

No you won't Sunset, plus I'm sure applejack's family won't mind it at all. :ajsmug:

He went inside, then returned with a foil-wrapped loaf of bread and a tin of cookies. “Take these for yourself. The bread is an old family recipe, and Pinkie has indulged her usual tradition of baking entirely too many treats.”

That is mighty kind of him to give that to her. :scootangel:

Rarity slapped her forehead. Applejack shrugged again, turning to face Sunset fully. “Great. It’s yours.”



“To get a friend out of some basement?” Applejack took a long stride forward and gripped Sunset’s hands. “I told you. Friendship ain’t about staying out of the way. It’s looking out for each other. And-and it’s love, dang it. Nothing’s too much for love.”

Yep, that's friendship for ya. :twilightsmile:

Like cuddly sharks, the girls circled around their impromptu embrace and closed in. Sunset tried to say, ‘thank you,’ but a sob caught her halfway through. Applejack stammered an apology as her tears slid onto Sunset’s forehead.

It's ok sunset, just let it all out.

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