• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


The fruit of Sweet Apple Acres are grown with skill, experience, and love.

That last part makes them nutritious for changelings, a fact which Applejack is only now about to learn. But the changelings themselves have known for a long time – after all, they are some of her closest friends.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 80 )

Her hooves hit the ground, and she looked to Applejack with tears in her eyes. “I… I’m full? Oh goodness, I feel so… well, good! And bad! Applejack, I’m sorry I tried to rob you. And for stealing your apples. Is there any way I can make it up to you?”

-the fastest reform in the west

This was the perfect prompt for the perfect character, cleverly written and witty enough to keep me smiling throughout. Such a delight!

She grinned. “Actually, stick around long enough for Twilight to show. I can’t wait to see the look on her face.”


A charming little read that feels like it could actually have a kernel of truth in there somewhere. This should spark a few theories.

Applejack ate them in some form or another every meal of the day, and she went to Goldie for carrots and Strawberry for strawberries same as they came to her.

Some days, she even managed to complete a transaction with Strawberry without one wanting to punch the other.

All I want to know is who, what, where, when, why, how, am I going insane, is Equestria doomed, and oatmeal.

Ah yes, the classic nine questions of journalism.

“What cabbage tycoons?”
Mayor Mare blinked.
Then smiled, showing her fangs.

Brilliant celebration of Applejack through what she does best. And this does make sense in a twisted sort of way. "Ponyville" may have been a sign of trying too hard. Thank you for this.

The turning into a chair bit got me~

Changeling comedy is truly the sweetest of nectars.

Nice story and that last bit almost made me collapse in the road laughing.

A great take on "X is actually a changeling". I love it.

Taking a food advertising cliché literally and fitting it neatly into Equestrian lore. Very clever.

For what it's worth, a few years ago some bakery tried including "love" in the official ingredient list for their granola. The FDA did not approve.

Didn't see anything in the story that would merit a T rating. Very wholesome comedy. Well done.

I laughed at, "Your face is broke."

This is why Applejack is best pony. :ajsmug:

Good Chatter one I give it 10 out of 55

Applejack nodded valiantly. “Sounds good. All I want to know is who, what, where, when, why, how, am I going insane, is Equestria doomed, and oatmeal.”

She has a point here.

“Wait!” a pony screeched. Applejack vaguely recognized her as a visiting photographer named Shutter Bug. “But Chrysalis the Beautiful is your rightful queen! You mean you were in a prime position to conquer Ponyville all this time and never told her?”

Shutter Bug is kinda sus...

Chrysalis bit into another apple and chewed frantically, studying Applejack’s level expression. She swallowed. “I want all the apples.”

I searched for a cute picture of Chrysalis chewing on an apple, but the closest one I found was this one:

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Man, I liked this one.

Nice One-Shot with a very interesting concept.

Applejack nodded valiantly. “Sounds good. All I want to know is who, what, where, when, why, how, am I going insane, is Equestria doomed, and oatmeal.”

You know...just the basics.

“Wait!” a pony screeched. Applejack vaguely recognized her as a visiting photographer named Shutter Bug. “But Chrysalis the Beautiful is your rightful queen! You mean you were in a prime position to conquer Ponyville all this time and never told her?”

Chryssi, could you be any less subtle? Seriously, how did you ever not get caught in disguise that whole time?

She gestured to Zecora. Who was now a gray and white changeling.

“Eh tu, Zecora?” Applejack said.

I mean, as if her being the only zebra for miles around wasn't enough... :rainbowlaugh:

Also, it's et tu--it's Latin for "and you."

Can't believe Chrysalis didn't see what AJ was doing coming from a mile away...or maybe I can. :trollestia:

nah, i like to believe she was legitimately tricked, but cause shes good(er) now she cant be mad

“I dunno,” Goldie called breezily over her shoulder. “Fifty, a hundred? Maybe more, I never really counted.”

You know looking back at season 1 they have to reuse same background characters a couple of times even recolored them just to look different until they gradually creating more original ponies afterwards so it could explain about that

“BUNNY STAMPEDE!?” Daisy shrieked, jumping into Rose’s hooves. “WHERE!?”

Rose screamed and jumped into Lily’s hooves, who screamed and jumped into Daisy’s. Which was all quite impressive until they collectively fainted.

Of course they overreacted what else is new lol

Well then that was a pretty interesting story and I got to say it was pretty funny story and seeing how applejack just stop Queen Chrysalis and reforming her by the power of apples go Applejack :ajsmug:

"Apples. Is there anythin' they cain't do?" --Applejack

Well, this was great fun up until the end. Cheerful heartwarming fun, the kinda stories this world needs more of.

Screwing Chrysalis over like that was low. I always kinda liked the idea that she went out true to herself, her heart as black as her chitin.

Reformation through apples, that's a new one :rainbowlaugh:

Magnificent, this is my new headcsnon

“Wait!” a pony screeched. Applejack vaguely recognized her as a visiting photographer named Shutterbug. “But Chrysalis the Beautiful is your rightful queen! You mean you were in a prime position to conquer Ponyville all this time and never told her?”

Best line of all, right there.

Absolutely amazing. Well done.

“Oh.” Applejack said.

She staggered back, brushing against Mayor Mare. Applejack gave her a weak grin. “At least you’re the same.”

The mayor blinked. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were talking to me as well.”

Silver flashed, and she became a tan changeling with a gray head. Still had the glasses and collar, too.

“I need to sit down,” Applejack mumbled.

Helpfully, Mayor Mare transformed into a chair.

“Never mind, I’ll make it.” Applejack took a deep breath in as the mayor resumed her changeling form.

This was a highlight of this one.

Apple family apples. Changeling approved!


Also, it's et tu--it's Latin for "and you."

That's just AJ's southern Latin accent. :ajsmug:

Applejack nodded valiantly. “Sounds good. All I want to know is who, what, where, when, why, how, am I going insane, is Equestria doomed, and oatmeal.”

And I said "Oatmeal? Are you crazy?"

It was a Perfectly Ordinary Day in Ponyville™



"Ponyville" may have been a sign of trying too hard.

I love this.

Young Granny Smith: "What fine land our princess has allowed us to settle! What should we name this place where our children will be raised?"

Literally all of her fellow settlers are first generation changeling immigrants: "Ponyville! Yes Ponyville a place for us ponies to live as we pony around because we are all definitely ponies. With a name like Ponyville anyone coming will know for sure we are ponies yes ponies and there will be no mistaking us for anything else."

"Dibs on the farm next to her."

"Fuck you Kevin no dibs."

I am told King Thorax makes love by having his changelings do fun activities together

Mayor Mare needs to think a little more about the words she uses before she speaks.

Is Shutterbug a canon name for Chrysalis's pony disguise? Because it fits so perfectly. And I just now realized that given Shutterbug's cutie mark, it turns out Twilight had good reason to be uncomfortable around ladybugs.

This was a really good read, have a fav!

I think it's just the fanon name.

Applejack, to Queen Chrysalis, while saving Equestria:

Buy some apples!

Afterwards Chrysalis paid for all the apples she gorged on in a different way. In a corner of the barn. Then again on the walk into town in a bush. Turns out getting full of extra love on top of the love from all the apples topped her off a bit too much. AJ was there to help all the same, holding the changeling's hair so it wouldn't get into the mess. Mulling to herself about the queen being a lightweight at getting sick after only thirty apples. :ajsmug:

This is so good and makes so much sense I more then kind of wish it was canon

Haha, what a great, nice little read! I'm always up for some AJ loving, as you already know. And this was a fun thought experiment too! Love the idea and the execution! Keep up the great work

“Love can be taken in multiple ways,” the mayor explained. “It must be generated, like any other energy. I am told King Thorax makes love by having his changelings do fun activities together, creating good feelings and happy thoughts which can be absorbed. Queen Chrysalis taught changelings to inefficiently leech it from unwilling parties because she is an idiot.”

YEAH fuck Chrysalis, she’s is a idiot.
This was a great story, really heart warming idea that was expertly told. Nice work

Huh. I'd read Shutterbug as being a random improbable remaining sycophant of Chrysalis'.

A truly delightful story, especially the ending.

Unlike the former fascist maniacs to the far south,

Do people even bother trying to understand what that even means, or just fling it around at everything mindlessly?


Chrysalis was a classical despotic totalitarian monarch, with ALL centralized authority under her alone. Totally different.

This time, only most of Ponyville is changelings.

A lot better than that time EVERYPONY was a changeling.... or that one time when ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING was changelings! :fluttershbad:

Okay, so at what point does nationalised socialism become fascism? Serious question.

Alondro is... wrong.

Tldr, one is an economic model and the other a government/ideology model, both of which messy enough to defy easy buzzword explanation. But this ain't continuing in my comment thread. Take it to DM.

Since I say that I'm able to walk on the ceiling, it must be true.

“I need to sit down,” Applejack mumbled.

Helpfully, Mayor Mare transformed into a chair.

My sides are in high orbit, on a collision trajectory with Neptune

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