Being Pinkie Pie is the single greatest rush of fun and sensory overload a changeling could ever experience. Getting addicted to a high octane lifestyle of parties and smiles isn't exactly difficult. And once you do get addicted, why would you ever want to go back?
It happened to one changeling, but how common could it possibly be?
Chrysalis is comically super evil. Also, wonder how she knew to send someone to replace Pinkie as a foal and why Pinkie Two knew? Guess it was after the Rainboom.
I'm just thinking Pinkie was chosen at random as part of a random foal replacement program. But that also works.
Everything was very clever and enjoyable to read.
All things considered, I could see Chrysalis selecting Pinkie simply because its a trope that heroes tend to come from poor farms and rock farming from the outside looks like a normal farm that can't afford basic farming equipment or supplies.
Either that or she makes it a point to try and replace at least one child at every sizeable farm in the middle of nowhere. Got to have the web of informants set up after all.
Okay, I kind'a lost it when I got to the Element of Hiccups
The story got way more interesting than Pinkie Pie impersonators, but honestly I'd just love to read about Mane 6 impersonators scraping by and making a living.
Tackling identity issues in a comedy fic. YAY!!!
I wonder if Pinkie will visit Pacific in a future, or maybe discover the cult of Pinkies
Gah, bamboozled again!
I think that would be a much more depressing tale.
Delightful stuff throughout. Let's just hope Pinkie Two doesn't find a way to pierce the dimensional barrier and spread the Gospel of Pink across the entire multiverse.
Well how depressing it is depends on how good they are at their job.
Knowing her, she (Pinkie Pie Prime lets call her) already knows about the cult, she just pretends not to notice.
well, according to pinkie 2, there are pinkie's from other universes in the cult.
yes, very likely, after all she is pinkie pie
HA! She said It !
Hmm... That sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?
I've been calling her Piggs (P 1ggs, Get it?).
This is cute
Missing a word or seems to end in the middle of a sentence?
Now I’m just thinking of universal paperclips but with pinkie clones
I think I'd prefer the pinkiepocolypse.
Chrysalis gets the muffinless reeducation room when the Revolution comes.
Oh dear.
And then Chaos Pinkie Prime
Hope the cupcakes are vegan too...
Once u go pinky ... You get a binky?
Probably inadvertent, but somewhat fitting when you know A) that Pacific Glow's fan-name (before an official name was given) was "Molly", B) what "molly" and "e" can both refer to, and C) what those pacifiers were (at least originally) there for (and it wasn't just for looks...).

(Edit: Now that I think about it, while I've never tried the stuff, from what I've read, coming down from the stuff basically takes you from a state of serotonin overload to a state of serotonin depletion, which given the description of what going from "being Pinkie Pie" to "being not Pinkie Pie" is like... yeah.)
Is it weird that that I feel geninuely happy for her? Pacific Glow finds her own identity, and a place where she feels happy without borrowing it from just being Pinkie pie.
It just kinda makes me smile. This started as a mostly silly story, but it became kinda feelgood at the end.
Also for the club beat this song started playing in my head:
This story was Fun! Fun! Fun! Fu- *cough* I mean to say, this story was quite enjoyable. Yes.
Rave on, Pacific Glow!
Hey, I remember you. I think.
You probably remember me from my comments on your FiO story.
It was the change of avatar that got me.
Wow, the opening with Gear Grinder feels miserable, just as it should. I love the ridiculous over-the-top-ness of all the Pinkies!
I love this story! Thank you for sharing this!!