This story is a sequel to Converted
Long before the events of Chrysalis' attack on Equestria, a worse fate struck the Hives of the nation.
The Joyous Hive, responsible for the always important celebrations and joy in many parts of Equestria, vanished without a trace. The Hives of Equestria began searching high and low for them, with very little success. Hope of finding them was all but lost, until one Changeling was found.
Surprise, a male Changeling from the lost Joyous Hive was found in Ponyville, and after the events of the Ponyville attack, he now works alongside Pinkie as an honorary member of the Pie family. He loves Pinkie and the new life he now has, but something is missing...
Surprise couldn't be happier to have a family, but he still feels a loss of his Hive, and after a trip to Pinkie's Family Farm, the feeling gets worse. Pinkie finds out, and decides to help her friend. How? By traveling to every big city in Equestria until they find something, of course. What could possibly go wrong?
Takes place during the Artist Hive portion of "A Day In The Hives"
Hum, this will be interesting to read. I really do wonder about what happened to his hive.
Awesome! Surprise is probably my favourite oc in your stories. He's just so adorable. I hope he'll get to find his hive. And learn to bake good.
Poor Surprise. Hopefully, they will find his hive.
A plotting Pinkie Pie. Oh boy...
Go Surprise go!
So excited about this fic, I so wanna see him finding his hive.
To answer Pinkie's question, the cheese is named after the Dutch city of Gouda. Totally wasn't curious after that and looked it up. Also love the story so far, can't wait to see where this goes.
That's going to be interesting.
Jeez, Surprise needs to work on that fear of gatherings.
7277783 Surprise is like a mix of Pinkie Pie and Marble Pie (I still, to this day, cannot believe they are twins) so the timid nature around crowds is too be expected.
Wooo, they found her! Can't wait to see what she says.
You dropped the o in of a few times.
So he kinda just fell through the cracks... If only he didn't just run away from that changeling masquerading as a pony after he ate that crystal.
D'awwww... I'm so happy for surprise.
... The next hive is going to seriously test Twilight's sanity.
7313483 And the author's, do not forget that. The fourth wall will not protect anyone.
You know. I had a feeling there was going to be a Pinkie Ex Machina.
At least this one made sense and the reaction made me chuckle
A cute reunion. Glad it ended on that happy note.
And Twilight's brain has the right command prompt. Not to question the pie
Dude, I saw that you put some clues about my Shadow Hive here. Thanks for that.
I do wish I could see Shades Post-Converted happenings. Shade, Meadow, Sunspot aka Echo, and Twilight. Would go very nicely after this story as far as timing would go story wise. Anyway, I absolutely loved the story. Ya did that thing with my hearts emotions again. Excellent job sir!
Your Friend
King Sombra, The Reformed
You can has review!
Why make Surprise male when she is canonically female?