• Member Since 30th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen May 6th


Hello there, I'm a Queen changeling with a broad sense of humor.

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  • 43 weeks
    Howdy folks, long time no update

    Hello again everyone!
    Its been a long while hasn't it? Well, I'll give you the short of things.

    Been working my new job, and running a neat lil D&D campaign for some friends. I've been trying to get a bit more actual discipline in my life so I'm not wasting away hours of my life pointlessly binging youtube videos on content that isn't anything more than distraction.
    Youtube, the flashy tempting timesink of useless information and (hollow) entertainment.

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    1 comments · 171 views
  • 68 weeks
    Overtime Pains

    Hey all, bug here, permanently tired as per my norm for the past few months.

    I've gone and missed yet another goal I set for bugfic, thanks to work making us all do mandatory overtime and having no clear indication of when we're going to not have overtime, if ever. 9 hour workdays, yaaaaaaay...

    there just is not enough time for me to do the things I want to do anymore.

    and before you ask, no, bugfic isn't cancelled.

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    0 comments · 196 views
  • 73 weeks
    Hi folks, long time no see!

    hello everyone, its me again.
    Happy to inform you that no terrible event has befallen me, nor have I been kidnapped by the Equestrian secret service.

    I'll keep this "relatively" short, or at least get the important bit outs of the way...
    I've had a big rollercoaster of a life changing time this past couple of months that's seen me watch my available free time go from "plenty" to "free time, what's free time?"

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    1 comments · 152 views
  • 93 weeks
    Cover art for bugfic

    So its been ages since I last attempted to make art for my bugfic, and its gone all this while without a proper cover art for the story.

    I think its high time I fix that.
    I mean, I'm not particularly skilled at making digital art that isn't abstract or surreal or [other terms I can use to describe being a blurry mess and making up for lack in skill]

    I'll keep you all posted with my progress in doing so, but it still isn't really that much of a priority to me.

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  • 96 weeks
    Funny little fact

    With how much I've been writing for my bugfic and the myudiecorn fic, I've actually started using pony terms on accident in actual conversation.

    things like anypony and everypony, somepony especially since its similar to the original. I've also been calling states by their pony equivalent names from time to time.

    I've even accidentally said "Stalliongrad" when talking about WW2 and cold war stuff.

    [annoyed bug queen sounds]

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    1 comments · 142 views

Howdy folks, long time no update · 4:10pm Sep 29th, 2023

Hello again everyone!
Its been a long while hasn't it? Well, I'll give you the short of things.

Been working my new job, and running a neat lil D&D campaign for some friends. I've been trying to get a bit more actual discipline in my life so I'm not wasting away hours of my life pointlessly binging youtube videos on content that isn't anything more than distraction.
Youtube, the flashy tempting timesink of useless information and (hollow) entertainment.

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Report Symphony_in_152mm · 171 views ·
Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Writing is such an emotional experience for me.

I pour so much of my heart into the words I type out onto my pages.
I invest countless hours into research and finding inspiration from worthwhile sources.

I chew it all together into a legible and hopefully enjoyable medium that I share with those who'd want to see it.
Yet as I sit here and slam my face into my keyboard over and over and over again...
I feel like at any given moment I'm two steps from ripping everything up and throwing in the towel.
That, or devote myself and every waking moment of my being to hammering out the entirety of a story in one long burnout session of word vomit and polishing it later.

frustration is the word I'm looking for.

I need to look at the definitions for words a LOT more often

lotta words I thought I knew the meaning to because of the context I saw them in only for me to not quite be on point with the definition.
I wasn't far off at least, in the sense it doesn't ruin the dialogue I'm going for, but it isn't 100% what I had in mind either.

oh well, its a minor thing, not worth getting upset over.
English is such a confusing language sometimes

the silver lining to it all is that I've been putting work into future encounters and planned sequences; whenever I get stuck on a part of the current chapter, I diverge and work on elements of a future chapter.

I have an entire folder dedicated to scratch paper for ideas, future segments, character interactions, and the like.
So, at the very least, while current chapter progress has been regrettably slow (to an unacceptable degree), I haven't been completely wasting my time in terms of story content overall.

I know that feeling and situation. Hope some of the hits where rather of the good kind. Good to see you activ at all so i have hoped of a update or three in this year :eeyup:

life's been hitting me in unexpected ways lately, but I'm doing my best to keep at it when I can.

sorry for the lack of content

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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