• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen November 18th

Discord The Narrator

Hey guys! It's me, Discord!


Summer Sun Celebration is coming! Twilight and Spike have traveled to Ponyville for ensuring everything is ready. However, Twilight can't forget one thing: after 1000 years, the Mare in the Moon could return.

Oh, and another pony appears at Ponyville. But... isn't it Princess Luna?

This story has been requested by JimmyHook19. Hope you like it!

P.S: Apologies for chapters 1-4 being short. I wanted to go direct to the point. Don't worry, next chapters should be longer.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 140 )

ohhhh nooooo
the warranty didn’t say anything about magic portals!
now he needs to buy a new one!

this is awkward for him i bet

for a second, I thought you time traveled!
also, I sure am! thanks for the compliment!

Pinkie kept staring at the place where our friends had been standing, and her mouth opened until reaching the floor.

her jaw DROPPED

Why did you make the chapters so short?

Comment posted by JimmyHook19 deleted Jul 17th, 2018

Oh, those are just the first chapters. I'll try to make the next ones a bit longer.

It's okay for a start it seem a bit rushed and almost lacking feeling and some details, like how would fluttering even know about NMM/luna coming back? I feel that some chapters could have more detail to give a better feel to them rather than the current monotone. But overall great story idea just editing parts would be good.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. I can make the next chapters have more details, but I'm glad you like the story so far.

yep :)

I think Rainbow Dash would be next, right? :3

Hmmm... Maaaaaaybe?

We'll find out on the next chapter!:raritywink:

one problem:

And that was the one million question: how would Nightmare Moon react to another Princess Luna?

it should be one million dollar/bit question
unless Jimmy has asked himself 1 million questions?

Oh yeah.... I got a feeling I will be meeting my favorite Mane 6 Member and Most Adorkable pony herself :3



I had to put the Adorkable part because, Heh, that's what we know Twilight Sparkle for in the Fanbase: Being our Loveable Adorkable Pony! <3

"Well, whatever it is, get on me!" Rainbow said, spreading her wings and offering Jimmy to climb onto her.

Luna is a full-grown alicorn.
Alicorns are considerably taller than regular ponies.
This is a bit strange.

Well, it was the first thing that came to my mind.:twilightblush:




Is there a magician within the audience?"

Heh, I remember from a certain Tom and Jerry cartoon that Jerry held up a sign when he accidently poked Tom with too many pins while Tom was in the Gift Box :3

With a shocked expression clearly seen on her face, Pinkie looked at nowhere and took out a sign which said "Is there a magician within the audience?" before tossing it away.

Yes. Yes there is.

*force chokes background pegasus*

:pinkiehappy: "Wow! Nice! Although I would prefer them being able to breathe, but anyways!"

"Sis? What's all that sound?"

"That voice! I can't believe I'm going to meet-" Jimmy thought, just as a filly went down the stairs. At that moment, his eyes made that effect known as Wingding Eyes.

"Awww! You're so Gosh Dang Cute!!" Jimmy said as he levitated Sweetie Belle towards him and nuzzled her.

"Heh, thanks! I really like your... mane?" Sweetie said, curious.

"Thanks. It's Azure Blue in color." Jimmy said, leaving Sweetie on the floor again.

Sweetie's eyes fully opened. "You just told me your colors! I'll make a drawing for you!" She said before running upstairs.

Rarity giggled. "I think you got a new admirer, dear."

"Your sister is so adorable, Rarity." Jimmy said, smiling.

Best part of the entire story for me :3

yep :3

So if I had to guess, next chapter will be the Summer Sun Celebration and the return of Nightmare Moon? :3

Awesome :3

Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for the next chapter :raritywink:

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