• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
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"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?



No one ever wants to fight for the Rebels during reenactments of battles from the Equestrian Civil War; they're the bad guys, and they always lose. When Spike is placed on the Rebel side yet again so that Twilight can continue to win, he enlists the help of Starlight Glimmer and several thousand other ponies in launching a protracted reenactment conflict which will finally allow him to prove his worth and triumph over Twilight and the rest of his friends. This story is complete with enough Civil War humor to make Fredricksburg look like Sharpsburg.

A soft Teen rating for tobacco/alcohol use.

Inspired by a wallpaper commission I got from the very talented mourning-dreams (mourning-dreams.deviantart.com).

UPDATE: Featured on front page of Fimfiction, 5/19/16! Thank you all so much!
UPDATE: 3k+ Views! Thanks so much, and remember to check out the sequel, General George S. Dragon!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 187 )


Infact, imagine other reenactments! Like dem WW2 reenactments or WW1.:rainbowkiss:

This is an excellent story. It gets 5 mousaches and five Fluttershy yays! :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Instand fav! So awesome! :rainbowdetermined2:

I want more, that´s a perfect battle XD.

This deserves a favourite. Love how it mirrored the American Civil War, but with ponies re-enacting it. I could see this as an episode, or at least something to make history lessons entertaining :pinkiehappy:
Wonder if they could re-enact The War of the Roses?...

As a lover of American History, this story was hugely funny.

And Lincolt was shot by Trixie Lulabooth soon after.

Now all that's needed is a an epic documentary series.

:twilightsmile: - Abraham Lincoln
:rainbowdetermined2: - Irvin McDowell
:pinkiesick: - Joseph Hooker
:raritystarry: - George B. McClellan
:fluttershbad: - Ambrose Burnside
:ajbemused: - Ulysses S. Grant
:moustache: - Stonewall Jackson
:eeyup: - Robert E. Lee

Me thinks these be the matches between ponies and their coorespondong historical generals.

Twilight- Abraham Lincoln
Spike- Stonewall Jackson
Pinkie- General Hooker?
Applejack- ULYSSES S. Grant
Rarity- General McClellen
Flutter shy- General Burnside
Rainbow- General Mcdougal
Big Mac- general Robert E Lee
Starlight- General Stonewall Jackson steed (Little Sorrel)
Braeburn-? Possibly AP Hill?
Fancy Pants- Jeb Stuart?

methinks you did a wonderfully amusing job with this fic.

P.S. Making comments/researching on phones is annoying. Hence typos. But meh.

7226490 But not before she freed the zebra slaves. :rainbowlaugh:

This needs an alternate ending, but I understand if you don't want to mess with perfection.

"Let us cross the river, and rest in the shade of the trees."

Pretty sure I am legally obligated to upvote anything referencing Stonewall

So, is Spike fighting on the side of Iron Man or Captain America?

This story is complete with enough Civil War humor to make Fredricksburg look like Sharpsburg.

I'm sold.

7226490 That single comment was better than my entire story!!!:pinkiehappy:

7226606 You also got the bonus points- and extra bonus points for matching JEB Stuart and Fancy Pants (whose names I did not bother to coordinate)

I was going into this thinking it was going to be like the South Park episode of the same plot idea. Here, it was still fun to read.

And Cheerilee as Colonel J.L. Chamberlain.

7227434 I was quite a fan of that episode, but it wasn't my inspiration for the story.
"I regret to inform you that your son Kenny was killed in battle..." :derpytongue2:

Every once in awhile, a story pops up on here that presents an idea I've never seen before.

This was that story.

Great writing, bro.

7227495 Thank you so very much! It means a lot to know that people like this silly story

This was good. This was very good. If not for the whole slavery business, which some people just can't seem to handle even mentioning it, this could be an episode. Those are the best kinds of stories.

No, for she had made him read a three-volume set on the history of the Equestrian Civil War, and Spike had passed the exam she wrote for him with a 97%.

... That wouldn't be the set by Shelby Hoofe now, would it?

(Excellent job with this, I really enjoyed it!)

7227567 It may or may not be by that gentleman you mentioned.
I may or may not watch Ken Burns' documentary all the way through every other year and bask in the sweet voice of that same gentleman.
And I may or may not have placed a reference within this story so small that I was certain none would ever find it, and was pleasantly surprised when one did.
Well, done, sir!:pinkiehappy:

“You RUINED the reenactment of the First Battle of Minotaur Run!”
Twilight’s eye twitched. “What?”
“The Battle of Molasses. The Rebels named the battles after the nearest town, right?”
Twilight began to sputter in anger. “W..B-but…We don’t use that convention because YOU lost the war!”

As a Southerner I thank thee for remembering this fact.

........And Rarity is so McClellen.


Thank you!

I did enjoy reading that set, and I, too, enjoy reading about that period in American history. Once again, I commend you, sir, for an excellent and well-written story.

You know what?
Just yes.
This tickled the bone I have for military history.
Great job.

Amazing. Simply amazing. So much history shifted to ponies. So many quotes and silly things that just make sense. It was brilliant, poetic, and heartfelt. A great story, good job.

7227104 Wouldn't he by that time, be flly grown and large enough to be an army tank in and in himself?

I read this as I'm in the middle of a civil ear study. Gg lol
Rarity is McClellan
Macintosh is Robert E. Lee
Spike is Andrew "Stonewall" Jackson
Not sure who Rainbow is
Applejack is Ulyssess S. Grant
Twilight is Abraham Lincoln
Not sure if I named everyone.

This was just great fun to read!
Awesome job!:moustache::facehoof::trollestia:

I knew Starlight has some sort of dictator kinkiness.

That....was amazing. Please do another covering the next re-enactment.

automatically in my top 10.

consistent humor, no forcing history on the reader, and a good feel for characters and respect for them. using established characterizations and molding them to easily identifiable historical figures... i gotta give you props.

and that apple family interaction.

As he placed the pen down, Applejack smiled at him with a fiendish spark in her eyes.

“Was that the look you were worried about, sir?” whispered one of his aides.

Big Mac groaned. “…Eeyup.”


and we need that Lulu-booth scene, maybe as an omake? it'd be just like trixie to not get the memo that the reenactment was over and sneak into twilights castle.

That was a fun read! I would totally join General Spike side.

This, is good. This, is honestly one of the best stories I've ever read. Also one of the funniest. Fav'd. :moustache:

Hahahahaaaa!! That was awesome!

Well done!

Applejack really has no basis to be giving Mac that look, assuming that she had the same manpower (ponypower?) and supply advantages that the Union had. Not all that hard to win when you've got those advantages.

i think it would be cool to have a sequel but have the civil war nation wide:pinkiehappy:

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