• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen November 28th


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?


You have befriended Tempest Shadow, a former arch-nemesis of Equestria; you like to spend time with her in the local park, despite her not being a big talker. Maybe she'd join you for your afternoon nap, if you asked nicely?

Based on a basic scenario by Enigmatic Otaku on a brief Blog Post Contest I held a few weeks back, and published with permission.

EDIT: Featured just a few hours after posting, early morning 10/23/18!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

It's always a good day when a CategoricalGrant story arrives.


Hello, feature box. :twilightsheepish:

The cuteness! Ahhh! :yay:

Reminds me of that comic The Abyss shared earlier today. Sweet, sweet cuddles.

Short and endearingly sweet. Can't beat a good cuddlefic. :twilightsmile:

N'aww that was so cute ^_^

Tempest had the right idea: if you're gonna cuddle, have protection.

Hello my new favorite cuddlefic!*Squees*

Stupendously cute! Another lovely cuddlefic from the master. Thank you, CategoricalGrant! You done it again!

I cant resist...

Cute and fluffy. Categorical cuddle fics are good for your health.

I'm just gonna leave this here.

This is good. I would love to see more stories of her with this concept.

Can I just hug you for making this fic? IT WAS NEEDED FOR SO MANY OF US!


And 9248117 thank you for linking that comic. In all my years on Derpibooru I never found it.

Good to see DarthVader-Horse getting some love.

all ponies shall succumb to the snuggles, resistance is futile.

Hah. She thinks she can resist the friendshipping.

Ah the sweet cuddles! :pinkiehappy:

Could we get a series with this? Just day-to-day fluff were Anon breaks down the shell of EdgeHorse?

EDIT:Featured 10/24/18 and 10/25/18

No one can escape the power of snuggling!

Who would want to escape the snuggles? Answer, only monsters don't snuggle. :raritywink:

The one inescapable overpowering force you don't want to escape from.


I love this story:twilightsmile:, Tempest Shadow is one my favourite characters, this story is fantastic:raritywink:

Kicked me right in the d’awws. :twilightsmile:

Truly, this is your masterpiece.

Of course, because it features best pony.

D'awwww. A nice little bit of fluff. Thanks CategoricalGrant.

Heck yeah, nice! I didn’t know someone had donw a reading for this :rainbowhuh:

Tsundere... Typical :raritywink:

Aw, this is sweet!

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