• Member Since 14th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen February 1st


"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?



This story is a sequel to Seraphic Snuggles

Princess Celestia has sent you to Ponyville to teach Twilight Sparkle another friendship lesson, which might involve a lot of platonic physical contact.

Sequel to Seraphic Snuggles.

Cover art by Jon Joseco and ripped from Bing Images.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

This was great cuddels for everypony.

You chuckle and pick her up, carrying her to a nearby house and lying on the couch with her.

Thats maby a little far:twilightoops:.

It should be a crime to write such adorableness! :trollestia: Oh well, guilty as charged for falling for it. :pinkiehappy: Merry Christmas man!

7820016 Thanks for the nice words! Merry Christmas!
More to come in this series...


Unf. Adorable as the last.

“I-I just want to let you know that I don’t have a whole lot of snuggling experience,” she admitted, floating a blanket over to cover you both. “I’m not sure what to do.”

What will we do on the floor S-senpai?

She then rolled up the letter and placed it neatly on the table, taking care to avoid meeting her gaze.

Should this be:
*avoid meeting your gaze.

Now I want to cuddle.

Yay! Adorkable and Cute Twilight! Twilight is best cuddling pony!

So Adorable!! I wish I was the person kissing Twilight!😂😍

Snuggling is always awesome.

Eeeeee, cute cuddles with Twiggles! Urge to cuddle... RISING!!!

I listened to the first of these using the screen reader while on the road. Just stopped in to like and favorite. There was much adorableness to be had here. I'm glad Celly sent Anon and I'm happy she and Twi will get to spread the love. I'm sure there'll be no complaints from Anon about it.

What a cute Story :yay:

Dont call for Lunas wrath... :twilightoops: Celestia predicted sharing cuddels to be a problem already :facehoof:

“I-I just want to let you know that I don’t have a whole lot of snuggling experience,” she admitted, floating a blanket over to cover you both. “I’m not sure what to do.”

Oooh, Twilights losing her snuggle virginity:rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by Andy Ray deleted Feb 3rd, 2022
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