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That's so wrong... Yet so right!
Right to the point I see! I approve.
Ha! Like she could compare to Elaina.
Clever girl.
Oh the puns!
What a sweetie!
Button sure is slow on the uptake. I bet his 'outake' won't be as slow. (Yes, I know that was horrible. I feel no regret.)
Small break from the silliness to point out this slight hiccup. Nothing major, just said her instead of him. Also, it might do to reword this sentence a tiny bit as well since you say two variations of sit.
How quaint.
All in all, a fic that does its job well; fueling the clop train for us degenerates on this fine Mother's day. And what better way to celebrate than the MILF that was practically drawn to be sexy?
7197841 Thank you and fixed.
This was cute... One of my favorite pairings... Thanks!
7197860 Imgur link, meaning your pic didn't show up. Sadly.
7197887 Fixed.
Button is certainly mashing that Milf. Great job.
Finally some Buttoncest that isn't grimdark. Thank you based Shakespearicles. X3
That was definitely stimulating but, before "breakfast in bed," it almost closed out on a really sad note
Kinda wish you didn't spend the time explaining that Button's Mom is barren.
One of the most depressing things that can happen to a woman is the choice to have children be taken away from them before nature intended. Clearly Elaina has made peace with it, going so far as to have what some would consider an unhealthy relationship with her child, but she's not an alcoholic, or depressed, or has anger issues... so at least there's that.
But it's still really sad
This was incredible.
7198539 I made you feel a feel.
But, it wasn't my intention. I needed a reason for her to be okay with what they were doing, without the inherent biological risk of an incestuous relationship. It was more the point that she cherished Button more so as her only begotten son. She appreciated what she had, and didn't resent what she had lost.
I appreciate why it was there, I just felt compelled to mention how I personally took it for some reason. Was still a nice offering, thanks for writing it!
I have a very biased perspective because my family has a hereditary predisposition to terrible uterine cysts, 95% of the women in my family end up having a hysterectomy by age 35. Some take it better than others, but it's rough for most of them, and they cope with it in different ways.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say, if I'm trying to say anything at all (which I'm not convinced), is that this kind of thing might affect people more than you would have thought.
7198742 Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
Isn't her name Milano?
7198688 Uhm... what about... you know, condoms, the pill, abortion, magic...
Just asking out of curiosity...
7198817 I thought so too, but:'s_Adventures
7198822 As an earth pony, it rules out magic. And the pill makes a presupposition about birth control in Equestria, although we have seen pills in the show, (A Bird in the Hoof). And condoms are for suckers.
lol jk. Don't be a fool. Wrap your tool.
7198822 The pill could lead to this (being pregnant or being tricked by the pill into thinking you are causes you to seek out people who's pheremones match yours closely to care for you and babby) but condoms are boring and abortion would instantly make this a politific. Also, abortion/miscarriage is a highly traumatic experience for the psyche and the body.
Thank you for taking the time to write this story.
This is an incredible read, I like that it was not a dark flick.
I like how Button's mom justifies herself, mean while Button has no such justification.
It is the interaction between the two of them that makes this story so addictive.
I can't see a down side to this story right now so I can't give an honest review.
But I will reread it in hopes that I can, some, day.
I wish you good luck in the future.
7198888 Well... I tonly means she can't cast them herself... Maybe she can get a hairband enchanted or stuff like that, who knows?
7198891 That... would leave magic then... I guess...
Good Stuff.
Does anybrony here work at IT support, or know anything about IT at all ?
I really need to know if those IT guys could possibly aware of me looking at NSFW on my laptop using my company's wifi because I'm fighting a losing battle here trying to not reading this hot stuff right now and the 4 inch screen isn't helping.
Could they know exactly what you've been browsing if they're really looking ?
I haven't read the fic yet, but all I can hear in my head is the "Mother Knows Best" song from Rapunzel. Thank you for that.
If actively looking they could see your exact internet search history depending on their wifi set-up. Not that most ever really look at that stuff as they almost all rely on firewalls and the such. But really if someone was actively looking they'd not understand what they were seeing and probably not read through everything to figure it out.
IT guy here. The answer is... It depends. Some companies do monitor every single bit of internet activity you do, others simple don't care. Become friends with one of your IT guys and see if you can find out from them to be sure.
Were you on when you wrote this?
Commence read.
Not sure why this bugged me.
A nice read.
7199290 This. Always befriend your IT guy. At best, he'll completely ignore or help you cover up your tracks when browsing unapproved. At worst, you'll be the only person that doesn't get shot when he inevitably snaps.
Freud was right, the gun in people's dreams is a dick and Oedipus complex everywhere. Go ahead and keep on using that copy of "The Interpretation of Dreams"
7197751 I know..."That's so wrong" I know "Yet so right!"... what it feels like
Note: Respect Mother's Day.
Yes of course they could. Teather you phone and use incognito and that should make it harder. Don't use their wi-fi. Buy a bigger phone or learn how to make h text larger. Or get voice reader and put on headphones.
7199363 Holy fuckin; shit that pepe meme!!
Fucking dying in a corner right now..
Another fantastic job, good sir. Only one complaint from me:
Apologies, but I'm not a fan of puns. Still, loved it.
You strike an interesting balance between Human and Equine traits--adolescent colts attempting to mount their mothers on instinct and whatnot. It's refreshing to read.
7199206 Everypony here saying to befriend the IT guy is spot-on.
With that said, I still don't usually do anything questionable on the work network...despite the fact that some of my coworkers have actually read my own 'fics of a cloppy sort. My reasoning for this is that nothing can prepare you for all of the nuances and unpredictability of workplace politics.
VPNs are pretty solid, though.
Regidar, what have you done?
Your tradition is still going strong.
I suppose next year, I'm going to be seeing the new alicorn paying her mother a visit.
I have no problem with this.
where's the comic?
Well that was close. I had a feeling that'd be unwise so thanks for the info guys, you're awesome
Probably gonna learn some more about these IT and all, just in case
Funny, image them find out you read horse porn at work :
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I made friends with some IT guys.
They know.
7200234 derpibooru 927032, 927031
7200448 thx
whats the comic, i wanna read it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
7200695 It said in the desc, but since I'm nice, here ya go. (Put the numbers at the end of , so for example it'd be: )
WARNING: Not for those under legal age of consent (Being an adult!)!
random exclamation points!
7200714 Wouldn't It just be better to say "Legal age of consent"? I mean, the 18+ Thing Is only a thing in the U.S.
7201465 I was thinking of the thing, but couldn't remember. Thus, I shall edit it. THANK YOU