Take one transdimensional portal device, throw in some ponies, a universe full of Golden Age ships equipped with rocket engines, and one Jim Hawkins of Montressor. This is the yield. (Debating on if I should continue this.)
"Boy, the World's one River. And I'm it's King." A certain demon of the river helps out a Pony soon to be known for his wealth. Gore Tag is possible, to be determined in the future. League of Legends crossover.
Yakyakistan and the Gryphons have gone to war with Equestria. Twilight and co. discover an ancient, powerful to magic to save Equestria. But the magic summons creatures from a whole new realm.
Samus Aran has been exiled from the Galactic Federation, but travels through their space to find an old friend. Aftwards, Sylux shoots her ship down near an uncharted, non-federation planet. Meanwhile Twilight see this "meteor" crash on Equestria.
Champions of the ElementsYakyakistan and the Gryphons have gone to war with Equestria. Twilight and co. discover an ancient, powerful to magic to save Equestria. But the magic summons creatures from a whole new realm.by The Philosopher King
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Praise on, Sunbro! \ [T]'/
Yo, long time no see Professor. What's been up?
Hey bud, thank you very much for the follow. We appreciate the heck out it.
lol nice one.