One million years ago, in the year 2017 A.D., humanity discovered two new types of radiation that were being emitted from an unknown region up in space. Using the Hubble space telescope, scientists were able to discover that the radiation was being emitted from an asteroid, which was on a direct collision path with Earth. 

These two newly discovered radiation types were dubbed Keifer's radiation (later nicknamed harmonic radiation) and Chaotic radiation. Keifer's radiation was found to be completely harmless to humans and animals, although it was later discovered that Keifer's radiation tended to be attracted to certain animals. Chaotic radiation, on the other hand, was found to be extremely harmful to humans in large amounts, causing fatal mutations to humans. 

The discovered asteroid was found to be over twice as big as the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. In the year 2018, scientists predicted that the radiation was expected to reach fatal, critical levels by the year 2027. The asteroid itself was estimated to only crash into Earth one thousand years later, long after the rest of humanity would be wiped out by the lethal Chaotic radiation.

As a result of this, world leaders got together and began construction of Utopia, a large underground bunker, capable of housing four hundred thousand people, two thousand from each country. The chosen few were gathered together within Utopia and would be the last of humanity.

However, the radiation was estimated to have a half life of at least 1,000,000 years. This led world governments to invest heavily in suspended animation and cryogenic technology. And finally, in the year 2024, the first cryogenic pod was invented, capable of freezing someone for an infinite amount of time, without the need for sustenance, as long as there was a power supply.

Exactly one million years later, the humans reemerged to begin recolonisation... only to find several sentient species currently inhabiting the planet that they once had absolute, unchallenged authority over. 

One of them was humanity, which was able to recolonise and repopulate the planet from the few members of the human race that managed to survive the Second Flood, long before the Utopians woke up. But there was something wrong, humanity was being used as slaves by the ponies and several other species.

How will humanity answer to the fact that Planet Earth (now renamed Equus) is no longer theirs? Will they make peace with the locals, or will they attempt to wipe them off the face of the planet with their stockpile of nuclear weapons, that were there for the very purpose of reinstating human rule if another creature evolved to their level?

[Heavily inspired by the tv series The 100]

Featured from 19/7/21 to 23/7/21

Featured on 25/7/21

This is the old version of this story. The rebooted version is available here:

Beyond Earth Phoenix Rising

Chapters (36)

Rock's as solid a unicorn can be without being an earth pony. Then most of a life time growing up in a mine is going to leave a whole bunch of rough edges. Still Rock's always figured that it was pretty good preparation for when the sun went down for the last time ever over a year ago.

Now though she's stuck in a whole other Equestria and there's another unicorn that looks just like her that also lives in Ponyville. Just she's still calling herself Rarity and is far too prissy for her own good.

Soon she's going to meet other ponies in the same predicament, linked in ways they don't yet understand and try to find a way home to the Equestria that they know.

Course first off she's going to have to work out how to get along with herself...


Courtesy of an awesome brony Random Elements now has a tropes page : http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/StrykesRandomElements.

This fic was completed in the week between One Bad Apple and Magic Duel, so consider anything before that as having happened for purposes of this fic and everything after as not happening yet, or at all.

Original chapter publish dates:
Chapter 1 - 24th July
Chapter 2 - 29th July
Chapter 3 - 2nd August
Chapter 4 - 8th August
Chapter 5 - 12th August
Chapter 6 - 30th August
Chapter 7 - 1st September
Chapter 8 - 5th September
Chapter 9 - 9th October
Chapter 10 - 5th November
Chapter 11 - 28th November
Epilogue - 28th November

Chapters (12)

Book One of the Accedence Cycle. Inspired by the Inheritance Cycle.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, the peace of the land was maintained by a trio of magical beings called Alicorns. As beings of immense power - exemplifying the best traits of the three pony races: Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies - the three of them could keep at bay the beasts from beyond the Equestrian borders. There was a lasting peace.

Until one fell to darkness. He lost his beauty, his sanity and his conscience.

Nopony knew why it happened. The other two fought to subdue their warped, corrupted comrade, but in his insanity, he had broken the rules set in place by the three. By doing so, he had gained power over reality itself. So they fled, living to fight another day.

A thousand years passed, and many forgot the fall from grace. All they know is the tyrannical, insane rule of the King of Chaos, Discord.

And now, on the eve of the Thousandth Year, a young unicorn mare named Twilight Sparkle makes a discovery that will change the fate of Equestria forever.

Chapters (1)

Perkins never was that big of a town. The houses were old enough to run on gas, a fortunate few having second floors as they rose over expansive bare backyards. A tight cluster of municipal buildings, convenience stores, and the occasional tightly cramped sales place huddled around a broken concrete main street almost as old as the bricks in their walls. From there, the roads split and spread quickly, attaching themselves to the offshoot highway nearby as soon as they could. Large plains of tall grass remained untouched, the occasional farm visible in the distance.

It wasn't a bad place, persay. It was modern enough that it had internet and all that, and it was quite relaxed... aside from the occasional pressure to do something outside, in the Oklahoma heat. Tornado warnings would come and go, but the terrifying windstorms usually touched down far away from the inhabited homes. And the apartment I had recently moved into with my grandmother was just large enough for the two of us.

Well... now. Now it was too large for the one of me.

What follows is a rough compilation of my journals in that time, alongside a few notes explaining the situation at the time. Feel free to mock my past self, I know I certainly do!


A side story to The Last Pony On Earth. Cover art by Dally Daydream.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to On Wings

Following a crazy week where her entire being was turned upside down, Cheerilee is perfectly happy as both an earth pony and as the one mare faculty of Ponyville Elementary. Now that the school year is through, she makes her annual plans to volunteer in the town's summer school program, even if it means having to possibly deal with the clique of three unicorns who fancy themselves her professional betters and belittle her constantly. But this is nothing new, nothing she can't handle.

However, when Mayor Mare pulls Cheerilee aside and informs her about Rainbow Dash having lost the ability to fly due to an on-the-job incident, it becomes clear that this is not going to be another routine summer. Forced into being Dash's last hope of ever flying again, Cheerilee is going to need all the help she can get to take education to new heights in Ponyville. The only recourse she has is to regain her wings and hope that she can pass this challenge with flying colors...if she doesn't just crash and burn in the process.

Rated Teen for swearing, minor sexual humor, and Cheerilee's love of alcohol.

Chapters (12)

What you want to happen and what actually does are two entirely different things. A character and a person, or pony, in reality are two different things. Nothing is entirely predictable, and because of that, there is life, an unstaged and ongoing experience with no defined sections. Only a start and finish. An example? Inky has many.

He wanted to graduate college as a grown man, but now lays a broken stallion on a stranger's couch. He was in a magical world that begged to be used, but Inky was turned into an Earth pony. The least arcane of the races.

...Well. He'll figure out a way around that last bit.

Chapters (2)

Years have passed since the Elements of Harmony were left behind to Twilight Sparkle by the circle of ponies who had once guarded them. Now it’s just the Princess of Friendship and her trusted consort, Discord. Enter Argyle Starshine, Twilight's son, a prince made of the stars and the Elements of Harmony themselves. Born with three strange crystals alongside him in a time where ponies from every walk of life are led by one of Twilight's once-trusted consorts, Azreal, the Prince finds himself in the middle of a corrupt mutiny of ponies fighting to rid the world of the last Princess and magic altogether. 

2,000 moons later, Argyle, the last of his kind, struggles to find out what being a Prince really means. However, when Discord is captured by none other than Azreal himself in former Canterlot - now dubbed Equidae, a diplomatic centre for this new way of life in Equestria - Argyle must set out to save his friend, discover exactly what power the gems of his truly hold, find out how to unite all three of the divided tribes, and above all, not blow his cover in his new earth pony home of Maretime Bay. His challenges only grow after his daughter, Sunny, enters his life, eventually leaving him with no choice but to abandon his home and family altogether when his superiors in Equidae start to question his loyalty to the new world order. Now he has to leave the fate of Equestria's magical revival in young Sunny's hooves, while questioning his own part to play in his manifest destiny. But can both save Equestria without the other?

Chapters (3)

Banished projects, miscellaneous scraps, and the detritus of larger works.

Mortal Deleted Scenes [Slice of Life, Sad] Finished scenes I had to cut from Mortal for one reason or another. Status: DONE.

One Giant Leap [Drama, Scheming, Zany] Princess Luna is ready to reclaim her rightful place as Celestia's equal, and woe unto anyone who gets in her way. Status: ABANDONED.

The Counterfeit Sister [Action, Mystery] Rarity punches some changelings in the face. Status: COMPLETED DRAFT.

Starcraft: Wings of Everfree [Action, Crossover] Twilight Sparkle tries to keep the Terran and Protoss from murdering each other. Status: ABANDONED, probably.

Durance [Violent, Dark] Long before the founding of Equestria, three ponies are consumed by war. Status: CANNIBALIZED for parts for a different story.

The King's Lament [Tragedy, Random] Sombra's heartwrenching backstory. Status: I REGRET NOTHING

Me Little Pirate: Friendship Be Magic [Alternate Universe, Swashbucklery] Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free! Status: ABANDONED

Nightmare [Adventure] Pinkie Pie faces her fears. Twice. Status: DONE.

The Elements of Style, Part 2 [Alternate Universe, Puns] Writing is important, you guys. Status: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Sunset [Alternate Universe, Adventure] Luna’s most talented student must use the Elements of Harmony to save Equestria from eternal day. Status: The first and last scenes of the introduction.

Where The Heart Is [Slice of Life] Carrot Top goes home for the holidays, eventually. Status: DONE.

Marked [Drama] To face with what he’s done, Ward must first face who he is. Status: ABANDONED. First two acts, then cuts off mid-scene.

Untitled Discord Fragment [Comedy] [Slice of Life] He just wants to help. It’ll be fine. Status: ABANDONED. Isolated scene.

The Weather Merchants [Drama] [Slice of Life] Almost a year after An Earth Pony Orphan In The Unicorn Court, the castle must deal with some untrustworthy visitors. Status: ABANDONED about halfway in.

Chapters (16)

It is said that once there was a town called Dite whose inhabitants are known in the world as shape-shifting statute did the good and the bad weather of the whole earth.
But one day the queens pony united in a great army and went to war to the city.
For nine years the war dragged on until victory smiled on the ponies and their allies, and this is the story of the last days of the war furriosa.

Inspired by the Iliad of Homer and Virgil's Aeneid, I also tried to use the same system used in the epics of verses mentioned above but I am afraid that I have not succeeded well.

Chapters (4)

Have you ever woken up somewhere you don't recognize? I have, once before. This time was not all that different. Headache? Check. Dry mouth? Check. Upset stomach? Check. Hooves? Uhm, that one is new.

Hi, I'm Bruce and I'm 32. Currently, I'm in a light blue Earth Pony foal's body no one has ever seen before. The rest of Equestria thinks I'm 9 and something really traumatic happened to me. It doesn't help I swear like a sailor and I could really go for a smoke right about now. I just hope that the Everfree Forest, rampaging monstrosities, evil dark abominations against God and the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't kill me before I have just one last drag.

Oh, and ponies are hella creepy when you really think about it. Geez.

A little comedy side project. EDIT: HAHA Main project. More characters to be added if I get that far. Categories might be refined as I write. Entire thing is unplanned except vaguely. Don't Expect excessive cursing to be written out, just hinted at. Oh, and as the character is a 30-ish year old in the body of a 9 year old, sexual jokes might exists but sex itself will not occur.

Special thanks to user Momomojito for the awesome-tastic picture! First fanart, I'm so HAPPY. I've gotten more since then! I should collect it all here. Collected!

Chapters (43)