• Member Since 4th Mar, 2014



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Total Words: 7,081,044
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 24814 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Luna has been dragging Anonymous out at night to look at the stars for the past few weeks, keeping him wonderfully distracted from the miserable reality that he'll never be able to return home. When he asks her why she's so eager to take him out, he finds it surprisingly difficult to accept her answer.

Cover art by l1nkoln on Derpibooru.

Chapters (1)

All antagonists should have some sort of redeeming trait, such as a tragic past, that can explain why they are the way they are. Queen Chrysalis is no exception.

Yet what if a green filly changed all that?

Learn the tragic tale and short-lived friendship of young Chrysalis and Anonfilly.

Chapters (1)

What if one day you woke up suddenly drowning? The only saving grace you had was a multitude of pink limbs pulling you out and the next thing you knew you’re surrounded by dozens of Pinkie clones... and that you were one of them.

Chapters (2)

Anon has been in Equestria for 5 years, working under Celestia as a Minister of Foreign Affairs. His tactics were seen as dishonest at best and unethical at worst. But when Celestia leaves suddenly, she names Anon as her temporary replacement to the throne. With internal bickering over whether Anon deserves this position and heightened tension with the Griffons, Anon must choose carefully. Will he become a tyrant or a fair king? And how far will he go to preserve Equestria?

A fully rewritten version of a greentext I wrote back in 2019. Could be a bit dated with tropes that I thought was good writing at the time, but I’m still proud of it.

For the Second Person tag you should note that sections from Anons POV are in first person, everyone else is in second person.

Romance tag is there because of a romance I included that I think was poorly handled, but half the story wouldn’t make sense if I just removed it so I had to keep it in.

Gore and Violence are self explanatory. It’s not there abundantly, but it is there.

Also don’t read the comments if you don’t want spoilers. Story discussion happens in them and that might ruin the reading experience.

Now on The Good HIE List!

Featured on 1/11/23! Thank you all.
Featured on 1/12/23. Thanks again.
Featured on 1/13/23! Three days in a row? Thanks guys.
Featured on 1/14/23. Four days in a row. Thanks guys, I’m touched.
Featured on 1/15/23. Five days? Holy shit I never expected this guys. Thank you all so much.
Featured on 1/16/23. This makes me wonder if there’s a limit to how many times I can announce a featured slot.
Featured on 2/2/23. Also marks the day I officially finished the story, so hooray.

Chapters (23)

If you could peer into the future, and see the exact cause, and time of your demise, how would that change your life? What if you saw the future and learned that that day was today? That's the dilemma Cozy Glow is faced with in this alternative version of the Ending of the End. In a dark twist, she uses Discord's chaos magic to take a peek into the future, and catches an early glimpse of her devastating defeat. Is there a way to prevent this horrible future from coming to fruition? Or is Cozy destined to an eternity of suffering? What does it take to make the change?

My second entry for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest

Prompt: Cozy’s got a secret! Whether or not it’s hers is for her to know and you to find out.

Chapters (2)

Magic is gone. Cozy succeeded in doing what she set out to do, and now the world is perfect.

Simply perfect.

An entry in the Cozy Glow short story contest, based on the prompt "Cozy has a secret".
Cover art and proofreading was, as always, done by the great-hearted Vito, who is also on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)

The world ended.

That, at least, is what it sounded like. Screaming, howling, and then deathly silence.

A month later, Cheerilee and Scootaloo emerge from their shelter in search of food. As they search among the dead bodies of their friends, only one question comes to mind:

Where are the unicorns?


Written for the Quills and Sofas Cheerilee contest.

Featured on May 18th, 2021!

Chapters (27)

All my life, they ignored or insulted me. To them I was a dupe, a pawn, an object of mockery. They thought I could always be exploited.

Now judgment comes. I will destroy them all.

* * *

Winner of Scribbler's Bronycon 2018 Writing Contest.
Audiobook by Scribbler Productions.

Chapters (1)

A nurse has seen it all. A combat medic has seen even more.

Princess Celestia sends her elite Household Battalion—"Celestia's Own"—south, far beyond the borders of Equestria, to break the slave trade and to free the oppressed. Medic Redheart, a young rookie among the Guard's hardened veterans, is with her Battalion every step of the way.

She's never told anypony her story. Until now.

A side story/prequel to my The Ponies in the Caves and A Story to Relate To, but reads independently.

This story is fantastic. There wasn't a single chapter that didn't give me chills or bring a tear to my eye. The way you describe the selflessness of the soldiers, and Redheart's unrelenting drive to save them, no matter the personal cost, was exemplary. I look forward to more of your work.


Has a Black Company feel to it with the medic POV. Great story so far!


Cover art by Pabbles, by commission. Thanks!

With massive thanks to the folks in the Discord for comments and advice, and Totallynotabrony, Raleigh, Sledge115, and ChudoJogurt for detailed pre-reading, in whole or in part. Any remaining errors are fully my own.

Author's notes and commentary blog, with big spoilers.

Chapters (11)

Celestia has a dangerous creature held in the deepest of Canterlot's high-security dungeons. It can create ponies (with full backgrounds and histories) with it's strange and often-times prophetic powers. The Princess does her best to keep it under wraps, but its only a matter of time before it's "creativity" will get out of control.

Chapters (7)