• Published 27th Aug 2020
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A Different Kind of Ending - 5u0myn0n4

In this alternate take on The Ending of the End, Cozy decides looks into the future, and sees her demise before it happens. With this knowledge in tow, she is faced with the seemingly impossible task of defying destiny.

  • ...

Chapter 1

If you could see into the future, and saw exactly when and where you would die, how would that change your daily life? What if you found out that day, was today? That would definitely trigger some sort of internal crisis. No less it'd be stressful.

Would you try to prevent it? Could you prevent it? That's the dilemma Cozy Glow is faced with in this story.

Chaos magic is a breeze to control for somepony as mischievous as Cozy Glow. With the power to control the cosmos, and alter space and time itself, what better of an idea than to peer into the future and get a glimpse of your inevitable victory?

Having just tricked her teammates into giving her all of Discord's magic, Chaos Cozy used the chaos magic to peer into the future, and what she saw is beyond description. She saw the exact moment they were defeated, and the exact moment they are turned to stone. Just for good measure, she gazed further into the future, to see if Discord really meant together forever. And she found that they would spend a very long time in stone. How long? Longer than most ponies alive today will live for.

Cozy Glow had tricked her contemporaries into giving her all of Discord's chaos magic. Those fools, right? With complete control of chaos magic, Cozy's first course of action was to use her cosmic abilities to take a peek into the future, and catch a glimpse of her obvious upcoming victory. No one likes spoilers, but in this case, Cozy made an exception.

But what she saw, was not momentous at all.

"Is that... us?" she wondered.

Instead of crossing her legs on the throne and commanding a kingdom, there she was, frozen in time, and in sediments, along with Tirek and Chrysalis.

"...That's it?" she wondered. "Golly, Headmare Twilight wouldn't leave me in stone forever, would she?"

Cozy dialed time forward and watched the years pass by. Surely this was temporary. Twilight would eventually release at least one of them, but Cozy peered deep in the future. Turns out Discord was true to his word for once. Together forever.

"Is this... how it ends? Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?" Cozy wondered.

From the outside looking in, Tirek and Chrysalis were wondering about Cozy, as the chaos magic seemed to distort her mind. She started blankly and hardly moved.

"Is she okay?" TIrek asked.

"I think Discord's magic melted her mind." Chrysalis replied.

Cozy suddenly sprung to life, and shook her head. She had a very worried expression on her face. With just some gestures, she ordered the two to relieve her of the chaos magic.


The two rang the bell, taking all the chaos magic from Cozy. She returned to normal size, but still an alicorn.

*pant* "I never want to experience that again..." Cozy said, exhausted.

"HA HA! You couldn't control the chaos magic!" Chrysalis teased.

"Uh, yeah. Heh. Nope. No way sirree. Discord's magic is way out of my league." Cozy lied.

Cozy Glow didn't just look tired from using the chaos magic, she also looked scared.

"You look like you saw a ghost." Tirek said.

"I did, sort of..." Cozy said.

I can't tell them. If I back down now, they'll think I'm weak. I may use this cursed knowledge to my advantage, but I have to keep it a secret from them. So now that makes two secrets I have to keep from them.

"Cozy!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"Huh, what?" she asked, waking up from her thoughts.

"Pay attention! Now that we're invincible, what is the plan?" Chrysalis asked.

"Hmm, the plan? Me?" Cozy asked.

"You are the mastermind at schemes." Tirek said.

Me, their mastermind? Shucks. she thought.

Cozy thought about the future, and how they would lose. Or at least, given the circumstances of their old plan they would lose. But they were practically invincible right now, so surely there had to be a way for them to win. Perhaps she could craft an infallible plan after all.

"Alright, I'll take the bell, and tackle Twilight head on! Tirek, secure the perimeter. Chrysalis, say hi to Starlight Glimmer for me." Cozy grinned.

So Cozy's new plan... wasn't that different from the old plan. According to the future, the first half of their siege was pretty successful. Why fix what wasn't broken? They were so close to victory, surely they just needed some slight fixes to guarantee Twilight's demise.

"One more thing, don't let Twilight get away when we attack her this time." Cozy said.

"This time?" Tirek asked.

"This'll be our first siege as a team. What are you talking about?" Chrysalis asked.

"Uh... you know what I mean. But more importantly even than Twilight, if you see Discord, do not let him get away again! Whether or not we beat Twilight, Discord must be eliminated!"

No Discord, means no stone sentence. she thought.

Their reign of terror from then on out was about what was expected actually. Cozy laid siege to the Canterlot throne room directly, Tirek once again decimated the pillars, and Chrysalis wrapped Starlight in a nice warm moist cocoon.

The three united in the throne room, and took Twilight Sparkle captive. They were so close to victory, that Cozy forgot why their plan didn't work, that was until it hit them like a rock. Literally. Sure, Twilight escaped, but who is the princess of friendship without her friends?

Today felt too similar to Cozy's vision of the future. Despite her extra warnings of Discord's deception in the catacombs, Tirek was still tricked into shooting a blast that freed Twilight's friends, and allowed them to escape as expected.

Discord was locked up extra tight, but even upon taking extra precaution to make sure he was out of their way, there was that sinking feeling nothing they did would be enough.

In the ruined throne room, the legion may have had control of the land, but chill of the Windigos persisted.

Cozy Glow was cold, and she wrapped herself in a yellow blanket, while Tirek and Chrysalis argued about what to do about the Windigos. Cozy meanwhile let her mind wander.

So far, today's events played out almost exactly as she saw when she gazed into the future. She couldn't even stop Rarity from throwing that boulder, or stop Tirek from accidentally freeing Twilight's friends.

Even though it seemed like they already won, the land would be so much nicer if it wasn't for these darn Windigoes!

But now Cozy began to ask why.

Why are there Windigos? Is this really the worst friendship problem in Equestria since the three tribes? Have these ponies never had an election? Is Windogo magic constantly omnipresent and just waiting for discord and arguments to arise from ponies? What kind of sense does that make? she wondered.

Cozy looked to the vista, and there they were! Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Twilight Sparkle! she exclaimed internally.

Now it came down to the wire. It was do or die. The final battle she knew would result in their end was coming up. If there was anything she could do to change the future, she had to do it now.

M-maybe they won't even notice them coming. Cozy thought. Maybe there's time to sneak away and-

But no, the other two were about to notice too.

"Twilight Sparkle!?" Tirek cried out.

"There she is!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"Heh. She's a fool for returning to us." Tirek said.

"We'll make sure she screams in agony!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "Right Cozy?"

"Cozy?" Tirek asked.

No matter what we do, their friendship is just going to prevail! Unless... Cozy thought. She had something on her mind, so ultimately, she spat it out.

"...On second thought, let's not attack Twilight." Cozy said.

"WHAT?!" they both exclaimed.

To their astonishment, Cozy's plan, was a non plan!

"Well, if we do not approach, she's on her way here. What do we do about her?" Chrysalis asked.

"I d-don't know..." Cozy said.

The future she saw was so far coming true. Any alternative ideas she had to change the outcome were unproven, and was risky. This was reality, and she only got one shot to change the future.

"Uh... Discord!" Cozy shouted.

"What about him?" Chrysalis asked.

"He's already taken care of!" Tirek said.

"No he isn't! We need to actually eliminate him." Cozy said. Even if we don't win, Discord can't turn us to stone if he isn't around. Surely whatever Celestia and Luna will have in mind can't be as bad right?

"Forget him! Twilight is down there right now! Let's get her!" Chrysalis demanded.

"NO!" Cozy shouted back.

"Why are you misleading us, Cozy Glow?!" Chrysalis asked.

"I can't tell you! It's bad enough that I know!" Cozy replied.

"Know what? What kind of secrets are you keeping from us?!" Chrysalis asked.

"Several. But trust me, none of them would be to your interest." Cozy said.

"Come on, no secrets between us." Tirek said. "No hiding anything that could lead to treachery between us."

"I said, NO!" Cozy exclaimed.

*HISS* Chrysalis hissed at her.

"Fine! I'll say it!" she gave in.

Cozy stood on the throne, and spoke to the two of them below her.

"We can't attack Twilight Sparkle because if we do, we're going to lose!" Cozy exclaimed, flapping her wings excessively.

The news created awkward silence in the roofless throne room.

"Our failure rate is 100% guaranteed." Cozy saddened. "It doesn't matter what we do! If we fight Twilight Sparkle, the magic of friendship will prevail, and we'll lose, and we'll suffer a terrible fate!"

Despite Cozy's passionate warning, not everyone was convinced.

"I'm not convinced. You likely just had a bad dream." Chrysalis said.

Cozy was starting to get impatient with them. But not everyone was convinced regardless.

"It wasn't! I swear, it felt so real!" Cozy cried out.

"I've had enough of this superstition!" Chrysalis snarled.

"It's not a superstition! It's warning! Think about it, how many times has Twilight saved the day? HOW IS THIS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT!?"

"Because we're..." Tirek said.

But the two thought about it, they realized she had a point. Twilight Sparkle never truly loses. What made them so special that they had any chance of winning?

"I saw the future... the three of us, we lose to Twilight Sparkle!" Cozy said again.

"With that attitude, you will." Tirek said.

Chrysalis thought hard about how to best assure their victory. And being the ruthless queen she is, she came up with an unsavory idea.

"Maybe the reason we lose in your vision... is because we've spread our magic reservoir too thin." Chrysalis said, glaring at the filly.

"What are you getting at?" Cozy asked.

"If you're not going to help us, then you're against us!" Chrysalis said.

"You wouldn't dare!" Cozy exclaimed.

Chrysalis held the bell, aimed at Cozy, but Cozy *smack* flipped over and kicked the bell out of her grasp, and to the corner of the throne room.

Chrysalis quickly snarled and dashed for the bell, and Cozy

They both grabbed the bell and tugged on it.

"Gimmie!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"NO!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy and Chrysalis kicked, and fought for the bell.


But they continued to fight. Chrysalis used some magic on Cozy's head, but she lit up her horn and flicked it away.

"STOP IT!" Cozy cried.


Chrysalis... zapped Cozy. She was too shocked to retaliate.

Chrysalis swiped the bell and pointed it at Cozy. Her lit lit up, and without hesitation, she activated the bell.


Chrysalis rang the bell, and it zapped Cozy Glow, and started to drain her of her magic. The massive beam latched onto Cozy, and sucked all the magic from her.


Cozy fell to the ground, weak, and powerless. Horn gone, and wings downsized.

"Dividing Grogar's magic into three was never going to work. But once I possess two thirds of Grogar's power, Twilight Sparkle won't stand a chance!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"You should split it evenly!" Tirek said. "Each of should get half of Grogar's power."

"As if!" Chrysalis snarled. "With her gone, there's no debate over who's the best!"

"No more arguing! The only reason I'm not about to rip you to shreds, for what you just did, is because killing each other isn't going to make us win" Tirek said.

*ugh* "Fine! Let's clean up Twilight and her friends before they have a chance." Chrysalis said.

Chrysalis and Tirek were ready for battle, and were about to leave Cozy alone.

"Don't go!" Cozy pleaded. *cough* "When Twilight wins... Discord's gonna put us all in stone! We'll be subject to an eternity of suspended animation. We'll have nothing!" she cried.

Chrysalis put her face against the crying filly, and showed no sympathy for her.

"You'll have nothing regardless." Chrysalis said.

"Please, even if I escape, I have nowhere to go now..." Cozy said.

"Then you should have picked a side." Chrysalis said. "What could you possibly have had to gain by lying to us?" she asked.

"I don't have anything to gain! I'm just taking precaution! I... *sob* I just don't want to lose you guys..." Cozy wept.

"Well, I'm willing to take the chance." Chrysalis said, cold, and stern.

Tirek put his hand to Chrysalis. Cozy's sad eyes were impossible to ignore.

"If you're so concerned about losing, we'll let you sit this out, and come back for you. But my point still stands, we're handling this ourselves." Chrysalis said.

"You're missing the whole point. What if you don't come back?" Cozy asked.

"Let's see Twilight Sparkle handle THIS!" Chrysalis pointed the bell at herself, with the intent to absorb the portion of Grogar magic she stole from Cozy.


But what resulted was nothing short of...

"Chrysalis you're..." Tirek said.

"I'm cosmically proportioned!" Chaos Chrysalis exclaimed. "And now I shall squish Twilight myself!"


But even the queen of changelings, was unable properly utilize Discord's chaos magic.

Streamers and balloons appeared from her magic shots.

"NOOOOO!" Chrysalis exclaimed.


Tirek used the bell to turn Chrysalis back into her normal Ultimate Chrysalis form.

"Why did that happen again?" she asked.

"We can't absorb the magic, remember? Discord's chaos magic-" Tirek replied.

"But, I just put Cozy's portion of Grogar's magic into here! Now we can't use it?! Or any of the alicorn magic?!" Chrysalis asked, agitated.

"Yes. It would appear to be that way." Tirek answered.

"AAAAAAHH!" Chrysalis screamed


Chrysalis was fed up with these arbitrary constraints, so pointed the bell upward, and a massive plume of magic expelled upwards. When it was done, the bell stopped glowing.

"What did you just do?" Tirek asked.

"I ejected that Dipcord's chaos magic! No more bottle necks! No more blockades! All the magic in this bell is now mine!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"And mine too, right?" Tirek asked.

"Keep telling yourself that." Chrysalis replied. "Well, Twilight Sparkle isn't dying any faster than any pony else. Let's go down there and fix that."

Chrysalis was about to head down, but Tirek looked at Ultimate Chrysalis, and the weak Cozy Glow, panting on the ground, then at his muscles. Is all the strength in the world worth it?

"Fine, I'll revitalize her." Chrysalis said.

Chrysalis tried to ring the bell again, but its magic luster seemed to have come and gone.

"Uh oh..." Chrysalis said.

"Now what?" Tirek asked.

"It appears I ejected all of our magic..." Chrysalis said.

"Including the alicorn magic?" Tirek said.

"I just said, ALL THE MAGIC!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"Well, why'd you do that?!" Tirek argued.

"Because I was TRYING to actually use the stupid magic we've acquired!" Chrysalis exclaimed, frustrated.

"Well great! Thanks to your reckless handling of the bell, we're no stronger than we were before, and we're out one of our own!" Tirek scolded.

"AAHHH!" Chrysalis screamed in frustration. "We just gave away all the magic we worked so hard to collect!"

"YOU just gave away all the magic we worked so hard to collect!" Tirek corrected her.

"Shut up!" Chrysalis yelled.

"No, you shut up!" Tirek argued.

Little weak Cozy Glow watched as they argued with each other. She pressed her hooves against her face to suppress the tears. All she wanted to do was save her friends (and you know, defeat Twilight of course), but even with the warning of their terrible fate, and extra precautionary measures to prevent it, all she did was tear a rift in their group. So much for that improved plan. Perhaps ignorance was bliss all along. Could things get any worse?


Suddenly Discord appeared in the throne room.

"Uh oh..." Tirek and Chrysalis said simultaneously.

"I must thank you guys dearly for returning my magic to me." Discord said. "I take it you never came to grips with the power of chaos magic."

"We had to eject it! Having your stupid chaos magic made any other magic we collected impossible to use for ourselves!" Tirek said.

"Hmm. Say, Tirek. Did you ever think to lend my chaos magic to another creature, and then use your natural magic sucking ability to absorb said chaos magic? You already proved you could do that with no issues."

"Oh shoot, he's right. Why didn't we think of that?" Tirek said.

"Before, I wanted Twilight to defeat you and have a satisfying end, but this has gone way out of hand, so I'm just going to clean up my own mess." Discord said. "Your little antics end right here."

Tirek and Chrysalis gritted their teeth, and struck poses, about to throw down and fight Discord. Cozy panicked, thinking their demise would come even quicker!

"No! Stop! Don't turn them into stone!" Cozy pleaded.

"Turn them into stone? Great idea!" Discord exclaimed.

"NO!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy Glow flew up and whacked Discord's face.


"Get out of my face, you brat!" Discord exclaimed.

"Leave us alone you snake!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy Glow tried to fight against Discord, but without any magic, it was an uneven fight.

Discord took his bear paw and pinned Cozy against the wall, clenching her body in his talons. His talon was frizzling with lightning, as his spell activated.

"STOP! I'm just a..." Cozy tried to say.

"You're a lying and conniving villain whose actions have brought great disaster to the land." Discord said.

"It takes one, to know one..." Cozy said, muffled, right as the rest of her turned to stone.

But in spite of the sarcastic nature of such a comment, it made Discord realize, that he basically described himself. Not to mention, Discord had only just noticed now that her horn and neck piece were gone. Instead of throwing down with a powerful alicorn, he'd actually just stoned a filly with his bare claws, suddenly triggering an existential crisis.

"W-who's the villain?" Discord asked to himself.

Suddenly, he started feeling lightheaded, and faint. Behind him, Tirek was absorbing his magic through his mouth.

"Like you said, Discord. Absorb the magic from the source." Tirek said.


Tirek ate Discord's chaos magic, and left him drained.

"Please, have mercy!" Discord pleaded. "We're all on the same boat. Wanna call a villains truce?"

"I don't think you have any place pretending to hand out trust." Tirek said.

"You've lied countless times, and broken even more bonds. Now it's time to break you." Chrysalis said.

"It's not too late! I can show you the ropes of redemption! I-" Discord said.

"Yeah, because you've really proven yourself to be a great friend!" Tirek exclaimed.

Tirek picked up Discord and clenched him in his hands. Tirek reeled back, and chucked the draconequus out the window. Tirek strategically aimed and blasted Discord from out of the air.


Discord was finally out of their way, but his damage was done.

"Cozy Glow..." Tirek said.

Cozy Glow had been turned to stone by Discord. In a cruel twist of irony, by trying to save them all from being turned to stone, she was the only one in stone, and much earlier than expected.

Tirek took the yellow blanket Cozy had used to keep herself warm, and laid it over Cozy's stone body.


But it wasn't over yet. Twilight and her friends could still be seen out on the vista.

"They're still coming." Chrysalis said.

"If we run, then Cozy's loss is for nothing." Tirek said.

"Then let's fight to the end. Perhaps to win, we'll have to fight a little dirtier. If you get close enough to Twilight, go for the neck." Chrysalis said.

The Mane 6 and Spike were walking through the chilly baron fields of Ponyville, as they headed to the ruined Canterlot.

"Canterlot... What a mess..." Twilight said.

"Don't you think they would have seen us by now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What's takin' 'em so long?" Applejack asked.

"Conquest is just a big game of dibs. You sit on the throne and call dibs, then you basically win. That's what Sombra did with the Crystal Empire." Pinkie said. "They already won, why would they come down here?"

But no sooner than now, suddenly, a portal opened.

Tirek and Chrysalis walked through. Tirek was carrying something wrapped in a yellow blanket around it.

*plunk* Tirek dropped the blanketed object onto the ground, and it made a loud sound.

"Uh... what is that?" Twilight asked.

"Just a little good luck charm, to help us through the fight." Tirek replied.

"You and your so called friendship regime comes to an end right now, Twilight Sparkle." Chrysalis said.

But the mane 6 and Spike were not deterred. It was seven against two,

They came charging against each other at full speed and-

One epic battle later:


Tirek and Chrysalis were blasted by the united Rainbow power of everypony in Equestria.

Their powers were drained, and the bell seemed to be deactivated. But wait, Discord and his magic were nowhere to be seen. They were in the clear! No Discord, and no Elements of Harmony means no stone! Right?

"Isn't this what Cozy described?" Tirek asked.

"YOU THINK YOU'VE WON, TWILIGHT SPARKLE, BUT WE'LL BE BACK! WE'll-" Chrysalis ranted, when all of the sudden.


Like clockwork, a giant cupcake came falling down on the two. How you ask? This time it was the conjuring of Celestia.

"Excellent idea, Pinkie Pie." Celestia said.

"Thanks. I would'a done it myself if I somehow had the ability." Pinkie said.

Tirek and Chrysalis clumsily popped out of the cupcake. Celestia and Luna confronted the two.

"There isn't a punishment worthy enough for you!" Celestia said.

"Well, now that Discord's not here, maybe we won't be-" Tirek said.

"If you don't mind, Princess." Sandbar said.

"We have an idea." Gallus said.

Yona and Smolder whispered into their ears their totally original idea.

"Hmm, that does seem fitting." Luna said.

The student six all held the six items from Twilight's school. They handed them off to the princesses, and the items started to glow.

"Oh you have got to be kidding!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

The six items were similar enough to the elements of harmony that they similar abilities. Including the ability to, you know.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wielded the six items, and zapped the two baddies.


The cupcake exploded, and just like that other timeline, Tirek and Chrysalis turned to stone, in similar but not identical poses. It didn't seem to matter who or how, but fate had given them the same outcome they were warned of, and tried so hard to avoid.

"How long do you suppose we leave them in here, sister?" Luna asked.

"That won't be our call." Celestia said. "That'll be decided by Equestria's new ruler."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia." Twilight said, graciously.

So that's it, right? All three of them had been turned to stone, and the bell was drained of magic. In a cruel turn of events, Cozy was unsuccessful in changing the future, and preventing this unfortunate outcome. It still happened, slightly differently, but it happened regardless. But hey, that's fate for ya. Can't change the future...





Quick headcount. Err... magic count. When Chrysalis ejected all that magic earlier, she ejected Discord's chaos magic, but also Celestia and Luna's magic. So where did that one third of Grogar's magic she snatched from Cozy Glow go? All the other magic went to their rightful owners. But there is no more Grogar, so that magic's rightful owner was...

"...Well, I'd call this a job well done!" Twilight said.

"But wait. Whatever happened to Cozy Glow?" Applejack asked.

"She also attacked us in the throne room, but she was strangely absent from this encounter." Rarity added.

"Isn't that a little suspect to any pony?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nah. She probably flew home to... wherever it is she's from." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, but then what is that?" Starlight asked.

Everypony turned their attention to that yellow blanket Tirek brought to the scene. Somehow it laid undisturbed through all of this, protecting whatever it was wrapped around.

Twilight slowly approached it, with max caution. Twilight delicately used her magic to touch the blanket, and slowly lifted, revealing underneath was...


"Hmm?" Twilight turned around, and behind her was-

"AAAAAAHHHH!" Twilight screamed.

Author's Note:

Discord is okay.